Maximize Your B2B Social Media Presence: Best Tips & Tricks

Say goodbye to the days of playing the social media guessing game - it's time to up your B2B efforts and start seeing real results!

Here, we'll take you on a journey through the essential steps of creating a B2B social media strategy that's sure to hit the sweet spot.

a cover image for B2B social media strategy blog with an illustration showing the social media platforms logos together

We'll teach you how to identify your ideal customers, set achievable goals, choose the right platforms, and engage your followers in a way that'll have them coming back for seconds.

So put on your thinking cap and get ready to take notes because this blog is jam-packed with tips and tactics for your social media success.

What is B2B Social Media Marketing?

B2B social media strategy refers to the measures a business takes to promote its products or services to other businesses through social media platforms.

This can include creating and sharing relevant content, engaging with followers and potential customers, and analyzing and optimizing efforts to achieve specific goals.

The importance of a solid B2B social media strategy cannot be overstated - in fact, according to a global report by DataReportal, 59% of the world's population uses social media.

In 2022, social media usage averaged 2 hours and 29 minutes per day.

There lies tons of B2B opportunities for your industry.

However, simply having a presence on social media isn't enough.

You also need to have a clear plan in place to reach and engage with your target audience effectively.

This includes identifying your ideal customer profile, understanding their needs and pain points, and creating content that speaks to those needs and addresses their concerns.

By following a structured B2B social media strategy, businesses can increase brand awareness, generate high-quality leads, and drive sales.

And who doesn't want a slice of that pie?

How to Crush It on Social: A B2B Marketer's Guide to Best Strategy

Get ready to up your B2B social media game with these top-notch tips and tactics!

We've rounded up the best practices to help you connect with your target audience and hit the bullseye every time.

So go ahead, get creative and give these a try - you’ll thank yourself later.

1. Find Your Niche & Set KPIs

First thing first, identify your target audience and define your objectives!

Take a close look at where your potential customers are most likely to see you.

In 2022, the average person bounced between seven different social networks per month, making it even more crucial to know your target audience preference.

a Salesforce Instagram post showing a girl and a boy confused and a text that says "POV: it's your first networking after 3 years" and the Instagram caption and the comments

Of course, it's always good to have accounts on all the major social platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), but there comes a time when you need to choose one or two to focus on more and make them shine (more on this below).

There is always time to repurpose the same content for other mediums as well.

the Slack Youtube channel with the tops videos and their thumbnails

But don't forget – it's not just about choosing the right platform; it's also about setting achievable goals.

Consider your potential and the big picture, and set KPIs accordingly.

Don't aim too high or too low – you want to hit that sweet spot where you're stretching yourself but not setting yourself up for failure.

Monitor KPIs such as response time, impressions, engagement rate, and conversions to identify content that works.

Just like the old saying goes, “Shoot for the moon, but at least hit the stars.”

2. Set a Unique Voice for Your Brand

Connect with your audience on a deeper level.

This means not only consistently portraying your brand's personality but also letting your human side shine through.

Avoid falling into the trap of robotic, boring content - instead, create a meaningful connection with your audience through emotions.

Use trigger words in your content and hook your followers on the spot.

A recent Forbes article stated that emotional attachment accounted for 43% of business value.

Apparently, people shop their hearts out.

a Shep Hyker qoute

So don't be afraid to let your brand's personality come through in your messaging.

Remember, it's not just what you say, but how you say it.

Go ahead and let your brand's voice be heard and see how it can boost awareness, engagement, and a loyal customer base.

3. Choose Social Platforms Best for B2B Marketing

Conduct in-depth market research and see where your target audience spends most of their online time.

You want to be where the rubber meets the road.

LinkedIn, for instance, is more than just a social media platform for connecting with old colleagues and classmates.

a LinkedIn B2B Potential stats

With 63 million professionals, LinkedIn is a goldmine for B2B brands looking to reach decision-makers, influencers, and industry leaders.

On the other hand, TikTok may be known for its Gen Z users, but don't sleep on this platform!

Businesses of all sizes are finding success on TikTok by getting creative and reaching a whole new audience.

a Statista chart showing the number of TikTok users worldwide

Sure, Facebook may seem like it's just for your grandma now, but with roughly 2.96 billion monthly active users ranging from ages 13 to 65+, it's still a valuable platform.

a Shopify post on Facebook

Not to mention Instagram.

This platform may be all about the #selfie and #influencer content.

Still, with over 1 billion monthly active users (according to Statista), it's also a valuable platform for you to showcase your products and engage with other businesses to drive sales.

Don't forget about Youbute and the power of video marketing though!

So do your homework first, and weigh your options before jumping into the social media game.

Avoid just blindly following the crowd; make sure you're hitting the right platforms and targeting the right audience.

And as always, don't put all your eggs in one basket - diversify and conquer!

4. Keep Your Finger on the Pulse of the Latest Trends

“With a new day comes a new chance to go viral on social media.”

Okay, so that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it's certainly true that staying up-to-date with the latest social media trends can help B2B businesses stay relevant.

aqoute from Brian Solis

Just look at how other brands like Shopify or Salesforce are now using the latest features like Instagram Reels and Twitter Communities, to create trendy content and connect with other e-commerce businesses.


Talk about killing two birds with one stone! - Mailchimp and Intuit definitely hit the mark with their collaboration to help small non-profits.

Not only did they tap into the trendy topic of social responsibility, but they also created engaging, relevant content that resonated with their audiences.

By combining forces and focusing on a cause that matters to both of their brands, they were able to create a win-win situation that benefited everyone involved.

As a B2B business, you don't want to be left in the dust while your competitors are embracing the latest social media trends.

So don't be afraid to shake things up and try something new – it just might be the key to unlocking a whole new level of success on social media.

5. Put a Face to the Name

Give Your Followers a Behind-the-Scenes Look

Who says bloopers can't be just as good as the real thing?

Sometimes, giving your followers a behind-the-scenes look at your business can be just as engaging as a polished & well-crafted post.

Not only does this type of content provide a bit of levity and relatability, but it can also help to humanize your brand and build trust.

The Popupsmart TikTok account showing the different videos shared there featuring different team members

But it's not just about the fun – other brands love to see how you handle your services and what technology you use.

By giving them a sneak peek into your operations, you can show them that you're transparent and have nothing to hide.

Plus, putting a face to your brand helps other businesses feel like they know your team, making it easier for them to approach you and build connections.

So feel free to give your followers a glimpse behind the curtain.

6. Keep an Eye on Your Competitors' Social

"Keep an ear to the ground." - This phrase definitely rings true when it comes to monitoring your competitors' social media strategy.

By keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing, you can identify where they are lacking and use that information to your advantage.

For example, if they're not utilizing the trends and special dates to connect with their audience, you can jump in and fill that gap.

Or, if they're lacking in the creativity department, you can use your wit and humor to set your brand apart.

By staying on top of your competitor's social media activity, you can find the gaps in their strategy and boost your own plan to take advantage of their shortcomings.

So go ahead and give your competitors a little social media surveillance - it's all in the name of staying ahead of the game!

7. Build Your Own Circle - Take Community Management Seriously

Another great way to boost your B2B social media strategy is to build your community.

a screenshot of a Shopify community on Twitter showing the Shopify logo

Not only is it important to respond to comments and direct messages in a timely and professional manner, but it's also a great opportunity to make connections with other brands and even collaborate.

In fact, customers tend to purchase from a brand that engages with them on social media more frequently.

Take notes from Hubspot:

Hubspot account replying toa comment on LinkedIn

So why not take advantage of this opportunity to boost your brand awareness and build your own network, and form partnerships?

It might open a whole new world to you.

8. Keep a Steady Hand - Don’t Let Go Easily

While working on your B2B social media strategy, just remember that Rome wasn't built in a day.

Building a strong presence on social media takes time and effort, and consistency is key.

If you're not consistently posting valuable content, it's easy for your followers to forget about you - and let's face it, there are plenty of other options for them to follow.

That's why it's important to have a content calendar and segment your audience to ensure that you keep providing relevant content.

You can research your followers' demographic, geographic, psychograph, and behavioral segmentation to decide the best time to post.

You can also use tools to automate your social media posts and later A/B the timing to find the "golden hour" when you get the most engagement.

9. Highlight Your Happy Customers' Reviews

Social proof works, and when it comes to B2B marketing they can be a game changer.

Your happy customers are some of the best advocates for your brand.

Coursera sharinf a tweet from a stident as a social proofon Instagram

See how Coursera uses a tweet from a happy student to share her story and experience on Instagram.

This simple act builds trust and credibility with your potential customers.

Instead of just focusing on self-promotion, try using your platforms to amplify the voices of your satisfied customers.

After all, "actions speak louder than words," and potential customers are often more impressed by the experiences of others than by your own promotions.

10. Avoid the Boring Content Void

Nobody wants to follow a social media account that consistently posts dull, repetitive content - it's just not worth their time.

But fear not! B2B social media marketing doesn't have to be a snooze fest.

In fact, it can be quite the opposite if you think outside the box.

Remember, the people working for other companies are still human (robots are a long way from replacing us) and they appreciate a little bit of creativity.

So don't be afraid to show your personality and have some fun with your content.

One way to avoid boring content is to take inspiration from the challenges and daily struggles that you face in your work.

By sharing relatable content, you can create a sense of connection with your audience and encourage engagement.

And if all else fails, just remember that a little bit of humor goes a long way.

So go ahead and inject some personality into your B2B social media strategy - your followers will definitely appreciate it.

B2B Social Media Key Takeaways

Don't forget to consider these points while planning your B2B social media strategy! - it's important to keep them in mind as you develop your plan.

Use automation to schedule posts: Using some tools like Hootsuite and Buffer can help you schedule and publish posts in advance, freeing up time for other tasks.

Collaborate with other brands: Joining forces with other businesses can help expand your reach and tap into a new audience.

Create a social responsibility mission: Consumers are more likely to buy from brands that align with their values, so consider incorporating social responsibility into your marketing strategy.

Utilize analytics: Use tools like Hootsuite and Buffer to track the performance of your social media activity and make data-driven decisions.

Post at optimal times: A/B test the timing of your posts to determine the best time to get the most engagement.

Use hashtags: Hashtags can help increase the visibility of your posts and make it easier for users to find your content.

Utilize visual content: Posts with images and videos tend to perform better on social media, so make sure to incorporate visual elements into your content strategy.

Create a content calendar: Planning out your content in advance can help ensure that you're posting consistently and on-brand.

Engage with your followers: Liking and commenting on other users' content can help increase your visibility and build relationships with your audience.

Run social media ads: Advertising on social media can help you target specific audiences and increase the reach of your posts.

Use social media to generate leads: By sharing valuable content and connecting with potential clients on platforms like LinkedIn, you can use social media to generate leads for your business.

Mix things up: Avoid posting the same type of content over and over again. Mix things up and try new formats, like videos or live streams.

Encourage user-generated content: Encourage your followers to share their own content related to your brand, like photos or reviews.

Monitor your online reputation: Use tools like Google Alerts to keep track of mentions of your brand online and address any negative feedback promptly.

Why Should You Have a B2B Social Media Strategy?

If you've made it all the way to the end of this blog, chances are you already know the importance of having a solid B2B social media strategy.

But just in case you need a refresher, here are five key benefits of having a well-planned strategy for your B2B social platforms:

Increased Brand Awareness

By regularly posting valuable content and engaging with your followers, you can establish a strong online presence and increase awareness of your brand.

Wider Audience Reach

Social media allows you to reach a larger, more diverse audience, giving you the opportunity to connect with potential clients beyond your current network.

Lead Generation

By sharing valuable content and connecting with potential clients on platforms like LinkedIn, you can use social media to generate leads for your business.

Improved Customer Relations

Social media allows you to build relationships with your clients and provide timely, personalized customer service.

Competitive Edge

By staying active on social media and consistently posting good content, you can stay top-of-mind with your target audience and stay ahead of the competition.

hands typing on a laptop with a coffee mug and books on the table around it

All in all, investing in your B2B social media strategy is a no-brainer.

Don't miss out on the numerous benefits it can bring to your business - start planning your social media strategy today!

To Sum It Up

With these tricks up your sleeve, your social media marketing efforts are sure to see an uptick.

Just keep in mind that the key to success is to find the right balance and cater to your target audience.

Think of it as a recipe for success - just add a dash of these tips, a pinch of creativity, and voila! You'll be cooking up a storm in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions

wordplay pieces shaping the word "Questions"

What are the Best Social Media Platforms for B2B Marketing?

It vary depending on your industry and target audience. LinkedIn is typically seen as the most effective platform for B2B social media marketing. However, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram can also be effective.

How Can I Use Social Media to Generate Leads for My B2B Business?

You can start creating and sharing valuable content, using LinkedIn groups to connect with potential clients, and using social media advertising to target specific groups.

How Often Should I Post on Social Media for My B2B Brand?

It depends on the platform and the goals of your campaign. Its best to post on LinkedIn at least once per week, while posting on Twitter and Facebook 2-3 times per week will do.

Can Social Media Be Used for Customer Service in a B2B Context?

Yes, social media can be an effective channel for customer service in a B2B context. In fact, 60% of B2B customers expect brands to offer customer service through social media.

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