Popupsmart vs Hellobar

Hello Bar Alternative: Popupsmart

Both Popupsmart and Hello Bar are designed to convert more visitors into customers. However, one is more affordable and provides more features and solutions in one place. Which one is it? We have made an honest comparison below to help you decide.



Reasonable Prices

Popupsmart charges $39 for 100.000 page-views, unlimited websites, and unlimited popups. Plus, it includes all the advanced display and targeting features.
Hello Bar charges $29 for 50.000, unlimited popups, and 3 websites. Users get half page-views and limited domain options for the similar price. Also, this plan excludes certain design features.

No Branding on Popups

All popups created with Popupsmart are free of branding. Whether you have a free plan or price plan, you can display popups without worrying about ad branding.
Users need to purchase a price plan to take the HB logo off their popups which is very inconvenient.

Teaser Popup Feature

Popupsmart’s teaser feature allows site owners to show popups without annoying visitors. It is like a mini representation of the main popup that opens up when clicked.
Unfortunately, Hello Bar does not have a teaser popup feature. In this respect, Popupsmart has the upper hand in a better user experience.

No Overage Charges

There are no surprising costs with Popupsmart. Also, you can get a refund for the remaining days of your premium plan.
In Hello Bar, all plans that exceed the monthly page-views are subject to overage charges. For the Elite plan, for every 100,000 views, you exceed your 500,000 view limit, they will bill you $5 on top of your monthly or yearly subscription fee.

Advanced Targeting Options

Popupsmart allows you to target the right audience at the right time with advanced targeting features, display options, and scheduling.
Hello Bar has targeting opinions, but there are fewer options than Popupsmart. Also, most features are only available for premium plans.

Popupsmart vs Hello Bar


  • Pricing
  • $39 for 100.000 Page Views
  • $29 for 50.000 Page Views
  • Free Plan
  • Unlimited Popup Campaign
  • Unlimited Websites
  • 30 Day No Reason Cancelization
  • No Badge Ad on Free Plan


  • Announcement Popups
  • Email Collection Popups
  • Coupon Popups
  • Cookie Consent Popups
  • Recommendation Popups
  • Abandonment Cart Reminder Popups
  • Phone Call Campaigns
  • Gamification Popups

Design and Creation

  • 5 Minute Popup Campaign Creation
  • +50 Popup Designs
  • Advanced Form Builder
  • GDPR Ready
  • Success Popup Feature
  • Teaser Popup Feature
  • Custom CSS
  • Custom Fonts
  • Display Effects
  • Email Notifications


  • Geo Location Targeting
  • After X Seconds
  • On Exit-Intent
  • On Exit-Intent on mobile
  • In Activity Sensor
  • After Scrolling Down
  • Browsing Spesific Pages
  • New vs Returning
  • Traffic Sources (Facebook, Instagram, Adwords)
  • Cookie Targeting
  • HTML Source Targeting
  • Campaign Scheduling
  • Operational System
  • Browser Language
  • On-Click Targeting
  • Popup Frequency Settings


  • Mailchimp
  • Mailerlite
  • Sendgrid
  • Sendloop
  • Hubspot
  • Salesforce
  • Webhook
  • Sendinblue
  • Zapier
  • Email Marketing & CRMs (via zapier)
  • Website Builders & CMSs
  • eCommerce Platforms


  • Live Conversion Analytics
  • Google Analytics Event Integration

Support & Security and SEO

  • E-Mail Support
  • Priority Customer Support
  • Dedicated Success Manager
  • %99.99 Uptime
  • GDPR Complaint
  • SEO and Google Compliance


Hello Bar has few direct integrations with email marketing services and CRM, CMS, and web platforms other than as a plugin to WordPress and installation to fewer platforms. Popupsmart, on the other hand, can seamlessly integrate with a lot of email marketing providers, along with CMS, CRM, and web platforms including WordPress.

No. Popupsmart does not require plugin installation to operate on a WordPress site while Hello Bar works as a plugin for WordPress. Plugins are not always reliable which poses a risk for your website performance. All you need to do is to paste the provided embed code to your website’s template file to run Popupsmart and display smart popups.

While Hello Bar has basic designing features that you can find in any other tool such as changing the font, color, image of the popup, Popupsmart enables custom fonts, custom CSS, and effects along with the standard design features to let you further personalize your popups.

UX is a critical determiner when growing your website. That’s why you should prefer a popup tool that supports UX performance. Both popup builders’ popups are compliant with Google and GDPR. However, Popupsmart has a teaser popup feature which is one of the most UX-friendly popup types that allows visitors to open the main popup on click.

Hello Bar does not provide phone call popups whereas increasing phone call traffic is one of Popupsmart’s success-driven campaign goals. With Popupsmart, you can enable phone calls, offer a ‘call me back’ chance, and boost your website engagement and conversions.

With Popupsmart, you can create video popups to drive more engagements and promote your products while Hello Bar does not have a video popup option. You can use Popupsmart to add video popups to your site, attract more customers, and increase revenue.

You can create a law-compliant cookie consent popup and get rid of heavy fines with Popupsmart’s “comply cookie laws” campaign goal. Also, you can enable consent withdrawal to build even stronger trust with your customers. Hello Bar does not provide cookie consent popups.

Differently from Hello Bar, Popupsmart prevents potential customers from leaving their carts without completing purchases with exit-intent technology. Exit-intent triggers the popup when a visitor goes to leave your website. You can win them back with a special offer made on an attractive popup.

Popupsmart’s price plans start at $39 for 100.000 page-views, unlimited popups, and unlimited websites whereas Hello Bar provides half the page-views of Popupsmart and excludes most features for the same cost. Also, Popupsmart has more targeting features, more popup types, and more campaign solutions to ensure you reach your business objectives.

Definitely, Popupsmart! Popupsmart has light popups, sidebar popups, full-screen, tab, and floating bar popups. You can create success popups, wheel popups, video popups, and more. You can always arrange popups’ on-screen position. Hello Bar, on the other hand, has modal, bar, slider, alert bell, and full-screen popup types.

5 Best Hello Bar Alternatives 2023

hellobar alternative

Hello Bar is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create call-to-action banners on your website. It's an effective tool for converting casual visitors into customers or blog subscribers, even if you're just getting started with lead generation. Hello Bar has been around since 2012 and it's still one of the most popular ways to increase conversions on WordPress sites. But what are the alternatives? There are quite a few, actually!

# 1. Popupsmart vs Hello Bar

popupsmart alternative

Popupsmart is a no-code tool to increase e-commerce sales, build email lists, and engage with your visitors in just 5 minutes. PopupSmart offers both free and paid options. Popupsmart offers flexibility through many templates and targeting options. It’s also very easy to use.

Pricing: Popupsmart charges $39 for 100.000 page-views, unlimited websites, and unlimited popups. Plus, it includes all the advanced display and targeting features. They do have almost 80% of the features on the free plan, and almost 90% of the features in the basic plan. So you won’t miss a lot even if when you use it for free.

Hello Bar charges $29 for 50.000, unlimited popups, and 3 websites. Users get half pageviews and limited domain options for the similar price. Also, this plan excludes certain design features. Both have free plans, yet Hello Bar’s free plan has a Hello Bar badge on the free plan. You have to pay to remove it.

Overage Charges: In Hello Bar, all plans that exceed the monthly page-views are subject to overage charges. For the Elite plan, for every 100,000 views, you exceed your 500,000 view limit, our system will bill you $5 on top of your monthly or yearly subscription fee.

Integrations: Hello Bar has few direct integrations with email marketing services and CRM, CMS, and web platforms other than as a plugin to WordPress and installation to fewer platforms.

Popupsmart, on the other hand, can seamlessly integrate with a lot of email marketing providers, along with CMS, CRM, and web platforms including WordPress.

# 2. Sleeknote vs Hello Bar

sleeknote alternative

Sleeknote's signature multi-step campaigns allow marketers to collect visitor information in multiple steps. With each step, they will be able to collect specific data such as email addresses and purchase histories.

Sleeknote could run well with content and eCommerce. But it’s not a good fit for other use cases. Poptin is easier to use for non-programmers and e-commerce marketers.

Pricing: Sleeknote does not have any free plan, they only offer a 7-day free trial and you have to subscribe to a plan if you want to continue using it. Their basic plan is 74 euro per month for 50,000 visitors/mo its equals around 150.000 pageviews. Hello Bar charges $29 for 50.000, unlimited popups, and 3 websites. Users get half pageviews and limited domain options for the same price. Also, this plan excludes certain design features.

General: Sleeknote offers more features than Hello Bar. Hello Bar is better than Sleeknote for sending & publishing communications with e-mail.

# 3. Poptin vs Hello Bar

poptin alternative

Poptin helps businesses increase their conversion rates with pop-ups and forms for websites. Pop-ups and forms allow businesses to gather contact information from site visitors, allowing them to easily communicate with potential customers.

Pricing: Poptin’s basic plan is $25 dollars per month and it allows 10.000 visitors, 1 domain, and unlimited popups. Hello Bar charges $29 for 50.000, unlimited popups, and 3 websites.

General: Poptin is easier and faster to use. It has 40+ fully responsive templates. Every plugin that you add to your site has some effect on your site speed. Hello Bar is also a plugin therefore it might lower your speed.

# 4. Icegram vs Hello Bar

icegram alternative

Icegram is also a WordPress plugin for onsite lead generation, calls to action, and conversion optimization. It comes with several useful features which make it easy to capture leads and convert them into sales.

Pricing: The pro plan of Icegram is $97 dollars per year and it has the 1 Site license and some other features that the free plan does not offer. There is also a lifetime offer for Icegram which is $249 dollars. Both have free plans, yet Hello Bar’s free plan has a Hello Bar badge on the free plan. You have to pay to remove it.

Speed: Plugins may cause websites to slow down. They require updates and may lower UX. Both are plugin that is compatible with WordPress.

# 5. Optimonk vs Hello Bar

optimonk alternative

OptiMonk is a conversion optimization tool that turns your traffic into sales. It allows you to create, personalize and launch popups, sidebars, notification bars, and fullscreen messages, without coding.

Pricing: OptiMonk offers a free plan like Hello Bar but the free plan is very limited. Its basic plan is 39 dollars per month with unlimited campaigns, 30.000 pageviews, and max. 1 domain.

Speed: Hello Bar is a plugin therefore it might slow your site down while OptiMonk does not cause any issue with speed. There are bars, modals, and sliders offered in Hello bar and they are easy-to-use and fully customizable. Hello Bar and OptiMonk both offer multiple integrations but OptiMonk offers more.