Optimonk Alternative: Popupsmart

Optimonk is a nice product, but its target audience is mostly technical people. Popupsmart is an effective product that everyone can use easily. We tried to make an honest comparison, have fun!



Affordable Prices

Popupsmart charges $39 for 100,000 page views. Also, the Forever free plan is free up to 5,000 page views.
Optimonk charges $39 for 30,000 page views. Considering the same page view, it demands 3 times the price of Popupsmart.

Suitability for Experts or Everyone

The simplicity of Popupsmart’s popup builder makes it suitable for any website owner. With its friendly UI, everyone from inexperienced to expert can create successful campaigns.
Both Popupsmart and Optimonk are powerful tools. But unlike Popupsmart, Optimonk is a tool that only experts can use efficiently.

Extra Costs & Limited Domains

Popupsmart has only page view based pricing. All features are open to users of all plans and unlimited domains can be added.
Optimonk charges a lot of essential features extra. So you have to make extra payments in addition to the plan you choose. At the same time, there is a domain limit that changes according to the plan. For this reason, if you have more than one domain address, you need to upgrade the plan.

Popup Onload Speed

The loading speed of popups created by Popupsmart is under 134ms. Remarkable performance improvements have been made that do not affect the opening speed of your website.
The loading speed of Optimonk is loaded with an average of 618ms. Almost 1 second slows down the opening speed of your website. If speed is also important to you, you should definitely consider this.

Compare Popupsmart vs Optimonk


  • Pricing per 100.000 Page views
  • $39
  • $99
  • Minimum Plan
  • Free Plan
  • No Badge Ads on Free Plan
  • Unlimited Popup Campaign
  • Unlimited Websites
  • 30 Day No Reason Cancelization


  • Announcement Popups
  • Email Collection Popups
  • Coupon Popups
  • Cookie Consent Popups
  • Recommendation Popups
  • Abandonment Cart Reminder Popups
  • Phone Call Campaigns
  • Gamification Popups

Design and Creation

  • 5 Minute Popup Campaign Creation
  • +50 Popup Designs
  • Advanced Form Builder
  • GDPR Ready
  • Success Popup Feature
  • Teaser Popup Feature
  • Custom CSS
  • Custom Fonts
  • Display Effects
  • Email Notifications


  • Geo Location Targeting
  • After X Seconds
  • On Exit-Intent
  • On Exit-Intent on mobile
  • In Activity Sensor
  • After Scrolling Down
  • Browsing Spesific Pages
  • New vs Returning
  • Traffic Sources (Facebook, Instagram, Adwords)
  • Cookie Targeting
  • HTML Source Targeting
  • Campaign Scheduling
  • Operational System
  • Browser Language
  • On-Click Targeting
  • Popup Frequency Settings


  • Mailchimp
  • Mailerlite
  • Sendgrid
  • Sendloop
  • Webhook
  • Sendinblue
  • Hubspot
  • Zapier
  • Email Marketing & CRMs (via zapier)
  • Website Builders & CMSs
  • eCommerce Platforms


  • Live Conversion Analytics
  • Google Analytics Event Integration

Support & Security and SEO

  • E-Mail Support
  • Priority Customer Support
  • Dedicated Success Manager
  • %99.99 Uptime
  • GDPR Complaint
  • SEO and Google Compliance


Popupsmart has a user-friendly interface that makes it easier for any website owner to effortlessly create successful popup campaigns. It is a no-code tool so users do not need to be developers to set up the tool. Optimonk, on the other hand, provides an efficient use for only experts.

While Popupsmart charges only $39 for 100,000 page-views, unlimited website, and unlimited popups, Optimonk charges the same price for only 30.000 page-views and 2 domains. Moreover, Optimonk excludes most of the crucial features. Therefore, Popupsmart is superior in cost-effectiveness.

No. Only Popupsmart has an unlimited domain feature for all priced plans. Optimonk, on the contrary, has limited domains in all priced plans. Optimonk’s essential plan has 2 domaisn ($39), its growth plan has max 4 domains ($99), and the premium plan has only 10 domains ($249). Considering these, Popupsmart would be the wiser choice for more features, less cost.

There are no branded popups in Popupsmart. All of our plans are free of ad texts whereas Optimonk brands their free, essential, and growth plans. Optimonk users need to purchase the premium plan ($39) for unbranded popups. Popupsmart offers a popup experience free of ads.

It is crucial to consider the onload speed before purchasing a tool. In that aspect, while Popupsmart’s popups load under 134ms, Optimonk’s popup loading time is 618ms. This almost 1-second difference can slow down the opening speed of your website. That’s why Popupsmart would be the wiser choice for your website’s performance.

Both popup builder tools have modern designs, but as a plus, Popupsmart has a teaser popup feature which is one of the most user-friendly popup features. The teaser is shown before the main popup. For example, a visitor can open the main popup if he/she wants to by clicking on the teaser popup. Optimonk does not have this feature.

Certainly! Although both tools have various targeting features, Popupsmart has differentiating targeting features as well. Unlike Optimonk, Popupsmart has advanced cookie targeting and HTML targeting features. With cookie targeting, you can display your popups only to registered users. HTML targeting allows you to display popups based on a targeted content’s specific element. You wouldn’t want to miss these features, right?

While Optimonk has only 3 solutions; sales increase, email list growth, and connection with visitors solutions, Popupsmart has 6 solutions to ensure its users reach their business goal in the fastest and most effective way. We offer email list growth, phone call increase, form submission collection, show Up Announcement, and cookie consent popup solutions.

Popupsmart’s free plan includes 5.000 page-views, 1 popup, and 1 website that you can keep forever. Additionally, Popupsmart’s popups do not have brand ads and users can access most of the crucial features. Optimonk’s free plan includes 1 domain, 3.000 page-view, and ad-branded popups. Free plan users of Optimonk cannot use most of the features.

Different than Optimonk, Popupsmart has more integration options, especially integrations with email marketing services. While Optimonk does not have integrations with Sendgrid, Sendloop, and Sendinblue, Popupsmart has these and more. Moreover, Popupsmart has an integration option with Zapier which makes even more integrations available.

5 Best OptiMonk Alternatives 2023

OptiMonk is a conversion optimization tool that turns your traffic into sales. It allows you to create, personalize and launch popups, sidebars, notification bars, and fullscreen messages, without coding. But there are some other companies that offer similar services, let's find out some of the best OptiMonk alternatives for you.

# 1. Popupsmart vs Optimonk

popupsmart vs optimonk

Popupsmart is a no-code tool to increase e-commerce sales, build email lists, and engage with your visitors in just 5 minutes. Popupsmart offers both free and paid options. Popupsmart offers flexibility through many templates and targeting options. It’s also very easy to use.

Pricing: Popupsmart charges $39 for 100.000 page-views, unlimited websites, and unlimited popups. Plus, it includes all the advanced display and targeting features. They do have almost 80% of the features on the free plan, and almost 90% of the features in the basic plan. So you won’t miss a lot even if when you use it for free.

OptiMonk offers a free plan like Popupsmart but the free plan is very limited. Its basic plan is 39 dollars per month with unlimited campaigns, 30.000 pageviews, and max. 2 domains.

Speed: The loading speed of popups created by Popupsmart is under 134ms. Remarkable performance improvements have been made that do not affect the opening speed of your website. The loading speed of Optimonk is loaded with an average of 618ms. Almost 1 second slows down the opening speed of your website.

General: Popupsmart has only page view-based pricing. All features are open to users of all plans and unlimited domains can be added. Optimonk charges a lot of essential features extra. So you have to make extra payments in addition to the plan you choose.

Popupsmart is a no-code tool that everyone can use while Optimonk is more for experts.

# 2. OptinMonster vs Optimonk

OptinMonster vs optimonk

OptinMonster is a tool for boosting your conversion rates, but it's also a very expensive tool. OptiMonk and OptinMonster are both onsite retargeting tools. They both have exit-intent technology, which is triggered when a visitor wants to leave.

General: In terms of business needs satisfaction, Optimonk is better than OptinMonster per reviews online. Also for product support, people think that Optimonk is better. OptinMonster has a lot of different popup themes, as well as OptiMonk. However, with OptinMonster, you don’t have the freedom to easily create your own popup themes, whereas with OptiMonk you do. OptinMonster has over 50 templates, each of which can be instantly turned into Yes/No campaigns. You can actually enable the Yes/No view for any campaign you choose with the simple click of a button.

Pricing: OptiMonk offers a free plan unlike OptinMonster but the free plan is very limited. Its basic plan is 39 dollars per month with unlimited campaigns, 30.000 pageviews, and max. 2 domains. With the same amount, OptinMonster offers no branding, priority support, 25.000 pageviews, and 3 sites.

# 3. Privy vs Optimonk

Privy vs Optimonk

Privy is the eCommerce marketing platform for online brands that need to grow sales. Build your list, save abandoned carts, send money-making emails & texts, and more—all in one place. OptiMonk and Privy are categorized as popup builder and lead capture, SMS marketing, email marketing, and ecommerce tools.

Pricing: OptiMonk offers a free plan but the free plan is very limited with 15.000 pageviews and it is missing several features. Its basic plan is 39 dollars per month with unlimited campaigns, 30.000 pageviews, and max. 2 domains. Privy has a free plan with up to 100 mailable contacts, unlimited popups, advanced targeting, and free email + chat support.

General: The editor of OptiMonk supplies drag and drop elements for the social, countdown timer, video, and coupon code. A/B testing is only available on the highest “Growth” plan for Privy.

Also when an account reaches the contact limit of one of its Privy plans, if you are paying with a credit card, you'll automatically be upgraded to the next tier, which will be reflected in your next billing cycle.

# 4. Ninja Popups vs OptiMonk

Ninja Popups vs OptiMonk

Ninja Popups is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily make popups for your website. You can create popups for any needs, including newsletter subscriptions, recommended or related items, and much more. It also integrates with most of the mailing systems like MailChimp and GetResponse.

OptiMonk is not a dedicated WordPress plugin, though it does integrate with WordPress and other platforms. OptiMonk is most suitable for eCommerce sites and lead generation pages.

Pricing: OptiMonk offers a free plan unlike Ninja Popups but the free plan is very limited. Its basic plan is 39 dollars per month with unlimited campaigns, 30.000 pageviews, and max. 2 domains.

Speed: Ninja Popups is a plugin therefore it may slow down your site, OptiMonk on the other hand, is not a plugin.

Integrations: They both offer almost the same amount of integration options.

# 5. Hello Bar vs OptiMonk

Hello Bar vs OptiMonk

Hello Bar is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create call-to-action banners on your website. It's an effective tool for converting casual visitors into customers or blog subscribers, even if you're just getting started with lead generation.

Pricing: OptiMonk offers a free plan like Hello Bar but the free plan is very limited. Its basic plan is 39 dollars per month with unlimited campaigns, 30.000 pageviews, and max. 2 domains.

Speed: Hello Bar is a plugin therefore it might slow your site down while OptiMonk does not cause any issue with speed.

There are bars, modals, and sliders offered in Hello bar and they are easy-to-use and fully customizable. Hello Bar and OptiMonk both offer multiple integrations but OptiMonk offers more.