Digital Marketing Encyclopedia

Terms related to digital marketing and the related subjects regarding those terms are explained briefly on this page.

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Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu) Definition & Importance
What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)?
What is DTC Marketing?
What is a Newsletter? Definition & Purpose
What is Gamification in Marketing?
ency covers
What is an Aha Moment in User Onboarding?
ab split test headline image
What is A/B Split Test? - A/B Split Test Definition
what is a popup
What is a Popup?
what is annual recurring revenue arr
What is Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)?
alt tag headline image
What is ALT Tag? - ALT Tag Definition
autoresponder headline image
What is Autoresponder? - Autoresponder Definition
average page views headline image
What is Average Page Views? - Average Page Views Definition
average time on site headline image
What is Average Time on Site? - Average Time on Site Definition
blogger cms cover image
What is Blogger CMS? - Blogger CMS Definition
Brand Identity
What is Brand Identity?
Broken Link
What is Broken Link? - Broken Link Definition
craft cms definition what is craft cms cover image
What is Craft CMS? - Craft CMS Definition
What is Customer Retention Rate (CRR) image
What is Customer Retention Rate (CRR)?
call-to-action headline image
What is Call-to-Action? - Call-to-Action Definition
can-spam act headline image
What is CAN SPAM Act? - CAN SPAM Act Definition
canadian anti spam law headline image
What is Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL)? - CASL Definition
canned response
What is a Canned Response?
churn rate
What is Churn Rate?
cross sell
What is Cross-Selling?
cinemahraph image
What is Cinemagraph? - Cinemagraph Definition
click-through rate CTR headline image
What is Click-Through Rate (CTR)? - Click-Through Rate (CTR) Definition
click-to-open rate CTOR headline image
What is Click-to-Open Rate (CTOR)? - CTOR Definition
cloaking headline image
What is Cloaking? - Cloaking Definition
What is Cookie Consent? - Cookie Consent Definition
What is Cookie Consent? - Cookie Consent Definition
complaint rate headline image
What is Complaint Rate? - Complaint Rate Definition
What is Conversion Funnel? - Conversion Funnel Definition
What is Conversion Funnel? - Conversion Funnel Definition
confidence level headline image
What is Confidence Level? - Confidence Level Definition
conversion rate headline image
What is Conversion Rate? - Conversion Rate Definition
cost per click headline image
What is Cost-per-Click (CPC)? - Cost-per-Click (CPC) Definition
customer satisfaction score headline image
What is CSAT? Customer Satisfaction Score Definition
cost per thousand impressions headline image
What is Cost-per-Thousand Impressions (CPM)? - CPM Definition
customer acquisition cost headline image
What is Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)? - CAC Definition
customer lifetime value headline image
What is Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)? - CLV Definition
dedicated server headline image
What is Dedicated Server? - Dedicated Server Definition
domain authority headline image
What is Domain Authority? - Domain Authority Definition
drip marketing headline image
What is Drip Marketing? - Drip Marketing Definition
email attachment headline image
What is Email Attachment? - Email Attachment Definition
what is email preheader
What is an Email Preheader? Definition and Benefits
email blacklist headline image
What is Email Blacklist? - Email Blacklist Definition
email deliverabilitiy headline image
What is Email Deliverability? - Email Deliverability Definition
email header email body email footer email components headline image
What is Email Header, Email Body, Email Footer?
email list decay headline image
What is Email List Decay? - Email List Decay Definition
email list headline image
What is Email List? - Email List Definition
email marketing headline image
What is Email Marketing? - Email Marketing Definition
email list segmentation headline image
What is Email List Segmentation? - Email List Segmentation Definition
email signature headline image
What is Email Signature? - Email Signature Definition
email valitadion headline image
What is Email Validation? - Email Validation Definition
email verification headline image
What is Email Verification? - Email Verification Definition
what is ethereum
What is Ethereum & Ethereum 2?
exit rate headline image
What is Exit Rate? - Exit Rate Definition
what is fomo
What is FOMO ( Fear Of Missing Out)?
ghost cms definition what is ghost cms cover image
What is Ghost CMS? - Ghost CMS Definition
graphic interchange format animated headline image
What is Graphic Interchange Format Animated (GIF)?
What is Growth Hacking? - Growth Hacking Definition
What is Growth Hacking? - Growth Hacking Definition
heat map headline image
What is Heat Map? - Heat Map Definition
hard bounce headline image
What is Hard Bounce? - Hard Bounce Definition
hashtag headline image
What is Hashtag?
inbox placement rate headline image
What is Inbox Placement Rate? - Inbox Placement Rate Definition
What is Internet Service Provider (ISP)? - Internet Service Provider (ISP) Definition
What is Internet Service Provider (ISP)? - ISP Definition
inbox placement rate headline image
What is Key Performance Indicator (KPI)? - KPI Definition
landing page headline image
What is Landing Page? - Landing Page Definition
lead headline image
What is Lead? - Lead Definition
lead magnet
What is a Lead Magnet? Definition & Examples
lead marketing headline image
What is Lead Marketing? - Lead Marketing Definition
what is lottie
What is Lottie? Why & How to Use it?
what is monthly recurring revenue arr
What is Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) ?
macro conversion headline image
What is Macro Conversion? - Macro Conversion Definition
What are Meta Tags? - Meta Tag Definition
What are Meta Tags? - Meta Tag Definition
What are Meta Tags? - Meta Tag Definition
What is a Micropayment?
Net Promoter Score
What is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?
what is nft
What is Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
Target Audience
What is a Target Audience? Definition & Benefits
micro conversion headline image
What is Micro Conversion? - Micro Conversion Definition
new normal in digital marketing headline image
What is New Normal in Digital Marketing?
middle of the funnel
What is MoFu (Middle of the Funnel)? Definition & Strategies
what is october cms october cms definition
What is October CMS? - October CMS Definition
single opt in and double opt in headline image
What is Single Opt-In and Double Opt-In? - Opt-In Definition
opt-out headline image
What is Opt-Out? - Opt-Out Definition
page load time headline image
What is Page Load Time (Page Speed)? - Page Speed Definition
pay per click ad headline image
What is Pay per Click Ad (PPC)? - Pay per Click Ad (PPC) Definition
podcast headline image
What is Podcast? - Podcast Definition
portable network graphics headline image
What is Portable Network Graphics (PNG)? - PNG Definition
what is post purchase marketing
What is Post-Purchase Marketing?
retargeting headline image
What is Repeat Purchase Rate?
retargeting headline image
What is Retargeting (Remarketing)?
return on ad spend headline image
What is Return-on-Ad Spend (ROAS)? - ROAS Definition
search engine optimization headline image
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? - SEO Definition
what is saas
What Does Saas Stand For? What Do Saas Companies Do?
what is saas
What is SERP- Search Engine Result Page Definition
soft bounce headline image
What is Soft Bounce? - Soft Bounce Definition
spam folder headline image
What is Spam (Bulk or Junk) Folder? - Spam Folder Definition
spam trap headline image
What is Spam Trap? - Spam Trap Definition
testimonial headline image
What is Testimonial? - Testimonial Definition
trust-badge headline image
What is a Trust Badge?
 What is Sense of Urgency? - Sense of Urgency Definition
What is Sense of Urgency? - Sense of Urgency Definition
what is a splash page
What is a Splash Page?
user experince headline image
What is User Experience (UX)? - User Experience (UX) Definition
user experince headline image
What is Uniform Resource Locator (URL)? - URL Definition
Unique Selling Propositon
What is Unique Selling Proposition?
UTM parameters headline image
UTM Parameters: What are they, and How do they work?
uniqe visitor headline image
What is Unique Visitor? - Unique Visitor Definition
definition and best practices of sidebar poup
What is Sidebar Popup?
functions of a good tagline
What is a Website Tagline?
what is web scraping
What is Web Scraping?
what is web3
What is Web 3 / Web 3.0?
definition and best practices of sidebar poup
What is Fullscreen Popup?
what is lightbox popup?
What is a Lightbox Popup?
what is floating bar popup?
What is a Floating Bar Popup?
what is a cold email
What Is a Cold Email? Its Definition & Importance
what is qr code
What is QR Code (Quick Response Code)?