Email Header, Email Body, and Email Footer Definitions

Email Marketing: Creating an Email Campaign


Email Header

The header should describe everything to your audience because it is the first thing they see before opening your email. The header contains the least amount of content but it is the most important because it’s what email receivers use to decide whether they should open your email or not.

Email From (Sender) Name: People tend to open emails when they come from a personalized account. Instead of using your company name, send email messages from a recognizable name linking the actual sender.

Email Subject Line: Your subject line needs to be attention-grabbing. It should be short, personal, and action-oriented. You should never use spammy words in your subject line.

Email Preheader: A preheader is the short preview of an email. You can include a call-to-action in this area. However, remember that different mobile devices and email providers allow different character limits for preheaders.

Email Body

You were able to convince your subscribers to open your email. The next challenge is to convince them that you are saying something important, valuable and interesting to prompt an action.

  • Do not talk to your subscribers, start a conversation with them. Make them feel special, show authenticity, connect with them.

  • People allocate very little time to reading emails. Your text should be kept short, clear, simple, and direct.

  • You should never send text-only or image-only emails.

  • Including visuals that reflect your creativity may help you grab the attention of the recipient.

  • If the email seems too long, it creates a bias for its readability and leads to loss of attention.

  • Add your company logo right at the top of your email and make it so it directly leads to your website.

  • Use calls-to-action in your emails several times. It will increase your click-through rate and provide your readers with the convenience of reaching your website.

Finally, your subscriber viewed your email and they've reached the end of it. This is where you will thank your reader for their time and invite them to connect with you through other channels.

Contact Information: Include the physical address of your company and the telephone number of your customer relations department to ease reachability for your customers. This way, you will also be complying with federal anti-spamming laws.

Social Media Accounts Links: Add buttons that direct your subscribers to your social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube.

Unsubscribe Links: Don't forget to create an unsubscribe link at the end of your email to write off subscribers who don't want to hear from you.

Email Header, Email Body, and Email Footer Related Terms