What is Click-to-Open Rate (CTOR) in Email Marketing?

Click-to-open rate is a metric used to measure the effectiveness of your email content because if your links, layout, and content are attention-grabbing, the recipients will want to click a CTA to learn more. CTOR leaves room for interpretation between the number of people who opened the email and the number of people who opened it and actually performed an activity (click).


CTOR metric is calculated by the number of clicks divided by the number of opens.

For example, if there are 100 clicks and 180 opens of an email, the CTOR results would be 55% ((100/180)* 100)


A good CTOR should be around 20%-30% depending on the industry and the goal of the email campaign.

In order to obtain the best results and make necessary improvements, you need to categorize your emails (newsletter, promotional, welcome, etc.), then apply the metric separately for each type.

Tips to Generate More Clickable Emails

  • Make your emails easily scannable,

  • Create dynamic content with clear calls-to-action,

  • Design convincing and effective emails for conversion.

Click-Through Rate vs. Click-to-Open Rate

The difference between CTR and CTOR is slight but crucial.

Let's explain both the difference and importance of each via the following example:

  • Email A: 100 sent, 10 people opened it, 5 recipients clicked.

CTR: 5% CTOR: 50%


Its overall performance is around 5%. The success of the content within the email is 50%.

  • Email B: 100 sent, 50 people opened, 10 people clicked.

CTR: 10% CTOR: 20%


Its overall performance is around 10%. The success of the content within the email is 20%.

Click-to-Open Rate-Related Terms

A/B Split Test



Conversion Rate

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Email Blacklist

Email Header, Email Body, and Email Footer

Email Marketing

Email (List) Segmentation

Inbox Placement Rate


Single Opt-In and Double Opt-In

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