Optinmonster Alternative: Popupsmart

Optinmonster is a very old and effective product. In this comparison, we honestly made the difference with the popupsmart considering the target audience.



Suitability for Experts or Everyone

The simplicity of Popupsmart’s popup builder makes it suitable for any website owner. With its friendly UI, everyone from inexperienced to expert can create successful campaigns.
Both Popupsmart and Optinmonster are powerful tools. But unlike Popupsmart, Optinmonster is a tool that only experts can use efficiently.

Unclear Pricing and Suprising Costs

Popupsmart offers a free plan with 5.000 page views. Moreover, the basic plan is only $39 per month for 100,000 page views and unlimited websites plus unlimited popups.
Optinmonster offers 100,000 page views for $82, allowing only 5 websites. 100,000 page views offer is the highest plan that you can get on Optinmonster.

Popup Design Templates

Popupsmart features conversion-ready modern popup designs. There are 48 next-generation popup designs that are tested and approved for conversion increase capability by customers.
There are various popup designs in Optinmonster. However, they provide only standard designs that you can find in any popup service.

Free Plan & Trial

Popupsmart provides a free plan up to 5,000 page-view. There is no time limit for the free plan. Users can keep it for a lifetime until reaching the page-view limit, which is quite high.
Optinmonster does not have a free plan. There is only a free trial available. In free trial, you have to enter your credit card information.

Popup Campaign Types and Drag and Drop Popup Builder

Popupsmart has 4 campaign types: Lightbox popup, sidebar popup, full screen popup and floating bar popup.

We do not believe that the drag and drop feature is an effective solution when creating popups. Because we do not make a website, we only make a conversion focused popup. That's why it provides you with the most transformative designs, only the color, font, size and formt elements remain in the areas you can customize.
Optinmonster has 4 popup types as well as an inline popup view. Optinmonster's drag and drop builder is a tool that only experts can use. With this tool, the desired element can be added to existing campaigns, but it is not a conversion-oriented solution.

Product Focus

The Popupsmart team has been continuing to develop the product for more than 3 years and to improve it by listening to its customers. Our only focus is this product.
The Optinmonster team has many products. It recently launched a product called trustpilot. Developing different products at the same time is a factor that disperses the focus and weakens the product. That's why we think we will reach optinmonster's grocery market much sooner.

No Teaser Feature

Teaser popups are a mini-size representation of the main popup campaign. It absolutely does not bother users, it opens the main popup campaign when clicked.
Optinmonster has no teaser feature, unfortunately. For this reason, popups can be annoying to website visitors. With Teaser, you can completely eliminate this situation.

Popupsmart vs Optinmonster


  • Pricing per 100.000 Page views
  • $39
  • $82
  • Free Plan
  • No Badge Ads on Free Plan
  • Unlimited Popup Campaign
  • Unlimited Websites
  • 30 Day No Reason Cancelization


  • Announcement Popups
  • Email Collection Popups
  • Coupon Popups
  • Cookie Consent Popups
  • Recommendation Popups
  • Abandonment Cart Reminder Popups
  • Phone Call Campaigns
  • Gamification Popups

Design and Creation

  • 5 Minute Popup Campaign Creation
  • +50 Popup Designs
  • Advanced Form Builder
  • GDPR Ready
  • Success Popup Feature
  • Teaser Popup Feature
  • Custom CSS
  • Custom Fonts
  • Display Effects
  • Email Notifications


  • Geo Location Targeting
  • After X Seconds
  • On Exit-Intent
  • On Exit-Intent on mobile
  • In Activity Sensor
  • After Scrolling Down
  • Browsing Spesific Pages
  • New vs Returning
  • Traffic Sources (Facebook, Instagram, Adwords)
  • Cookie Targeting
  • HTML Source Targeting
  • Campaign Scheduling
  • Operational System
  • Browser Language
  • On-Click Targeting
  • Popup Frequency Settings


  • Mailchimp
  • Mailerlite
  • Sendgrid
  • Sendloop
  • Hubspot
  • Salesforce
  • Webhook
  • Sendinblue
  • Zapier
  • Email Marketing & CRMs (via zapier)
  • Website Builders & CMSs
  • eCommerce Platforms


  • Live Conversion Analytics
  • Google Analytics Event Integration

Support & Security and SEO

  • E-Mail Support
  • Priority Customer Support
  • Dedicated Success Manager
  • %99.99 Uptime
  • GDPR Complaint
  • SEO and Google Compliance


Popupsmart’s pricing for 100.000 page-views is only $39 while Optinmonster charges $49 for only 25.000 page-views. With Popupsmart, you get four times more page-views for less price. Moreover, Popupsmart’s priced plans include unlimited popups and unlimited websites whereas Optinmonster’s priced plans go up to only 5 sites and that is for the 80$ plan.

Popups can be annoying if they are not designed modern and by putting the user experience in the foreground. Unlike Popupsmart, Optinmonster does not have a teaser feature which makes popups more annoying. The teaser feature allows users to display a mini representation of the main popup and does not open until the visitors click on it. Popupsmart has this feature with which you can create user-friendly popups.

Cookie consent popup is not one of the solutions of Optinmonster. However, you can create law-compliant cookie consent popups with Popupsmart and effortlessly comply with the cookie laws. It would be more logical to use a popup builder that provides more solutions for less price.

Optinmonster does not have a free plan. They offer a free trial instead which asks for credit card information. Popupsmart, on the other hand, provides a free plan which you keep forever until your site reaches 5.000 page-views. Additionally, you do not have to enter your credit card information for the free plan.

Popupsmart’s basic plan ($39) includes 100.000 page-views, unlimited websites, and unlimited popups. Plus, users can access all valuable targeting features, integration options, and lots of design features. Comparing these tools by the closest price plans, Optinmonster’s plus plan ($32) includes 10.000 page-views and 2 websites. Their plus plan excludes almost half of the targeting features.

Yes, both Popupsmart and Optinmonster have the gamification feature. However, Optinmonster allows coupon wheel campaigns only for the growth plan which is $80. Popupsmart provides wheel popups for all plans. You can convert more visitors into customers with gamification with Popupsmart by paying less.

Optinmonster does not have a phone call popup option. So, Optinmonster users cannot increase their phone call traffic. They would need to purchase another 3rd party tool which is inconvenient. Popupsmart provides phone call popups that increase phone call traffic as a campaign goal. You can efficiently increase your phone call traffic along with other business solutions with a single tool.

Although both popup builder tools have advanced targeting options, Popupsmart has the upper hand. Differently from Optimonster, Popupsmart has the cookie targeting feature which allows users to display popups only to registered users or unregistered ones. Moreover, Popupsmart provides the campaign scheduling option which enables users to schedule popup campaigns between certain dates.

Popupsmart does. Popupsmart allows unlimited websites and unlimited popups for all price plans whereas Optinmonster does not have any plans that allow unlimited websites. The maximum website number Optinmonster user can have is only 5.

Popupsmart, by far. Optinmonster has only 3 campaign solutions which are Grow Your Email List, Reduce Cart Abandonment, and Increase Sales Conversion. Popupsmart has 6! We have email list growth, phone call increase, form submission collection, product promotion, show up notifications, and cookie consent popup solutions. Plus, don’t let Optinmonster’s “Reduce Cart Abandonment” solution confuse you. Popupsmart’s exit-intent feature already does that.

5 Best OptinMonster Alternatives 2023

optinmonster website

OptinMonster is a tool for boosting your conversion rates, but it's also a very expensive tool. If you're on a budget or looking for a more cost-effective alternative to OptinMonster, I've got a long list of the best OptinMonster alternatives for you.

If you want to find the absolute best alternatives to OptinMonster, then keep reading this article below.

# 1. Popupsmart vs OptinMonster

popupsmart vs optionmonster

Popupsmart is a no-code tool to increase e-commerce sales, build email lists, and engage with your visitors in just 5 minutes. PopupSmart offers both free and paid options. Popupsmart offers flexibility through many templates and targeting options. It’s also very easy to use.

Pricing: Popupsmart has a free plan option while OptinMonsters does not. OptinMonster is costing from $16 for a basic plan which allows 2,500 Pageviews and only 1 website. Most of the features are not active on this plan therefore mostly this basic plan is not satisfied by the customers.

There is a growth plan which offers 100,000 Pageviews for $82 and allows only 5 sites even if it's the most premium plan they have. Popupsmart, on the other hand, offers a free option with 5.000 pageviews/mo for 1 website and 1 popup. On the basic plan which costs 39 dollars per month, they offer unlimited websites and unlimited popups with 100.000 pageviews. They do have almost 80% of the features on free plan, and almost 90% of the features in the basic plan. So you won’t miss a lot even if when you use it for free.

Pageview offers: On the other hand, Popupsmart offers 100,000 Pageviews monthly with their basic plan and they allow Unlimited Websites & Unlimited Popups.

Also, Popupsmart has a FREE plan option up to 5,000 pageviews while Optinmonster does not have any free plan.

Targeting Options: Optinmonster also does not have an HTML Source Targeting option and an Operational System targeting option. They also have very limited targeting options except for growth plans while Popupsmart offers 90% of the options available for each of the plans they have.

# 2. Ninja Popup vs OptinMonster

ninjapopups vs optionmonster

Ninja Popups is a WordPress popup plugin that enables you to create popups with customized content for your website. The plugin includes features such as newsletter subscription popups, follow buttons for social media sites, and recommended or related items on your site.

Pricing: Ninja Popups cost $24 While OptinMonster is costing from $16 for a basic plan which allows 2,500 Pageviews and only 1 website.

Easy to use: Ninja Popups is a WordPress popup plugin and it is the most used popup plugin as of today. It’s affordable, easy to use, and only takes minutes to set up when compared to OptinMonster.

Speed: Plugins may cause websites to slow down. They require updates and may lower UX. Ninja Popups is a plugin that is compatible with only WordPress and WooCommerce.

General: Ninja Popups has fewer targeting options than OptinMonster.You can use ninja popup for a one-time fee of $24 while OptinMonster bills you monthly.

# 3. Icegram vs OptinMonster

icegram vs optionmonster

Icegram is also a WordPress plugin for onsite lead generation, calls to action and conversion optimization. It comes with several useful features which make it easy to capture leads and convert them into sales. Some of its main features are:

  • 100+ popup and slide-in designs
  • Intelligent trigger and targeting rules
  • A/B testing tool
  • Fully responsive and fast loading

Pricing: Icegram has a free plan option, unlike OptinMonster. The pro plan of Icegram is $97 dollars per year and it has the 1 Site license and some other features that the free plan does not offer. There is also a lifetime offer for Icegram which is $249 dollars. Plus, if you want to subscribe monthly -not annually-, you have to pay 19 dollars for the basic plan for OptinMonster which allows 2,500 Pageviews.

Speed: Plugins may cause websites to slow down. They require updates and may lower UX. Icegram is a plugin that is compatible with WordPress.

General: Icegram delivers popups for building your email list and is focused on that. The price difference between the two tools is noticeable. While Icegram is more affordable and has focused mainly on email marketing, OptinMonster is more comprehensive yet very expensive.

# 4. Getsitecontrol vs OptinMonster

getsitecontrol vs optionmonster

Getsitecontrol is a website-building tool that makes it easy for you to create popups. It’s designed for people who want to maximize their conversions without having to know how to code.

Pricing: Getsitecontrol does not have any feature-based pricing plans. Every plan includes all features, integrations, and templates. They have 3 plans with the most basic plan offering 20.000 monthly widget views.

GetSiteControl pricing starts at $9.00 for the 20K monthly widgets and they do not have a free version same as OptinMonster. They both offer a free trial. Most of OptinMonster's features are selling for an extra fee, so you have to pay for many reasons on the monthly plan you choose.

General: Getsitecontrol is a great alternative to OptinMonster. It has some slightly different features, but the quality of both is similar. Getsitecontrol is cheaper than OptinMonster.

# 5. Thrive Leads vs OptinMonster

thrivesuite vs optionmonster

Thrive Leads is a lead generation plugin for WordPress. It has targeting options and comes with an easy-to-use A/B testing feature. You can also hide forms or show different offers to your existing subscribers with SmartLinks.

Pricing: Thrive Leads is part of the Thrive Suite and Thrive Suite is $90 quarterly meaning 30 dollars per month. However, you can’t buy an individual plugin.

General: Both the tools have some similarities as well as differences. OptinMonster is a drag and drop tool that enables you to easily create opt-in forms using pre-built templates. On the other hand, Thrive Leads is an advanced plugin for WordPress that allows you to design each element of your lead generation form in much detail.

Speed: Plugins may cause websites to slow down. They require updates and may lower UX. Thrive Leads is a plugin that is compatible with WordPress.