What is Blogger CMS?

Blogger is a free long-established blog-publishing service launched in 1999.

Initially developed by Pyra Labs, this platform was bought by Google in 2003, so the blogs are hosted by Google. The blogs are generally accessed from under the domain of blogspot.com.

A lot of website creators are choosing Blogger to create their blogs because the platform provides a fast, reliable, and easy publishing as well as being totally free.

More than 35% of the websites are created with Blogger.

Blogger Website Homepage


  • Blogger CMS does not require any coding knowledge with its user-friendly interface. It simply invites you to create your blog with just a click.

  • It is available in 60 languages.

  • It offers a wide selection of easy-to-use, free templates with flexible layouts and background images that are customizable.

  • Users can create a free blogspot.com domain or purchase a custom domain.

  • Website owners can make money by allowing Google Adsense to automatically display targeted ads on their blogs.

  • The platform offers built-in analytics to let the users analyze their audience and directly connect their blogs to Google Analytics for detailed tracking.

  • Users can save and store posts with Google for free.

  • Blogger is very popular, majorly because it is backed by Google itself which makes it SEO-friendly.

  • It also has built-in Google Plus service which helps users to promote their products easily.

  • Blogger provides websites loading at a high speed.

  • Mobile applications are also available for Blogger users with mobile phones through which users can post and edit their blogs.

  • Its reliable services minimize the risk of errors and 404 pages.

  • Blogger allows creating both professional and personal websites.

  • There are free templates, but users can also purchase more templates.

  • Widgets are also free, but there are purchasable widgets with premium.

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