What is a Lightbox Popup?

A lightbox popup is a window that appears on top of a webpage when a visitor is browsing. It dims the background with an overlay and partially disables the content.

Visitors cannot interact with the webpage content until they close the lightbox popup or take the desired action. Lightbox popups often include a call to action (CTA) button to ask visitors to take action.

It can be signing up to an email list, providing information, claiming a coupon code, going to the page of a particular product, content, or service, downloading something, etc. Lightbox popups can appear anywhere on the screen but usually, they appear in the center.

What is a popup?

Why Use Lightbox Popups

light box popup example

Lightbox popups are quite effective and beneficial for website owners and marketers for several reasons.

No Distractions

Lightbox popups darken all the other webpage content and distractions and grab visitors’ attention altogether.

Easier to Close

If visitors are not interested in the offer on the lightbox popup, they can easily close them by simply clicking the close button or anywhere outside the popup, or completing the desired action.

Interest-Based Offer & Right Triggers

Smart popup builders like Popupsmart allow users to target the right visitors at the right time with advanced targeting options. From exit-intent to cookie-based targeting, site owners can display the most relevant popups according to user intent and interest.

Captures Abandoning Visitors

One of the most effective popup triggers is exit intent. Exit-intent popups appear when a visitor attempts to leave a webpage and aim to convert them with the right offers and incentives. Using this trigger with lightbox helps site owners to capture abandoning visitors.

What to Consider When Using Lightbox Popups

Lightbox popups are indeed useful in boosting conversion rates. However, just like other popup types, such as sidebar popup and full-screen popup, lightboxes should be created considering several factors.

User Experience (UX)

Users are in the center of conversions. That is why you need to pay attention to the UX when creating a popup. Lightbox popups should not be like annoying ads. If your popup is annoying like the traditional popup types, they hurt the UX and do more harm than good.

  • Make your campaign useful to the visitors.
  • Use a modern design for your popups.

You can find ready-made modern popup templates on Popupsmart’s showcase and builder.

  • Make sure your popup design matches your website design.

Clear CTA

Try to stick to a single, clear CTA to direct visitors and clearly point out what you want them to do.

Convert More with a Clear CTA Popup Based on Hick’s Law Psychology

Closing Button in Sight

When closing buttons are too small or hard to find, visitors may leave a website for good. Therefore, the closing button on lightbox popups needs to be visible.

Relevancy & Targeting

In order to achieve the most conversions, you should show lightbox popups based on the user intent and interest. You can use Popupsmart’s advanced audience targeting options to that end.

Create a lightbox popup for free with Popupsmart now.

-Target Black Friday Shoppers with UX-Friendly Gamified Popups