What is a Trust Badge?

Trust badges, also known as trust seals, are symbols displayed on a website to demonstrate to visitors that the business is legitimate and concerned about data security.

You can establish trust with prospective customers more quickly with these trust seals, symbols, or icons on your website.

The goal is to communicate credibility to people who visit your website, follow your social media accounts, or come across your brand.

What are the Varieties of e-commerce Trust Badges?

a picture of a diagram with a blue background showing different types of of e-commerce trust badge in green colors

E-commerce trust badges assure transaction security and money-back guarantees that are displayed usually on the homepage, product pages, and About Us pages.

Generally, trust badges used in e-commerce can be classified into five primary types:

  1. Security Trust Badges validate that the checkout process on an ecommerce site is secure and that customer credit card information is protected.

  2. Payment Trust Badges certify that a business accepts widely used forms of payment, such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and PayPal, increasing consumer trust and embodying anti-fraud principles.

  3. Guarantee Trust Badges like a “30-day money-back guarantee” icon can be used to allay potential customers' fears regarding the purchase by providing reassurance and making it easier to turn doubtful visitors into happy customers.

  4. Shipping Trust Badges like “Free Shipping” or “Free Returns” showcase your store policy and excellent customer service and can help you build customer trust, taking away some perceived risks of shopping online.

  5. Endorsement trust badges that provide third-party validation, such as customer testimonials, case studies, online reviews, professional certifications, and B2B customer logos.

popupsmart, an easy to use popup builder endorsement trust badge example showcasing all the famouse brands that were their B2B client

Where to Add Trust Badges on a Website?

You can add trust badges anywhere on your e-commerce website where you think your customers are most likely to see them.

Reinforce your brand credibility and boost their confidence by strategically placing trust badges in places where your customers are doubtful.

Listed below are the most effective parts for adding trust badges to your website:

  • Homepage: Displaying a trust badge like third-party validation on your homepage gives a positive first impression to visitors.

  • Product Page: Adding a guarantee or shipping trust badges to your product page can be a good motivator and the final push for users to finalize their purchase decisions.

  • Checkout page: This is the best place where you can put your badges since It's the final point where the customer's trust begins to slip and they may doub to complete their purchase.

Retain Customers' Trust with Popups

a screenshot of an exit intent popup with a guarentee trust badge on the left side og it offering 20 percent off in return for users' email address

If used correctly, popups convert and can be a very effective marketing tool for e-commerce websites that want to display trust badges and maintain customer loyalty.

Using popups, you can display social proof, customer reviews, money-back guarantees, and security logos to your users and reduce cart abandonment.

With an easy-to-use popup builder, you can create an eye-catching popup displaying trust badges like free shipping or secured payment icons with customer reviews.

Additionally, you can provide more relevant details in the popups to build customer trust, including:

  • Show your product ratings on Captterra or G2

  • Include loyal customers’ reviews

  • Promote your money-back guarantee program

  • Highlight individual testimonials

For example, you can use exit intent popups to display trust icons, reviews, and testimonials to increase conversion rates and encourage customers to complete their purchases.

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