What is an Email Preheader? Definition and Benefits

An email preheader is the part where we see the preview of the content that summarizes the whole email or the part where it catches the attention of people.

The email preheader is also a brief text to define the email’s matter.

You can generally see the email preheader just next to the subject line of an email or right under the subject line. It depends on the email application and the device you use.

components of email on a blue background

Moreover, it is vital to give importance to the email preheader because it is defined as the second attention-grabber after the subject line of an email.

You must be wondering what makes an email preheader so special to catch the attention of the subscribers.

As you know or may guess, people receive several emails a day, and it’s not always possible to check them all out.

Therefore, the stronger your email preheader is, the more email open rates you get.

What are the Benefits of Email Preheaders?

When it comes to the benefits of email preheaders, we need to show more attention so that using them can be much more rational.

→ User Engagement

When you use email preheaders, you will be more likely to get and increase your engagement with your users, subscribers, or related people.

→ Elevating Clarity of Emails

The main focus of using email preheaders is to give useful hints about the email without the need for reading the whole.

→ Backing up the Subject Line

It is an inevitable fact that you need a very clear and relevant subject line, but if that is not enough, you need to use your email preheader clearly- make it explanatory as much as possible.

→ Deliberate Brand Image

Email preheaders completely have a positive impact on people’s thinking since they display the effort you put in.

→ Presenting A/B Testing

It may be available for businesses rather than persons, but A/B testing is highly recommended and approved while creating campaigns for email marketing.

→ More Available for Mobile

Because email preheaders cannot be too long, it is better when your subscribers see email preheaders on the screen of a mobile device.

→ Increasing CTR and Email Open Rates

If your email preheader is effective enough to draw attention, it will directly lead to increasing CTR and email open rates without any doubt.

person writing email on her computer

How to Create an Effective Email Preheader?

By sticking to your main point, it is better when you adopt the following rules when creating an effective email preheader!

  • Keep the Length Average: If you use a very long email preheader, it won’t be read. Otherwise, if you use a very short email preheader, it will not create the impact you expected. The ideal character numbers are around 35 to 140.

  • Hold to the Focal Point: You have a limited time to grab attention, so put your focal point in the foreground by supporting it with your subject line and words.

  • Personalize the Message: Though various messages can be conveyed, personalization is one of the strongest choices to address.

  • Use CTA Words: To have the full attention and potential, call-to-action words can be your go-to solutions to make them move.

  • Create FOMO: We are not suggesting any rush or force, but creating a sense of urgency with fear of missing out is a well-known and approved way of drawing visitors.

  • Improve Visibility with the Right Keywords: Choosing specific and direct keywords will not take your subscribers’ time, so they work more than ever. As a piece of advice, bold the necessary keywords to make them directly visible.

  • Test Your Emails on Devices: Check how your email preheaders look on different devices. See them on mobile, desktop, and tablet so that you can adjust them based on their appearance. Don’t forget to optimize it, of course.

All in all, no person wonders the whole content unless you have a striking subject line or strong email preheaders.

As long as you have a good cover of your emails and use them effectively, all the elements of your email campaigns will reach success.