15 Top Email Capture Tools | Reviews & Comparison in 2024

You're not alone if you're looking for email capture tools to help your business thrive!

At the end of the day, regardless of your business type or size, having a customized email list is one of the most valuable assets you can have.

a blog post cover image with a title on the left side that says "15 Top Email Capture Tools | Reviews & Comparison" and an illustration of a girl and a boy sitting next to a big email sign

But with so many email capture solutions out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your business.

That's where we come in.

We've compiled a list of the top 15 email capture tools to simplify your search and make your decision easier.

Each tool has its own unique set of features, so you're sure to find one that fits your needs.

And the best part? Some of them even offer free plans, so you can start growing your email list right away.

How Email Capture Tools Can Skyrocket Your Email List Growth?

Email capture refers to the process of collecting email addresses from website visitors to build a list of contacts for future marketing efforts.

But why is email capturing so important?

According to the DMA, email marketing delivers an average ROI of $32 for every dollar spent, making it a highly cost-effective marketing channel.

And the impact of marketing emails on consumer behavior is significant, with a SaleCycle report finding that 59% of respondents said that marketing emails influenced their purchasing decisions.

a Popupsmart gamified lottory ball popup template that says "Unlick a special offer now"

So, how can you make the most of this powerful marketing channel?

That's where email capture tools come in handy.

Pop-ups, landing pages, and lead magnets are just a few of the tools available to help businesses build their email lists.

These solutions allow you to capture email addresses from website visitors and turn them into valuable leads.

With the right email capture strategy, you can grow your email list faster than you ever thought possible.

So why wait? Start capturing those emails with the tools below and watch your business soar!

15 Top Email Capture Tools to Generate Quality Leads

While social media posts and ads can create excitement and raise awareness, nothing is as effective as a well-crafted email in prompting action from your audience.

By utilizing email capture tools, you can enhance your email marketing efforts and build a high-quality list of subscribers.

The top solutions are as follows:

1. Popupsmart

Popupsmart email capture tool's homepage with a text that says "Popup builder that boosts sales"

Popupsmart popup builder is a great solution that empowers you to capture high-quality leads with a targeted and well-crafted popup campaign and convert them into loyal customers.

Whether you have a Wordpress or Wix website or want to launch popups on your Shopify store, this email capture solution is there for you.

Utilizing Popupsmart’s conversion-ready popup templates, you can effectively reach out to users and get them engaged through advanced triggering options.

With gamification elements such as spin-to-win wheels and countdown timers, you can engage users and incentivize them to subscribe to your email list.

Additionally, you can add Lotti animation to your popups to keep users engaged and entice them with discounts or other valuable incentives, ensuring that they subscribe to your list.

With Popupsmart, you can take your email marketing efforts to the next level!


  • Multiple conversion-ready templates for email popups.

  • Smart mode targeting to target the right user at the right time.

  • Advanced targeting solutions such as URL browsing, visitor devices, browser language, traffic source, site data targeting & new or returning visitors.

  • Gamification elements (Spin-to-win wheel, countdown, etc.)

  • Easy integration with popular email marketing services like Hubspot & Mailchimp, and more.

  • Built-in analytics & autoresponder email notifications.


  • The free plan is available and provides 5.000 page views monthly, one popup, and one website.

  • The basic plan starts from $32.5 per month or $390 annually and includes 100.000 page views. In addition, it provides unlimited popups and unlimited websites per month.

  • The pro plan starts from $82.5 per month or $990 annually and can be considered the best solution for professionals. With 500.000 page views per month, this plan is ideal for large companies with many website visitors. Additionally, unlimited websites and popups are included.

  • The expert plan is for professionals with 1M page views per month. It starts from $132.5 or $1590 annually and offers unlimited popups and unlimited websites.

  • You can also ask for a customized pricing plan if you have more than 1M page views.

Popupsmart G2 Rating: 🌟4.4

Grow Your Email List With Popupsmart!

2. Leadpages

Leadpages email capture tools homepage with a CTA that says "Turn clicks into Customers"

Leadpages is a powerful landing page builder that comes packed with a variety of email capture tools to help you grow your email list.

With its drag-and-drop interface, you can easily create beautiful landing pages that are optimized for conversion.

Additionally, it offers popup forms with flexible publishing options, and it integrates with popular email marketing services like Mailchimp and Constant Contact, allowing you to transfer your leads to your email list seamlessly.

However, it can be somewhat challenging for non-technical users, and the pricing can be a bit steep for small businesses.


  • Unlimited A/B split testing

  • Advanced tracking and third-party analytics

  • Mobile responsive pages

  • Clear campaign ROI

  • Lead gen form builder

  • Lead backup/CSV download

  • Easy drag-and-drop interface

You can sign up for a free 14-day trial and then choose from one of the following plans:

  • Pro Plan: $99 per month or $74 per month billed annually.

  • Standard Plan: $49 per month or $37 per month billed annually

Leadpages G2 Rating: 🌟4.3

3. HubSpot

Hubspot email capture tools homepage

HubSpot is a comprehensive marketing automation platform that offers a robust set of lead-capture tools to help businesses generate leads and convert them into customers.

Its landing page builder and customizable forms make it easy to create professional-looking pages that drive conversions.

HubSpot also offers advanced features like lead scoring and lead nurturing to help you build strong relationships with your subscribers.


  • Multi-touch revenue attribution reporting

  • Unify lead capture data into CRM.

  • Multiple third-party software options

  • Customized landing pages

  • Automated follow-up emails

  • Personalized ad targeting

  • Lead tracking & analytics


HubSpot lead capture software is part of Marketing Hub and is available for free, with additional functionality in premium editions. You can check out different pricing options and choose the one that fits your needs.

HubSpot Marketing Hub G2 Rating: 🌟4.4

4. Getsitecontrol

Getsitecontrol email capture tools homepage

Getsitecontrol is another lead capture solution that offers targeted popups to help your business increase email subscribers.

Its email capture tools include multiple popup forms that can be customized to match your brand's look and feel.

Getsitecontrol also offers targeting options like exit intent and page-level targeting to increase the effectiveness of your campaigns.

However, the tool does not offer a free plan, and some users noted that it needs more innovations and updates.

Overall, while Getsitecontrol may offer useful features, other Shopify popup apps may provide a more comprehensive range of features and better value for your money.


  • Create automatic emails or sequences that are triggered by conditions.

  • Promote a special deal by emailing your contacts.

  • Advanced audience targeting features.

  • Easy-to-use dashboard & interface.

  • Unlimited A/B testing option.

  • Dynamic text replacement.


The app offers a 7-day free trial and then offers the following plans:

  • Creator Plan: $9 with 20 000 monthly widget views.

  • Pro Plan: $19 with 100 000 monthly widget views.

  • Pro Max Plan: $29 with unlimited monthly widget views

Getsitecontrol G2 Rating: 🌟4.4

5. Optinly

Optinly email capture tools homepage

Optinly is a free lead generation tool that, like other popup builders mentioned above, offers an interesting twist on the traditional popup with gamification elements.

Additionally, Optinly provides a range of pre-made templates and targeting options to customize popups to fit your brand and audience.

While the price of the popup builder is slightly lower compared to other options, some users have noted that the tool lacks certain features that may be important for their business needs.

It is important to remember that the value of a product is determined not only by its price but also by its functionality and ability to meet the needs of the customer.


  • Multiple triggers popups like exit intent & timed delay

  • Clear, insightful dashboard

  • Multiple ESP integrations

  • Email capture popups

  • Mobile responsiveness


  • Free Plan: $0 with 2500 views per month.

  • Starter Plan: $9/month with 15000 views per month.

  • Growth Plan: $25/ month with 25000 views per month.

Optinly G2 Rating: 🌟4.2

6. Picreel

Picreel email capture tools homepage

Picreel is an innovative software solution designed to help businesses capture high-potential leads and expand their email marketing lists.

By tracking the digital footprint of website visitors in real-time, this tool empowers brands to deliver personalized, targeted offers in the form of exit popups, boosting conversions and sales.

However, it is worth pointing out that you may find some minor glitches using this tool, and also, some users mentioned that the reports/analytics feature for A/B testing could be a bit more detailed in order to provide more insights.


  • Real-time data about visits, impressions & conversions

  • A/B test offers & conversions.

  • 100+ popup templates in multiple formats

  • More than 700 integrations


The app offers a 15-day free trial, after which you can choose from monthly or annual plans:

  • Monthly Plan: $49.97 with 3 domains and unlimited pageviews

  • Annual Plan: $39.97 per month for $479.64 billed annually.

Picreel G2 Rating: 🌟4.5

7. Optinmonster

OptinMonster email capture tools homepage

OptinMonster is a great popup tool that can help businesses improve their lead generation efforts by creating various opt-in campaigns such as popups, floating bars, and sidebar widgets.

With its powerful features like exit-intent technology, countdown timers, and gamified spin-to-win wheels, you can easily capture your website visitor's attention and encourage them to sign up for the email list.

However, OptinMonster does not offer a free plan and can be expensive for small businesses.


  • Drag-and-drop builder to create custom optin campaigns.

  • Advanced targeting & segmentation options.

  • Exit-intent technology to prevent cart abandonment.

  • A/B testing to optimize campaign performance.

  • Personalized messaging and offers based on user location, device, and referral source.


  • Basic Plan: $9 /mo billed annually with 1 site and 2500 pageviews.

  • Plus Plan: $19 /mo billed annually with 2 sites and 10,000 pageviews.

  • Pro Plan: $29 /mo billed annually with 3 sites and 25,000 pageviews.

  • Growth Plan: $49 / mo billed annually with 5 site and 100,000 pageviews.

OptinMonster G2 Rating: 🌟4.3

8. OptiMonk

OptiMonk email capture tools homepage

OptiMonk is also a great option if you’re looking for a solution to grow your email lists.

The tool is packed with features that make it easy to create popups, surveys, and header bars that can be customized to match your brand's aesthetic.

OptiMonk also offers a wide variety of ready-to-use templates, though according to some users, they can be a bit tricky sometimes if you would like to customize every little detail.

With various types of widgets available, such as pop-ups, side messages, surveys, gamification, and sticky bars, you can choose the perfect format for your specific campaign goals.


  • Advanced targeting features & triggering options for personalized messaging.

  • Multi-step opt-in forms for increased engagement.

  • Access to a library of 300+ pre-built templates.

  • Customizable forms with custom fields.

  • Easy-to-use drag & drop editor.


  • Free Plan: with 15,000 pageviews

  • Essential Plan: $39/month with 30,000 pageviews

  • Growth Plan: $99/month with 100,000 pageviews

  • Premium Plan: $249/ month with 500,000 pageviews

OptiMonk G2 Rating: 🌟4.8

9. Mailmunch

Mailmunch email capture tools homepage

Mailmunch is a lead generation tool that offers customizable landing pages and popup forms to help businesses capture high-quality leads.

It seamlessly integrates with various email marketing platforms, allowing users to create and manage campaigns more efficiently.

While Mailmunch's free trial is quite limited and offers only two minimally customizable popup templates, users can upgrade to access more advanced features.

One drawback of the free version is that users cannot remove the Mailmunch logo from their popups.

Nonetheless, Mailmunch's user-friendly interface makes it easy for businesses to set up and manage their campaigns.


  • Efficient lead capture process.

  • Customizable landing pages and popup forms.

  • User-friendly interface for campaign management.

  • Seamless integration with email marketing platforms.

  • Advanced targeting options to reach potential customers.

  • Lead notifications and CSV download for easy lead management.


  • Premium Plan: $13.99

  • You can also choose a customized plan based on the number of subscribers.

Mailmuch G2 Rating: 🌟4.6

10. Drip

Drip email capture tools homepage

Drip is a powerful email marketing automation tool that helps readers to grow their email list and capture potential customers.

There are spin-to-win, exit-intent, mystery offer, and urgency pop-up email capture templates that you can use.

Additionally, with its advanced events and tracking system, users can easily monitor and analyze customer behavior and engagement.

Drip allows for seamless native integrations with popular e-commerce tools, while its rich automation builder and tag-based system make it easy to create personalized and targeted email campaigns.


  • Advanced events and tracking system for monitoring customer behavior

  • Seamless native integration with several tools

  • Rich automation builder for creating personalized and targeted email campaigns

  • Uses a tag-based system for organizing and segmenting subscribers

  • A/B tests of different versions.


Drip offers only one plan that starts from $39 a month for 2500 contacts and goes up depending on the size of your email list. The tool also offers a 14-day free trial that you can cancel at any time.

Drip G2 Rating: 🌟4.4

11. Sumo

Sumo email capture tools homepage

Another email list builder popup tool that you can consider to develop a high-quality email list is Sumo.

With multiple list-building tools available, you can customize and choose from various options like welcome popups, smart bars, and more.

Templates are also available, which can be easily customized.

Sumo's advanced analytics feature allows businesses to track visitor behavior, analyze user flows, and identify areas for improvement.

It also offers a personalization feature where product suggestions are highlighted on the popup


  • Share buttons to encourage social media sharing.

  • Heat map functionality to analyze user behavior.

  • Effective pop-ups that appear strategically throughout the visitor's journey.

  • Attractive and beautiful pop-ups that capture important information effectively.


  • Starter Plan: Free with limited features.

  • Pro Plan: $39 monthly, $468 paid annually.

Sumo G2 Rating: 🌟4.1

12. WPForms

WPForms email capture tools homepage

WPForms is an incredibly versatile and easy-to-use contact form plugin that has proven to be a top choice for WordPress users worldwide.

With its intuitive drag-and-drop form builder, WPForms can help you create effective lead-capture forms that seamlessly integrate with popular email marketing services and CRM platforms.

The plugin offers a wide range of form options, including email subscription forms, payment forms, polls, surveys, and much more.

With the Form Templates addon, users have access to over 300 pre-made form templates to streamline their form creation process.


  • Easy-to-use drag-and-drop form builder

  • Conditional logic feature to display certain fields based on user options

  • Seamless integration with popular email marketing services and CRM platforms

  • Form templates addons like online event registration, newsletter signup, contest entries, quote requests, and more.


WPForms do not offer a free trial, but it has a 100% money-back guarantee.

  • Basic Plan: $49 / year.

  • Plus Plan: $149.50/ year.

  • Pro Plan: $199.50 / year.

  • Elite Plan: $299.50/ year.

WPForms G2 Rating: 🌟4.8

13. Wisepops

Wisepops email capture tools homepage

Wisepops popups also include some advanced features that can help you tailor your popup campaigns and grow your email list.

One of the key advantages of Wisepops is its A/B testing technology, which can help you track the performance of your popups and optimize them for better results.

It also offers a scheduling feature you can use to accurately control the date and time when your popups will appear, making it easier to reach your audience at the right time.

There is a downside to this tool, which does not offer a free plan, and only offers a 14-day free trial.


  • Drag-and-drop builder for easy popup creation

  • A/B testing technology to track popup performance

  • Scheduling functionality for accurate control of popup appearance

  • Advanced targeting for tailored campaigns

  • Seamless integration with popular email marketing software providers


Wisepops's basic plan is $79/mo offering up to 100,000 page views per month, including 2 websites. Depending on your page views, you can also choose another plan.

Wisepops G2 Rating: 🌟3.8

14. HelloBar

HelloBar email capture tools homepage

If you're looking for another tool to help you create a quality email list and display popups on your website, Hello Bar is worth considering.

It's a user-friendly option that's easy to set up and customize to your liking and can boost your email-acquisition strategy.

Using it’s pre-made templates, you can create beautiful popups for your website without any coding knowledge.


  • A variety of different popup types to choose from, including scrolling bars, popups, and slide-ins.

  • Advanced targeting options, such as geolocation and referral source targeting, to help you reach specific audiences.

  • A/B testing functionality to help you optimize your popups for better results.

  • Comprehensive analytics and reporting to track the performance of your popups.


  • Starter: Free forever with up to 5,000 popup views/mo with 1 active popup

  • Growth: $29/mo with up to 50,000 popup views/mo & unlimited number of popups, subscribers, and A/B tests.

  • Premium: $49/mo with up to 150,000 popup views/mo & unlimited number of popups, subscribers, and A/B tests.

  • Elite: $99/mo with up to 500,000 popup views/mo & unlimited number of popups, subscribers, and A/B tests.

HelloBar G2 Rating: 🌟3.5

15. Thrive Leads

Thrive Themes email capture tools homepage

Last but not least on our list of top email capture tools, we have Thrive Leads, one of the best WordPress list-building plugins solutions.

Thrive Leads is a user-friendly tool that offers a variety of popup types and advanced targeting options.

Its advanced targeting options allow you to show your popups to specific groups of visitors based on factors like their behavior, location, and referral source.

This can help you maximize the impact of your popups and drive more conversions.

However, its extensive customization options may be overwhelming for beginners, and the app is pricier compared to some other options we mentioned on this list.

All in all, it's a powerful tool for businesses looking to drive conversions and grow their email lists.


  • Advanced targeting options based on visitor behavior, location, and referral source.

  • A/B testing functionality to help you optimize your popups for better results.

  • Integrations with a variety of popular email marketing platforms.

  • Comprehensive analytics and reporting to track the performance of your popups.


  • Thrive Suite Quarterly: $149/ quarterly.

  • Thrive Suite Yearly: $229/ yearly.

Thrive Leads G2 Rating: 🌟4.5

More Tips to Capture Leads & Increase Conversions

When it comes to building a high-quality email list, the first step is to get people to sign up.

This is where email list forms and popups play a crucial role.

aesthetic email popup example with a perfume image on the left side

To ensure that your forms and popups are effective in capturing leads, it's essential to follow some best practices and tips.

  • Keep it simple - don't overwhelm visitors with too much information.

  • Use clear and concise copy that clearly communicates the value of signing up.

  • Use trigger words or relatable language to connect with your audience.

  • Make sure your form or popup is easy to use and understand.

  • Use a strong call-to-action** that tells visitors what to do next.

  • Offer strong incentives, like a free download or discount, to encourage sign-ups.

  • Use attention-grabbing visuals, like high-quality images or videos.

  • Consider using humor or playful language to make your form or popup more engaging.

  • Use contrasting colors to make your form or popup stand out.

  • A/B test different versions of your form or popup to find what works best.

  • Make sure your form or popup is mobile-friendly.

  • Personalize your form or popup by using smart tags.

  • Use urgency or scarcity to create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out).

Final Words

So there you have it! A list of top email capture tools, complete with their standout features and pricing details.

While many of these tools offer similar features, the decision ultimately depends on your specific needs, budget, and preferences.

Fortunately, many of these apps offer free plans or limited free trials, allowing you to test them out and find the perfect fit.

In addition, if you're also interested in learning more about Popupsmart's features and our easy-to-use popup builder, we’re always here to help.

So, whether you're a beginner or an experienced marketer, let us help you take your email marketing to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions

a torn paper written with inscription Q and A

How Can I Grow My Email List?

To grow your email list, you can use a variety of tactics, such as launching popup campaigns and offering lead magnets, running social media contests, hosting webinars, and creating referral programs. It's also important to regularly engage with your subscribers and provide valuable content.

What is the Best Time to Send Emails?

The best time to send emails can vary depending on your industry and target audience, but in general, the best day for open rates is Friday, and the best day for click-through rates is Tuesday.

How Can I Measure the Success of My Email Campaigns?

To measure the success of your email campaigns, you can track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates. You can use email marketing software to gather this data and analyze it to optimize your future campaigns.

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