What is Brand Identity?

what is brand identity Brand Identity, also known as Corporate Identity, is about some unique and defining aspects of a brand. These elements might be the brand’s color palette, design, logo, and fonts. It creates both consistency and familiarity about the corporate in the market.

Forming a Brand Identity

Forming a brand identity is not a hard thing to do, but it is essential. To get customer attention, you need to have a consistent and exceptional brand image.

While building your brand identity, you can follow these steps:

  • Consider your audience and analyze the market of your business.
  • Decide the brand’s personality. Visual elements such as color palette, fonts, and logo, can accompany this personality. These need to be in accordance with each other.
  • Use the same color palette and corresponding visual materials while advertising your business.
  • Catchphrases, slogans, words, tone, and images can be included in brand identity as well. These features stay in people’s minds and shape a brand’s identity.
  • The language used in advertisements and product or service descriptions should be consistent.

Why is Brand Identity Important?

A brand’s identity is crucial since it is the first thing people see. It is about customers’ brand experience, which is essential for them to be sustainable. While grabbing customers’ attention, brand identity plays a big role thanks to visual elements. The style that is intended to be conveyed by a brand forms its identity.

The identity of a company makes it unique and outstanding. Thanks to its unique identity, a brand can differentiate itself from its competitors in the market. It can lead to loyal customers as well. People love to see consistency and uniqueness in the products or services they get.

By forming a brand identity, companies can also remark their place in the market. For example, when people hear Starbucks, they can visualize its logo and color palette easily in their minds. That is because Starbucks formed its brand identity wisely and made its elements iconic and memorable. apple-brand-identity-example Also, Apple can be shown as another example on this matter. Apple’s minimalist design and messages the brand conveys are parallel. The brand connotates stylishness and simplicity with its products and designs as well.