What is a Lead? - Lead Definition

A Lead is an individual who is interested in what your business is selling or providing. Here, by interest, we mean readiness to share contact information (email, phone number, social media account) with your organization.


What is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is the process of converting visitors into loyal clients who show regular interest in your company. Instances of lead generators can be listed as;

  • Job applications,

  • Blog posts,

  • Social media channels,

  • Discounts and coupons,

  • Live events,

  • Online content.

Why do We Need to Generate Leads?

When visitors begin an intimate relationship with your organization by showing organic interest, the conversion from being a stranger to becoming a customer occurs naturally. Generating leads is a fundamental point in an individual's journey to becoming a delighted customer.

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lead generation process is shown in a diagram and explained

How to Generate Leads?

The steps of the lead generation process are as follows:

  • A visitor comes across your business through one of your digital marketing channels (lead generators),

  • They click on a call-to-action (CTA) button on those channels,

  • They reach your landing page,

  • The offer on your landing page attracts the visitor's attention,

  • The form on your landing page is filled out by the visitor,

  • And now you have obtained a new lead!

How to Generate Leads from Linkedin?

LinkedIn is a potent platform for B2B lead generation due to its professional-oriented user base. Here are some strategies for generating leads on LinkedIn:

Optimize Your Profile: Your LinkedIn profile is often the first impression you'll make on potential leads. Make sure your profile is complete, professional, and aligns with your brand message. Use a professional profile picture, an engaging headline, a comprehensive work history, and a compelling summary. LinkedIn's 'Profile Strength' meter can help ensure your profile is fully optimized.

Make Strategic Connections: LinkedIn's value lies in its network. Connect with industry professionals, potential clients, and thought leaders in your field. Engage with their content and they may reciprocate.

Engage with Content: Liking, commenting on, and sharing relevant content from others in your network can increase your visibility and position you as a thought leader in your industry. This can draw potential leads to your profile.

Create Quality Content: Regularly post insightful content that adds value to your target audience. This could include industry insights, advice, case studies, or other professional experiences. Over time, this will build your reputation as a subject matter expert and attract more leads.

Use LinkedIn Groups: Join groups related to your industry and actively participate in discussions. Be helpful, not salesy. This can help you establish relationships with potential leads.

Leverage LinkedIn Ads: LinkedIn's advertising platform lets you target your ads based on factors like job title, industry, company size, etc. This can help you reach high-quality leads. The types of ads you can use include Sponsored Content, Message Ads, Text Ads, and Dynamic Ads.

Utilize LinkedIn Sales Navigator: This is a paid tool that helps you find the right prospects and leads. It has advanced search filters, provides lead recommendations, and lets you save leads into a CRM directly.

Post Job Opportunities: This could attract potential leads who are interested in the opportunities your business has to offer.

Host a LinkedIn Event or Webinar: LinkedIn Events is a great way to engage your audience, especially when you can't connect in person. You can host webinars, panels, workshops, or other virtual events relevant to your industry.

Use LinkedIn InMail: InMail lets you directly message anyone on LinkedIn, regardless of whether you're connected with them. Personalized messages can sometimes be more effective at generating leads than standard connection requests. If you wanted to reach person via email address you can use linkedin email extractor tools.