25 Impactful Confirmation Email Examples & Proficient Tips

Everyone prefers confirmation emails to get informed about all the actions taken with their emails.

If we consider the conditions of today, it is not absurd that people may need confirmation emails to verify, inform, or learn.

For businesses, this situation can get way more complicated, so if there is no confirmation email method on your business, this can be the right time to start.

We have gathered the 25 impactful confirmation email examples for you and determined the most vital issues about confirmation emails.

25 impactful confirmation email examples blog cover with the title bold on the left and a magnifying glass illustration on top of a folder on the right

If you already have knowledge about confirmation email and its detail, you can skip the informational part and enjoy the examples!

What is a Confirmation Email?

A confirmation email is an email sent to a person after an action has been taken online.

Confirmation emails are about the official consent and relevance of the person. Plus, it also helps to verify that the person who takes action and to confirm is the same.

a woman working outdoor and smiling at her computer

Confirmation emails can be divided into two because a confirmation email can be sent to display that the action is confirmed.

Or, it can be sent to take the confirmation of a person with a CTA button and little explanations to lead readers to the result.

Either way, a confirmation email provides security and trustworthiness for the businesses that use it.

7 Types of Confirmation Emails

There are different types of confirmation emails that you can prepare or consider for your business.

Preferring a specific type of confirmation email depends on the focus of your business and its needs.

1- Order Confirmation Email: This type of email is highly common to send to subscribers when people shop online. It is used to inform shoppers about their order status, and it is quite effective these days.

2- Registration Confirmation Email: When someone registers to an app, tool, or software, a registration confirmation email is sent to verify or simply inform the process.

3- Subscription Confirmation Email: This is sent when a person subscribes to a newsletter, mailing list, or service.

4- Reservation or Booking Confirmation Email: In terms of restaurants, hotels, or any kind of hosting-related occasions, confirmation emails are useful and prone to increase your brand visibility.

5- Event Registration Confirmation Email: When an event takes place in a solid place, confirmation emails are sent as tickets, codes, or QR codes to sustain informing or entering the event.

6- Password Reset Confirmation Email: This is one of the most common categories of confirmation email since businesses take precautions for their users.

7- Email Address Confirmation Email: When one needs to prove that the aforesaid email belongs to them, email address confirmation emails are the exact go-to solutions.

Why Do People Use Confirmation Email?

To answer this question, we need to get deeper with confirmation emails.

Contrary to what is believed, confirmation emails have more than just confirming the accounts newly formed.

  • Verification is the first point to talk about since confirmation emails give importance to the person’s approval as well.
  • Security and privacy reasons are the next concerns. Because email marketing is an area open to phishing and fraud, confirmation emails provide security and compliance with people.
  • Confirmation emails help businesses increase their user engagement if needed. Since people need to confirm or at least open emails, it will create an interaction between the sides.
  • Stabilizing user experience is another reason for using confirmation emails because knowing how users are doing is crucial.
  • Confirmation emails also contribute to providing benefits in terms of regulations of the sender.
  • With confirmation emails, it is way easier to activate email accounts.

The 25 Impactful Confirmation Email Examples

We have chosen divergent examples from various brands to reach different types of confirmation emails comprehensively.

While searching for these unique examples, we have examined Newslettersearchengine and Really Good Emails as the two proficient email example platforms.

1. Wix

Wix is a website development platform that helps many new beginners and professionals with its advanced features.

Wix's confirmation email as a short and informative example

Since our first example is from a famous CMS, the email looks organized, clear, and direct.

Wix aims for confirmation for the account, and it conveys a very straightforward message to do that.

Besides, using a CTA on the button attracts attention to it directly.

2. Webflow

Webflow is a web design and development platform that allows users to create appealing websites and easily develop them.

Webflow confirmation email with team signature

When it comes to the confirmation of Webflow, we see a similar confirmation email to Wix.

Besides, the button with a CTA is relevant to the aim and impactful.

The difference between the two emails is that Webflow provides a link to confirm email on a browser, which is a common way to complete the confirmation process.

Also, Webflow shares a video to incentivize people to start creating their websites.

3. Spotify

Spotify is a very well-known digital music streaming service that offers customized experiences for listeners by considering their habits.

Spotify confirmation email with a very colorful background

Unlike the previous samples, Spotify is much more colorful, which is very relevant to its brand image.

The email welcomes the listeners by offering a confirmation button.

Then, the listeners are addressed to a hit song to get back to listening by not forgetting the confirmation of the account.

4. Pitch

Pitch is an interactive and effective software for creating presentations with a free trial.

Pitch confirmation email with an illustration at the top

It is not wrong to say that Pitch gives importance to the software more than email.

As a short and direct confirmation email example, Pitch starts and ends its email within three tiny paragraphs.

The sign-up email of Pitch encourages the users to confirm their account with a simple image, short text, and a button.

We must admit that we are happy to see another CTA on a button rather than “Confirm my email.”

5. Polaroid

Polaroid is a photography product brand that still stands over the years and keeps revolutionizing the photography industry.

Polaroid confirmation email on a fully yellow background

One of the most impressive confirmation emails belongs to Polaroid.

Polaroid uses the photographs of its customers with their consent and adds value to this confirmation email.

Because this email is a subscription confirmation email, the subscribers are added to the newsletter of Polaroid.

Also, you are informed that you agree with the terms of Polaroid if you click the button. However, it is a good example of maintaining security for a brand.

6. Crocs

Crocs produces unique shoe-wear products available for different types of weather conditions and events. Even they have been revolutionary in terms of their appearance over the years.

Crocs confirmation email with payment details

Crocs is here, in this list, with an order confirmation email.

As an order confirmation email should do, it proceeds step-by-step with the status of the order, the order details, cancelation chance, payment summary, and the products.

Lastly, the button leads to the order details on the website.

The reason why there is no confirmation button is that if the receiver doesn’t order any Crocs, then they will know the email is used by others. Otherwise, if the shopper is the email owner, then they will know the order is confirmed.

7. Zencastr

Zencastr is a podcast platform that aims to produce professional-quality podcasts and audio.

Zencastr confirmation email with an email icon

Zencastr’s confirmation email is for verifying the account created.

Relevant to its brand image and aims, Zencastr presents an email with an email illustration and necessary information for confirmation.

This kind of button is always enough for confirmation of accounts, as you can clearly see.

8. Homes Alive

Homes Alive is a shop that sells pet supplies in Canada, and it provides the prevalence of animal adoption with discounts and offers.

Homes Alive confirmation email with animal picture

In fact, the confirmation email of Homes Alive is so much larger than the image displayed.

However, it is a giveaway confirmation email from Homes Alive, and it explains everything at the beginning.

In the details, the email mentions the conditions and keeps the spirits alive about the giveaway campaign.

For the ones who ever wonder, there is no confirmation button on the email. There are only two buttons that lead to the blog page and social media platforms.

9. Snack TBH

Snack TBH is a vegan snack brand that supports “your toast deserves better”. It also adopts a healthy snacking idea, so it gives relief to customers.

Snack TBH confirmation email on a beige background

The confirmation email of Snack TBH is for the activation of the account, and apparently, the brand only loves conveying the message directly.

The email starts with an interesting and iconic image of the brand.

Then, since the confirmation is done with this email, customers are led to the online store for shopping.

Just like so many confirmation emails, Snack TBH’s email also seems crystal clear.

10. Lucid Fox

Lucid Fox is a website builder for nonprofit organizations with easy-to-manage features and innovations.

Lucid Fox confirmation email with dancing illustration

When it comes to the confirmation email of Lucid Fox, we find an illustration at the beginning of the email. It shows the process is successful.

Later, the texts confirm and show the support for creating the nonprofit website.

Like the email of Homes Alive, Lucid Fox does not use any buttons because it uses this email as a sign of confirmation instead of a redirection tool.

11. Grammarly

Grammarly is one of the most famous tools in this list to check grammar, punctuation, and clarity styles to improve writing.

Grammarly confirmation email with the necessary details

Grammarly provides a confirmation email to verify the feature of two-step verification enabled.

As an informational example, Grammarly only includes the necessary details about the users’ process.

Even after sharing all the details, it presents updated settings and related choices.

There is no button in this email as well since if people need a button, they should visit the website and their account directly.

12. RallyUp

RallyUp is a brand that helps fundraisers with various tools to donate, support, and share the needed activity.

RallyUp confirmation email with categories on the email

The confirmation email of RallyUp is a bit different than the other emails.

This email touches upon the drafting of new activities, and we see that these activities are confirmed.

The latter part of the email is much better since RallyUp shares its guides and steps to help people get started.

The button here is not to confirm but to take support from the team as expected from RallyUp.

13. Doordash

Doordash is a food delivery platform that works with restaurants and establishments by creating a connection between people and sellers.

Doordash confirmation email with a signifying beginning image

Not surprisingly, from Doordash, it sends an order confirmation email for customers’ orders.

It is interesting to see such an attention-grabber beginning part, but it is effective to show customers are cared about.

The following of the email takes place to the address of the order and the time length.

To make this point clear, the email itself is for the confirmation of the order. Therefore, no further action is needed.

As for the button, it is for tracking the order, and it relieves people.

14. Airtable

Airtable is a collaborative database and work management tool to keep things organized for individuals, teams, and businesses.

Airtable confirmation email with only three sentences

We view a sign-up confirmation email from Airtable, and that is why the email leads users directly to the login page.

It is not so recommended, but Airtable prefers using a link to confirm rather than a button to lead customers.

However, the email as a whole lacks nothing, and it helps reach the aim.

15. Depop

Depop is an e-commerce platform that allows people to sell and buy second-hand products.

Depop confirmation email with shoes and confirming details on the email

Depop’s confirmation email is not so elevated or too obsolete. However, we think it is open to improvement as well.

The first good thing about Depop is the use of personalization, which is so favored by many people. The email uses the username of the receiver while addressing.

Also, the image does not interrupt the process since the bold title grabs attention, and the button shines in red.

16. Canva

Canva is a designing platform that has advanced features and opportunities for its users to design as they like.

Canva confirmation email with its own brand colors

You might have expected something bigger from Canva as they deal with design.

Yet, Canva sends a pretty modest confirmation email to its users.

By summarizing the topic in two sentences, Canva uses a button to move on.

The best part about Canva’s confirmation email is that it gives the possibility of contacting support right away if there is a mistake in the email and confirmation process.

17. Headway

Headway is a reading app that provides summaries in different methods for the ones who have enthusiasm for reading so that they can read and get faster.

Headway confirmation email as a very pretty example using tiny figures

Headway has a very pretty and cute confirmation email, indeed.

All the elements are used effectively without boring receivers.

You can simply click confirm without reading any of them because the button is so evident. Or using the password to log in to the app is another choice.

The rest of the email is about Headway and reading with Headway, which will be helpful after confirming the account.

18. Avocode

Avocode is a collaborative design platform for designers and developers by turning designs into codes.

Avocode confirmation email as a short and simple example with green tones

The email of Avocode is exactly as it should be. It doesn’t run the clock out, doesn’t distract anyone, and only gives what is needed.

Plus, Avocode offers a link that expires in 48 hours to prevent unwanted activity along with the button.

Because the content of the email doesn’t distract any point, one can easily reach confirming the process.

19. Chipotle

Chipotle is a Mexican brand that cooks burritos, bowls, tacos, and salads.

Chipottle confirmation email with their logo and brand colors

Chipotle’s confirmation email reflects its brand altogether.

It is not so hard to say that they have the attractive humor they use in emails.

Chipotle attracts with the headline, explains in the content, waits for the action, and lastly, provides a solution if things go wrong.

Chipotle shares important spots in the footer part that users can reach.

20. Whereby

Whereby is an online meeting platform that hosts people and offers them different features to support their gatherings.

Whereby confirmation email on a beige background

Whereby’s confirmation email is simple but chic.

It shares a login code to ease the login process and offers support for troubles.

This type of confirmation email provides the receiver with a more secure confirmation with only the needed code.

21. Lyft

Lyft is a transportation service that serves ride-sharing facilities.

Lyft confirmation email sent as a purchase summary

Lyft’s confirmation email is the purchase summary email as well.

Since Lyft’s focus is on transportation service, it confirms your ride with the bill itself.

Also, it gives you another chance to retake a ride with a discount.

Besides, it tells how the plan works, and the most outstanding part becomes the button.

22. Airbnb

Airbnb is a famous and much-preferred hospitality platform that offers residential services.

Airbnb confirmation email using a long text with yellow watering pot

The confirmation email of Airbnb is different than the hosting service because this time, Airbnb sends a gift and wants to show it’s confirmed by their own side.

The content of the email is way longer than the other confirmation emails, but the details are shared in the content.

Also, it is a lovely confirmation message to inform.

23. Notion

Notion is an all-in-one productivity tool that helps everyone get organized in terms of their needs, whether for business or personal life.

Notion confirmation email using black and white colors

After a long message of Airbnb confirmation email, we get back to clear and to-the-point emails.

To complete the subscription to the newsletter, all messages direct the confirmation.

As advice, it may not always be perfect to be such insistent on confirming because receivers can get distracted.

24. Shuka

Shuka is a design bureau that tells the story of the brand with its design and creates storytelling from them.

Shuka confirmation email featuring a Charlotte Bronte figure and a book

The email from Shuka is for the receiver’s confirmation of getting into a newsletter.

Shuka doesn’t stop creating stories even in their confirmation emails because they mention Charlotte Bronte to confirm the newsletter process.

Addressing the receiver from a humorous and relevant point of view in a confirmation email can also encourage them about the brand.

25. Ipsy

Ipsy is a beauty brand offering and selling personalized products and kits.

Ipsy confirmation email using the image of a beauty kit and shopping details

Ipsy has a lively tone in its confirmation email because the brand needs an atmosphere of living and refreshing.

The email is highly explanatory in the sense of sharing images and the details of sharing it.

As an order confirmation email, Ipsy uses a very long email, but we suppose that the content and details are quite enough.

How to Create the Best Confirmation Emails

Creating the best confirmation email is not so difficult if you hear our proficient tips and advice for your marketing efforts!

  • Do not create a very long confirmation email. Long emails bore everyone, and you need instant action in terms of confirmation.
  • Be descriptive in the subject line, content, and buttons. No one wants to understand a confirmation email forever, and you need to be direct with your words to catch.
  • Appreciation is always the best. Move their emotions before their actions because if you start with a “Thank you!”, this will be more precious than confirmation.
  • Personalization is critical. When you decide to address them directly, it will display a sense of being cared for and loyalty.
  • Call-to-actions matter. Without any CTA, you need to show more effort than ever.
  • Reflect on your brand and care about design. Remind the essential details of your brand by showing them.
  • Mobile responsiveness can make or break you. Don’t forget that most of the emails will be opened on mobile phones, so optimization is the best way.
  • Use only a few images in one email. Images cannot help you if you address your message to receivers.

To Sum Up

All in all, we have examined the meaning, importance, benefits, and ways of creating the best confirmation emails.

The examples we have specifically chosen for you serve the purpose of finding a voice for your business within these emails.

Either you can already have an email and improve the present one, or you can start creating a brand new confirmation email; it is inevitable that you will be coming across these emails.

We hope we can add shine to your confirmation email creation process, and you can find yours too.

The Frequently Asked Questions

Since we have tried to answer most of your questions in the previous parts with valuable examples, there are two frequently asked questions for now.

Is It Obligatory That Each Business Should Have a Confirmation Email?

No, it is not obligatory. Confirmation emails are sent on a conditional basis, so if your business doesn’t need any confirmation for any type of activity, you don’t have to prepare one. On the other hand, when you include a confirmation-needed act, your business should have the best confirmation email.

Are a Confirmation Email and a Shipping Notification Email the Same?

No, they are not. Confirmation emails serve for different reasons, including shipping notification emails. However, shipping notification emails are only sent to inform receivers about their orders’ shipping status specifically.

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