Top 10 Conversion Tracking Software to Measure Online Success

Conversion tracking software helps you see if you are getting closer to your goals by monitoring every click, lead, or sale.

They do the hard work for you so you can focus on the areas that need improvement.

So, if you are not sure that you're on the right path on your digital journey, check out these conversion tracking software that help you keep a watchful eye on every step of the journey.

Let’s begin!

Conversion tracking software blog post software blog cover with the title on the left and a 3D illustration of a boy looking through a binocular

What is a Conversion Tracking Software?

Conversion means achieving goals. These goals can be (but not limited to):

  • Generating sales
  • Acquiring leads
  • Prompting website visitors to initiate contact
  • Downloading an app or document
  • Registering for events
  • Viewing videos

It is basically any desired outcome that a business wants to achieve.

Conversion tracking software helps businesses and marketers understand how effectively their online efforts are at achieving these conversion goals.

By using conversion tracking software, businesses can

  • gain valuable insights into user behavior,
  • improve the effectiveness of their digital marketing efforts,

And ultimately increase their conversion rates, improving business outcomes and revenue growth.

Top 10 Conversion Tracking Software to Maximize Conversions

Now that we know what conversion tracking software is, discover our top picks. Let's start with a simple comparison.

G2 Rating Comparison of Conversion Tracking Software
Ease of Setup 🛠️ Quality of Support 👨‍💻 Ease of Use😌
Google Analytics  7.8  7.5 7.9
Adobe Analytics  7.3  7.7 6.8
Kissmetrics  7.4  8.3 6.7
Crazy Egg  8.6  7.7 8.5
Heap  8.1  8.7 8.6
AnyTrack  No Rating No Rating  No Rating 
Funnel  8.4  9.1 8.7
Matomo  8.0  7.7 7.6
Webtrends  8.1 7.7 7.8
 MixPanel 8.5 8.4 8.0

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a data collection platform for websites and apps, offering insights into user behavior and business performance.

It tracks user interactions through JavaScript code, gathering data like page views, demographics, and conversions.

This data helps optimize websites, understand audiences, and make informed decisions for business improvement.

Google Analytics user interface with some metrics and a graph, all empty, with a separate section on the right showing users in the last 30 minutes and their countries

Top Features:

  • Real-time reporting to monitor website traffic and user activity as it happens.
  • Audience analysis including demographics, interests, and behavior patterns.
  • Acquisition reports to track how users find your website, whether through organic search, paid advertising, social media, or other channels.
  • Behavior reports to understand how users navigate and interact with your website, including page views, bounce rates, and conversion funnels.
  • Ability to set goals and track conversions, such as form submissions, purchases, or newsletter sign-ups.
  • E-commerce tracking to track sales data, revenue, and product performance.
  • Customization options to suit your specific needs by setting up custom dimensions, metrics, and reports.

Pricing: Google Analytics has two versions: a free one and a paid version called Google Analytics 360.

The free version is available to all users, while Google Analytics 360 offers extra features and support.

Pricing for Google Analytics 360 is around $150,000 per year or $12,500 per month. You must contact Google for specific details.

Customer Concerns:

  • Some users find Google Analytics to have a steep learning curve, especially for newcomers. Navigating and understanding all of its features can be challenging.
  • There are occasional limitations with real-time data tracking, and some users have mentioned that they would like more accurate real-time data.
  • Setting up Google Analytics and configuring it can be seen as a bit complicated, especially for those new to the platform.

G2 Rating:

  • Ease of Setup: 7.8
  • Quality of Support: 7.5
  • Ease of Use: 7.9

2. Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics is a web and marketing analytics platform developed by Adobe Systems.

It provides businesses and organizations with tools to collect, analyze, and gain insights from data related to customer interactions across various digital channels.

Adobe Analytics allows users to track website and app performance, monitor user behavior, and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Adobe Analytics homepage with the value proposition on the left followed by an informative piece of text and “Request a demo” and “Watch video” buttons with a video preview on the right

Top Features:

  • Collects data from various digital marketing channels for a comprehensive view of customer interactions across the web, mobile, IoT, voice assistants, and more.
  • Real-time customer insights for quick decision-making based on up-to-the-minute insights from multiple channels.
  • Attribution analysis to understand the value of each customer interaction in their buying journey.
  • Multi-channel tracking across online and offline channels to understand the entire customer experience.
  • Predictive analytics that uses machine learning to uncover insights from a large volume of customer data automatically.
  • Advanced web analytics on customer pathing, traffic sources, content effectiveness, and video engagement to understand customer behavior on your website.
  • Integration across channels for a more comprehensive understanding of customer behavior and interactions.

Pricing: Adobe Analytics pricing depends on your website's traffic, with some smaller companies paying as little as $2,000. Larger enterprises may invest over $100,000 annually.

It offers 3 pricing plans: Select, Prime, and Ultimate, and you must contact the sales team for the exact pricing.

Customer Concerns:

  • Several users have mentioned that Adobe Analytics can be expensive, especially for smaller businesses.
  • Some users find that Adobe Analytics has a learning curve, making it challenging for beginners to use effectively.
  • A few users have mentioned that Adobe Analytics can sometimes be slow, especially when loading reports or working with large datasets.

G2 Rating:

  • Ease of Use: 7.3
  • Quality of Support: 7.7
  • Ease of Setup: 6.8

3. Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics is a person-based analytics tool designed to identify, understand, and enhance the key metrics driving online businesses.

It offers insights into customer behavior, enabling the tracking and analyzing their actions across the entire customer journey.

Kissmetrics streamlines data collection and reporting for businesses to make informed product and marketing decisions.

Kissmetrics homepage with the headline “Unlock unlimited revenue potential” showing “unlimited” and “revenue” in rainbow colors followed by “Start Free Trial” and “Talk to Sales” buttons

Top Features:

  • Person-based analytics to track and analyze their behavior throughout their entire customer journey.
  • Customer segmentation based on various properties such as plan level, A/B test variations, and demographic information to understand usage patterns and assess the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.
  • Quick and simple reporting to combine tracked events in real-time and analyze data in any combination you can think of.
  • Real-time data to see what is happening on your website at any given moment.
  • Tracking critical steps that your prospective customers take on your website, from their first visit to making a purchase, to optimize your conversion funnels and improve your overall performance.


Kissmetrics offers a free trial, and it has flexible pricing options to accommodate different needs. You can also opt for the Pay-as-you-Go plan at a rate of $0.0025 per event.

The most popular plans include;

  • The Silver plan which costs $199/mo and is ideal for small teams
  • The Gold plan which costs $499/mo and is suitable for medium-sized teams.

Customer Concerns:

  • Customers frequently express frustration with the time it takes for data analysis in Kissmetrics, with reports sometimes taking 10-20 minutes to generate.
  • Many users find the user interface less intuitive and note a learning curve, along with complex customization.
  • Users often have concerns about the cost and limitations, with restrictions on event counts and potential high upgrade expenses.

G2 Rating:

  • Ease of Use: 7.4
  • Quality of Support: 8.3
  • Ease of Setup: 6.7

4. Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg is an analytics platform designed to monitor and enhance how visitors interact with your website.

It offers conversion tracking capabilities to analyze how well your site converts visitors.

The goal is to help improve user experience, increase conversion rates, and boost your website's profitability.

Crazy Egg’s homepage with the headline “Make your website better. Instantly.” followed by a field to enter the URL with a “Show me my Heatmap” button, and on the right, there are different platform logos followed by product feature icons

Top Features:

  • Heatmap that provides a visual overview of where users click on your page to understand which areas are getting the most attention.
  • Scrollmap that shows which page sections are viewed the most to optimize your content placement.
  • Confetti that displays clicks on your page along with metrics such as referral source, new vs. returning visitor, browser, and more.
  • Overlay to determine how many people click on each element on your site.
  • List to organize and analyze clicks on your website to identify patterns and make data-driven decisions.
  • Conversion tracking to track and analyze conversions on your website, such as form submissions, purchases, or sign-ups.
  • A/B Testing Page Editor to change elements like images, copy, and CTAs.

Pricing: Crazy Egg offers a 30-day free trial. Its paid plans are:

Basic: $29/month, 30,000 pageviews, 25 snapshots, unlimited surveys, websites, and A/B tests.

Standard: $49/month, 75,000 pageviews, 50 snapshots, unlimited surveys, websites, and A/B tests.

Plus: $99/month, 150,000 pageviews, 75 snapshots, unlimited surveys, websites, A/B tests, and priority support.

Pro: $249/month, 500,000 pageviews, 100 snapshots, unlimited surveys, websites, and A/B tests.

You can contact Crazy Egg’s sales team for customer pricing.

Customer Concerns:

  • Many users have expressed their desire for more detailed data exports.
  • Several users found it inconvenient to compare snapshots and have suggested improvements.

G2 Rating:

  • Ease of Use: 8.6
  • Quality of Support: 7.7
  • Ease of Setup: 8.5

5. Heap is a digital insights platform that helps businesses understand their customers' end-to-end journeys, improve conversion and activation, and deliver a great user experience.

With, you can capture complete data automatically without the need for engineering work

It provides a comprehensive dataset and offers features like segments, charts, dashboards, and playbooks to help you optimize your funnel, understand user behavior, and drive product-led growth.

Heap’s homepage with the headline “Better Insights. Faster” followed by an informative piece of text and “Free Trial” and “Contact Sales” button with a product interface image below

Top Features:

  • Heap's Digital Insights Platform provides a comprehensive solution for capturing, enriching, and analyzing data.
  • Allows you to automatically capture user interactions and events across your website or app without manual tracking.
  • Session Replay feature to gain full context on every user action.
  • Integrations with over 100 popular tools and platforms to connect and analyze data from various sources.
  • Custom segments based on user behavior and attributes to better understand specific user groups.
  • Charts and dashboard to help you easily analyze and communicate your data.
  • Playbooks feature to automate actions based on user behavior.

Pricing: Heap offers a free plan if you want to try it before purchasing. The free plan comes with core analytics and 6 months of data history (up to 10,000 monthly sessions).

The Growth is suitable for scaling startups. It offers customization, 12 months of data history, and email support, costing $3,600 annually.

The Pro offers analytics with account insights and report alerts with custom pricing.

The Premier plan is designed for large organizations. It includes data warehouse integration, unlimited projects, and premium support. You can contact Heap’s sales team for custom pricing.

Customer Concerns:

  • Many users find Heap to be feature-rich, which can be overwhelming, especially for new users.
  • Users encounter issues defining events and ensuring they are validated properly to prevent duplicates and confusion within their teams.
  • Some users expressed concerns about the cost, with pricing based on sessions, which can become expensive.

G2 Rating:

  • Ease of Use: 8.1
  • Quality of Support: 8.7
  • Ease of Setup: 8.6

6. AnyTrack

AnyTrack is designed to help marketers track and attribute conversions across various marketing tools, channels, affiliate networks, and advertisers.

It is suitable for a wide range of users, including affiliates, e-commerce businesses, ad agencies, and affiliate networks, helping them make data-driven marketing decisions and optimize their campaigns for better results.

AnyTrack homepage with the headline on the left followed by an informative piece of text and “Start Tracking Free” and “How We Help” buttons below, and on the right, there are icons of multiple platforms in 3D squares

Top Features:

  • One tag conversion tracking to make it easy for users without coding skills to track, attribute, and sync conversions across various marketing tools.
  • Autotrack events such as outbound clicks and form submissions without the need for manual coding.
  • Analytics connection to the same conversion data for comprehensive data analysis and reporting, including Google Analytics and Facebook Conversion API integration.
  • Traffic sources tracking for optimizing different types of conversions across various traffic sources, such as Google Ads and Taboola.
  • Custom audiences based on real conversion data to target the right audience at the right time.
  • Integration with popular e-commerce sites like Shopify and WooCommerce

Pricing: AnyTrack offers 3 pricing plans:

Basic Plan: Ideal for solopreneurs starting with performance marketing, this $50/month plan offers tracking for 1 website, e-commerce integrations, Conversion API, and more.

Personal Plan: For small teams, the $150/month plan includes tracking for 3 websites, Conversion API, and unlimited campaigns, among other key features.

Advance Plan: Designed for agencies, the $300/month plan provides tracking for 10 websites, 3M sessions, and unlimited campaigns with e-commerce and lead-gen integrations.

Customer Concerns:

AnyTrack has only 2 reviews on G2. Still, reviews express that:

  • The entry-level plan at $50 may not be very usable for some users because it is limited in features.
  • It lacks certain integrations.
  • It does not offer a solution for tracking conversions across different attribution windows, posing a challenge for businesses with this specific need.

7. Funnel

Funnel is a marketing data hub designed to help marketers streamline their data collection, storage, organization, and reporting processes.

It helps make decisions based on data, growth, and testing, ultimately improving marketing results with an uptime of 99.99%.

Funnel’s homepage with the headline on the left followed by an informative text and “Start for free” and “Get a demo” buttons, and on the right, there is a video preview of the product

Top Features:

  • Data collection and integration from over 500 marketing and sales platforms.
  • Data storage in a secure central repository for all original data and custom fields.
  • Data transformation with prebuilt and custom rules for analytical flexibility.
  • Data sharing with various destinations, reporting tools, and data warehouses while maintaining control from a central hub.
  • Ability to create custom fields and apply data transformations to meet specific analytical needs.

Pricing: offers a free plan with up to 350 flexpoints and access to 230+ core connectors and 3 destinations.

The paid plans include:

Starter Plan: Starting from €360 per month with 700 flexpoints and 230+ core connectors, and 3 destinations.

Business Plan: Starting from €1000 per month, featuring 1000 flexpoints, 230+ core connectors, and advanced features like guided setup, multiple workspaces, and user roles and permissions.

Enterprise Plan: Designed for large-scale organizations with custom pricing, offering 1500 flexpoints, extensive core connectors, and advanced onboarding.

Customer Concerns:

  • Some users find Funnel to be expensive, especially with the use of premium connections, which can impact budget-conscious businesses.
  • Funnel's feature set and data connectors may present a learning curve, particularly during the initial setup and understanding of custom dimensions and rules.
  • Users have reported limitations, especially with data sources like Facebook Ads, which may lead to constraints and issues related to specific metrics or dimensions.

G2 Rating:

  • Ease of Use: 8.4
  • Quality of Support: 9.1
  • Ease of Setup: 8.7

8. Matomo (formerly Piwik)

Matomo claims to be a Google Analytics alternative that provides 100% data ownership.

It provides insights into your website's performance, visitor behavior, and conversion rates.

It is a free, open-source alternative and prioritizes user privacy by supporting local data collection.

Matomo’s homepage with the headline in the center followed by “Try it free with email” and “Matomo On-Premise” buttons

Top Features:

  • E-commerce tracking to help track sales, revenue, and other key metrics related to online transactions.
  • Ability to set specific goals within your analytics platform to track important user actions such as form submissions, newsletter sign-ups, or any other custom conversions relevant to your business.
  • Multi-attribution models to understand how different touchpoints in a user's journey contribute to conversions.
  • Paid ads performance tracking to measure the ROI of your advertising spend.
  • The ability to track the performance of specific SEO keywords to determine which keywords are driving organic traffic and conversions to your website.


Matomo's On-Premise is a free self-hosted analytics platform with premium options, while Cloud Business costs $19/month for comprehensive analytics.

Cloud Enterprise offers customized pricing with advanced features and support.

Customer Concerns:

  • Several users mentioned their dissatisfaction with Matomo's service being chargeable and not free of cost.
  • Users found the platform somewhat complex and challenging to implement. The documentation was also mentioned as a source of difficulty.
  • Multiple reviewers criticized the user interface and usability of Matomo, suggesting it may not be beginner-friendly.

G2 Rating:

  • Ease of Use: 8.0
  • Quality of Support: 7.7
  • Ease of Setup: 7.6

9. Webtrends Analytics for SharePoint

Webtrends is an analytics solution that includes conversion tracking capabilities.

It allows businesses to track and analyze website user behavior, including conversions.

With Webtrends, you can gain insights into how users interact with your website, identify conversion funnels, and optimize your marketing efforts to improve conversion rates.

Webtrend’s homepage with the “Meaningful, Customizable, Digital Analytics” headline followed by a piece of text and “SharePoint” and “Web Apps” product options with icons

Top Features:

  • Page views for understanding user engagement and conversions on specific pages.
  • Tracks the number of unique visitors to your website, helping you assess the overall reach and potential for conversions.
  • User-level tracking to understand user behavior and activity down to the individual user level.
  • Query and keyword tracking to assist in optimizing content and conversions.
  • Custom dashboards to monitor the metrics that matter most to your website.

Pricing: Webtrends Analytics for SharePoint doesn't publicly display the pricing so you need to contact the sales team for details.

Customer Concerns:

Webtrends Analytics for SharePoint has only 22 reviews on G2, but the most frequent user concerns are:

  • Several users find it tedious to customize reports due to limitations in the system compared to other competitors in the market.
  • Users commonly mention that the implementation of Webtrends Analytics for SharePoint can be cumbersome if the right resources are not consulted.
  • A common point of feedback is the desire for a more modern and improved look and feel of the console.

G2 Rating:

  • Ease of Use: 8.1
  • Quality of Support: 7.7
  • Ease of Setup: 7.8

10. MixPanel

MixPanel is an analytics tool that captures user interaction data and offers interactive reports for data analysis.

It allows you to track specific events, like "Sign Up" or "Purchase Completed," to measure conversions and gain insights into user behavior.

Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible to team members with varying levels of data expertise.

MixPanel homepage with the headline “Progress is possible” in the center followed by a “Let’s Build” button and a gradient purple and pink frame

Top Features:

  • An interactive UI for asking questions and digging deeper into user behavior to gain clarity and insights.
  • Conversion tracking for monitoring and analyzing user conversion at different stages of their journey.
  • Ability to define and track metrics, even complex behavioral ones, to measure performance and changes over time.
  • Retention analysis feature to monitor and analyze user retention.
  • A/B testing to test feature variants and determine what is working effectively.

Pricing: MixPanel offers a free Starter plan that supports up to 20 million monthly events and provides core reports, templates, and unlimited integrations.

The paid plans are:

Growth: Starting at $20 per month, this plan handles up to 100 million monthly events and offers advanced features like unlimited saved reports.

Enterprise: Beginning at $833 per month, the Enterprise plan is for large businesses with high data volumes.

Customer Concerns:

  • Users often express concerns about unreliable data accuracy and time-consuming data processing.
  • Some find Mixpanel complex and challenging, with a steep learning curve.
  • Customers are dissatisfied with slow customer support response times and a lack of proactive assistance.

G2 Rating:

  • Ease of Use: 8.5
  • Quality of Support: 8.4
  • Ease of Setup: 8.0

Why is Conversion Tracking Important?

Conversion tracking software helps you see if your website visitors, your audience, are taking the action you want them to take.

It helps you understand how well your campaigns and website perform.

This way, you can see if your marketing efforts deliver positive returns and fine-tune strategies for better results by allocating resources wisely based on conversion insights.

The benefits don’t stop there!

Using conversion tracking software, you can segment your audience for personalized campaigns, enhancing user experience for greater conversions.

Since you will be making informed choices backed by data, you will gain a competitive edge and adapt quickly to stay ahead of competitors.

Before You Leave…

Conversion tracking software is more than just a tool; it's a way to see how well you're doing.

It helps you measure, improve, and expand, making sure your online work matches your business plans.

So, if you want a deep insight into how well you’re doing online, use conversion tracking tools. You’ll see some serious business growth once you start taking data-driven actions.

We provided you with top conversion tracking tools. Now it is your turn to decide which one suits you best. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Best Way to Track the Conversion Rate?

The best way to track conversion rates is to start by defining your specific goals, like sales or sign-ups.

Then, you can use web analytics tools like Google Analytics to monitor user actions on your website.

These tools help you see how many visitors are completing your desired actions, and they provide insights to improve your website's performance and marketing strategies.

2. What is the KPI for Conversion Rate?

The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for conversion rate is typically the conversion rate itself.

You can find the conversion rate with this formula:

Conversion Rate = (Number of Conversions / Total Number of Visitors) x 100%

Number of Conversions: This is the specific action you track, such as the number of products sold, sign-ups, or downloads.

Total Number of Visitors: This represents the number of people who visited your website or landing page during a specified time frame.

3. How to Find the Right Conversion Tracking Tool?

To find the right conversion tracking tool, it might be a good idea to start by clearly defining your conversion goals and budget.

You can research tracking tools that align with your objectives, considering integration with your advertising platforms and assessing their user-friendliness, accuracy, customization, and privacy compliance.

After testing a few options to see which one best suits your needs, you can evaluate your choice. Don’t forget to stay informed about evolving tools in the dynamic digital marketing landscape.

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