What is FAQ Schema? Top 12 FAQ Schema Generator (Free & Paid)

FAQs (frequently asked questions) are power-packed with a stack of magic, and FAQ schema generators will help you harness it to the fullest extent.

FAQ Schema is a vital part of your website optimization as it indicates to Google that you're offering a large amount of content to benefit searchers and, ultimately, helps to increase your visibility.

Therefore, you need to make sure users access data quickly, to meet their shopping or informational needs without having to scour your site through different pages.

In light of this, following hours of research, I came up with a list of the best FAQ schema generators that can help you rank higher and get more organic traffic.

FAQ schema generator cover with a title that says "What is FAQ Schema? Top 12 FAQ Schema Generator" and an illustration of a boy checking his tablet and a big question mark next to him on the right side

What is FAQ Schema?

FAQ schema markups, also known as structured data, is a standardized format for providing information (Microdata or JSON-LD) about a page and classifying the content in the frequently asked questions section.

In other words, it summarizes information on web pages, presenting common questions with short answers to enhance users’ search experience.

Google feature snippet for people also ask section for the seed keyword e-commerce gamification

The FAQ schema elevates your website to get indexed and feature-rich results in featured snippets that are extremely useful to users looking for answers without having to go through the entire page.

Feature snippet for FAQs for a blog post about e-commerce gamification

You might also find these featured snippets on their own within overall search results, under the "People also ask" section, or along with Knowledge Graph information.

How to Optimize Google Featured Snippets?

Including FAQ-structured data on a page can help Google understand what your page is about and provide explicit clues about its content.

So basically, Google reads your FAQ schema markup to determine if your questions and answers qualify for rich results in SERPs.

What is the Best FAQ Schema Generator?

FAQ schema or FAQ structured data is a markup language for creating rich results that can display information automatically on webpages.

It is now necessary to use FAQ schema generators to provide such data to crawlers.

The tools listed below help you generate valid FAQ schema markup in the most robust and non-technical way.

Now, let’s take a look at each one of these FAQ schema generators and see what they have to offer.

1. JSON-LD Schema Generator by Saijo George

The first FAQ schema generator on our list is JSON-LD Schema Generator by Saijo George. Saijo George, an SEO expert, offers a FREE tool that you can use to create FAQ schema markup for your blogs or webpage only in a few simple steps.

Saijo George FAQ schema generator page showing the tool's features

The tool allows you to create the required structured data for your content to appear as a rich result on Google.

One of the great things about Saijo’s JSON-LD Schema Generator is that it saves your previous draft in case you need further changes.

a question box asking Do you want to continue to work on the latest draft? with Yes or No answer

This means that even if the page is accidentally closed, simply re-entering the website will allow you to access your past data, making the process much faster and easier.

Saijo George FAQ schema generator example

Add as many questions and answers as you want without any limitation, and then copy your schema markup and paste it into your page.

Additionally, this is how an SEO director reviews the tool:

“Saijo's tool for generating FAQ Schema markup on the fly is awesome. It saves tons of time manually marking up individual questions and is my go-to tool whenever I'm generating FAQ schema.”

The tool also offers another schema generator that gives you two versions of the Google Tag Manager friendly code.

2. Schema Markup Generator by Merkle

Schema Markup Generator is another FREE tool to generate JSON-LD markups, including all required item properties.

Schema Markup Generator by Merkle showing the tool features

In addition to FAQ pages, this tool offers a variety of other schema types, including:

  • Articles.
  • Breadcrumb navigation.
  • Events.
  • How-to.

It’s as easy as entering the website and choosing the type of schema you want to generate. You can just choose “FAQ page” and enter your questions and answers.

Schema Markup Generator by Merkle example with a question and answer on the left side and the schema code on the right side

Also, this tool outputs JSON-LD to keep up with Google's recommendations, but if you ever need microdata, it's also available.

Once you've finished entering the required data, validate your code using the Rich Results Test and then copy and paste the code into the appropriate sections of your website.

3. Schema Markup Generator by RankRanger

With Rank Ranger, marketers can track organic, local, mobile, app, and video rank on hundreds of search engines and generate schemas markups for free.

Rank Ranger FAQ schema generator homepage with a text that says "Create Structured Data Markup: The Schema Markup Generator"

Schema Markup Generator by RankRanger is another great option for creating your FAQ schema code.

After completing the required fields, just click the Validate button, and you will be directed to Google's Structured Data Testing Tool.

If you want to test your page for rich results, you can also click the Test button for the Google Rich Results Test Tool.

RankRanger FAQ schema generator example with a question and answer example on the right side and the schema code on the right side

Apart from FAQ schema, the tool supports a wide variety of schema types, such as:

  • Article.
  • Event.
  • How-to.
  • Job Posting.
  • Covid 19 - Special Announcements.
  • Local Business.
  • Organization.
  • Product.
  • Recipe.
  • Video.
  • Website.

The best part about using this tool is that it automatically includes the properties needed by Google to produce Rich Search results. So the tool generates the entire code needed to produce a rich result in seconds.

4. OneTools FAQ schema generator

OneTools is another platform that offers a free online FAQ Schema generator tool. This code generator allows you to easily create the code needed to display FAQ questions on your site in a few simple steps.

One Tool FAQ schema generator homepage with a the tool's logo and a text that says "Online tools for web developers, SEO and digital marketing experts"

There are two implementation methods available with this tool; HTML and WordPress.

Besides that, you can also choose an “Extended” or “Minified” version of the schema code.

One tool FAQ schema generator with a question and answer example on the right side and the schema code on the right side The tool has a limitation that allows you to generate up to 6 questions copy the schema code, and test the integrity of the code and page on Google.

Apart from the FAQ schema, the platform offers several free tools, from Youtube custom embedding to an HTML editor and WhatsApp link generator.

5. Schema Pro

With Schema Pro, you can add different types of schema markup and get rich snippets for your site displayed on Google’s search engine in no time.

schema pro markup homepage with a title that says "The Simplest Way to Implement Schema Markup" and a purple background

Schema Pro is a premium plugin that you can use to apply FAQ schema markup on your FAQ pages or blogs in 4 simple steps.

The tool has a low learning curve and comes with a powerful set of features, including the ability to support 13 different types of schema, including the following:

  • FAQ Page.
  • Review.
  • Local Business.
  • Article.
  • Service.
  • Product.
  • Course.
  • Recipe.
  • Person.
  • Job Posting.
  • Software Application.
  • Book.
  • Event.

a picture showing different types of  schema code tools like FAQ or article or recipe with a title that says "Automatically Markup Your Website With Ease"

The tool supports SON-LD – following Google's recommendations for structured data and industry standards.

Furthermore, it supports custom fields - so you can add any field you need and apply that isn't available by default.

Schema Pro Pricing

  • Schema Pro Annual Plan: $67
  • Schema Pro Lifetime License: $237
  • Growth Bundle Annual Plan: $187
  • Growth Bundle Lifetime License: $937

6. Instant Schema Generator

Instant Schema is a free online Schema generator platform offering dozens of resources for different types of Schema.

Instant FAQ schema generator homepage with a blue background

Using this free tool, you can generate a schema for your website with JSON-LD code.

Just add your questions and the answers to them. You can then copy the code and paste it into your website.

Instant FAQ schema generator with a question and answer example on the right side and the schema code on the right side

It has no limit on the number of questions you can add and also can test the Schema for rich results immediately after creating it.

7. Web Code Tools Structured Data Generator

Web Code Tools Structured Data Generator Is a FREE tool that helps boost your website’s SEO and provide a better browsing experience for your users with JSON-LD structured data.

Web Code Tools Structured Data Generator homepage showing different types of schema codes

This FAQ Schema Markup Generator tool is a simple program allowing you to add FAQ questions one by one.

Apart from FAQ schema, the tool offers other types of schema markups, including:

  • Article
  • Breadcrumb
  • Event
  • How-to
  • Job Posting
  • Local Business
  • Organization
  • Person
  • Product
  • Recipe
  • Video
  • Website

Web code FAQ schema generator with a question and answer example on the right side and the schema code on the right side

This schema generator helps you create accurate, bug-free, JSON-LD encoded markup for easy insertion onto your web page.

8. SUSO Digital FAQ Schama Generator

SUSO Digital is a platform that develops targeted SEO strategies designed with eCommerce websites and offers a free FAQ schema generator.

SUSO Digital FAQ schema generator homepage

From white-label SEO to strategic link building, the platform covers all SEO-related services and provides users with free tools such as schema generators.

Suso FAQ schema generator with a question and answer example on the right side and the schema code on the right side This FAQPage Schema Generator is designed to simplify the implementation of JSON-LD code by incorporating your questions and answers.

You can use this tool to quickly generate ready-to-use code and paste it onto the targeted page in no time.

9. Classy Schema Generator

Classy Schema also is another solution to mark up FAQ data and get them to show as rich snippets.

Classy Schema FAQ schema generator homepage

You can use this tool to edit Instructions, Questions, Formatting & Links in multiple modes.

The best part about this tool is that it offers multiple implementation options, including JSON-LD, JSON-LD Compressed, HTML, HTML with Microdata, HTML using Classy Unicode, and WordPress.

Classy FAQ schema generator with a question and answer example on the right side and the schema code on the right side Pick a schema markup option, and you'll get the code. In addition, you get a direct link to the Rich Results Test code.

There is no limit to the number of questions you can add, and the tool is super easy to use, thanks to its detailed documentation.

10. Markethinkers JSON-LD FAQ Schema Generator

Markethinkers JSON-LD FAQ Schema Generator is a free tool that allows you to generate FAQ schema markup for your website or web page quickly.

Markethinkers JSON-LD FAQ Schema Generator homepage

The tool is super easy to use, and there is no limit to the number of questions you can add.

Markethinkers lets you edit your codes with Google TAG Manager-compatible code.

Market Thinker FAQ schema generator with a question and answer example on the right side and the schema code on the right side

You will only need to click the "Edit for TAG Manager" button to begin.

11. Easy Schema

Easy Schema provides a variety of free online tools, including Crawling Tools, SEO, and SERP Tools, as well as an FAQ schema generator.

Easy Schema generator homepage

The tool has zero learning curve, and you don’t even need to know coding skills to work with it.

Moreover, you can also benefit from the other valuable tools these platforms offer as an SEO expert.

Easy schema FAQ schema generator with a question and answer example on the right side and the schema code on the right side

The tool generates the schema markup in real time and has no limitations.

At first, the schema is available in JSON format, but if you create an account, you can also save the generated schema online and get the Microdata.

12. IBPS-Recruitment FAQ Schema Generator

As the last best FAQ schema generator, I present IBPS-Recruitment FAQ Schema Generator to you.

IBPS Recruitment FAQ schema generator homepage Using this user-friendly tool, you can generate FAQ schema for free in real-time and help to boost your click-through rates directly from the SERP.

The tool generates JSON-LD implementation schema and lets you add as many questions as possible.

IBPS FAQ schema generator with a question and answer example on the right side and the schema code on the right side Also, the final schema code can be beautified and minified, so you can easily integrate the FAQ Schema into your website.

Wrapping Up

FAQ schema is a great way to give voice to your content and schema generator provides you with the solution you need to get your FAQ data into the hands of search engine bots and optimize for mobile.

So, if you want to improve your SEO and boost your users' search experience, then you better add FAQs on your website.

Adding FAQs on your website will help you rank higher in the search results and help the users get the information they are looking for faster.

If you want to start creating your schema, use one of the 12 FAQ schema generators I suggested above.

Just make sure to use them well and then implement the code on your website – don't expect immediate results from this and that it will change everything for your site's performance.

You still need good content to win over your users heart!

Just like any other feature, it has to be used responsibly to the benefit of both users and search engines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yellow wordplay pieces put together to create the word "QUESTIONS" with a blue background

Why Do You Need FAQ Schema Markup?

The schema markup allows searchers to find information a lot faster, and it also helps Google crawlers to find your data. It can boost users’ experience & eventually improve your SERP ranking.

How Can I Get Google Features Snippets for MY Blog?

While you can't guarantee getting feature snippets, including FAQ sections in your blogs and then embedding FAQ schema code can boost your chance of getting one.

What is the Best Free FAQ Schema Generator?

Here are the top 5 free FAQ schema generators:

  1. JSON-LD Schema Generator by Saijo George
  2. SUSO Digital FAQ Schama Generator
  3. OneTools FAQ schema generator
  4. Schema Markup Generator by RankRanger
  5. Schema Markup Generator by Merkle

How to Add FAQ Schema to My Website?

Simply select an online schema generator, find the FAQ schema section, and add your questions & answers. It provides you with the FAQ schema code you can copy and paste onto your site.

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