7 Inspiring Hello Bar Examples to Drive Conversions

Are you looking for creative hello bar examples to create your own and boost your conversions?

A hello bar is an effective way to welcome new customers coming to your site for the first time. The initial impression can be a make-or-break moment for first-time visitors.

Hello bars can also be critical to engage returning visitors. But how to create a sleek hello bar that attracts visitors and converts them into customers?

In this guide, we’ll share the hello bar examples of famous brands with you to inspire you to build the perfect hello bar for your brand with the right style and messaging.

Before we dive into the examples, let’s understand what a hello bar is in the first place.

What Is a Hello Bar?

A hello bar, also known as a “floating bar” or “banner bar,” is a campaign displayed at the top or bottom of a webpage. It sticks to its place and stays in its position when scrolling.

It is often used to welcome new or returning users, as well as to:

  • Offer a lead magnet,
  • Announce events and company updates,
  • Promote a sales campaign,
  • Suggest popular content and more.

Here’s how a hello bar looks:

hello bar example

A hello bar can be an excellent alternative to popup campaigns because hello bars tend to be less intrusive. They don’t block the content; they remain in the same position while users browse the page.

This means that you can provide a high UX across your site while increasing engagement and conversion rates. Apart from these, using a hello bar is a great way to reach your business goals like:

  • Growing email lists by embedding a form and lead magnet
  • Promoting webinars, increasing registrations
  • Making announcements
  • Provide incentives like free shipping and discount offers
  • Redirect users to product pages to boost sales

Now that you know what a hello bar is, let’s see some hello bar examples (or sticky bar examples) that will inspire you. Later, we will also show you how to create one easily.

Hello Bar Examples of Famous Brands

1. Promote Sales Campaigns

TopShop sticky bar

According to a study, 28.6% of shoppers look for a discount code almost every time they make an online purchase. By presenting your discount as soon as they visit your site, you eliminate the risk of having them leave to look for the discount elsewhere.

As you will see from the TopShop’s hello bar example above, you can place a non-intrusive sticky bar on your homepage to announce the sales campaigns.

TopShop offers an “Up To 70% Off” sales campaign on a welcome bar. It’s not only that; they also placed a call to action button, ”Shop Now,” to make it easy for shoppers to navigate to the on-sale items.

If you look closer, you will see that they leverage urgency saying “from now till 31st May only.”

You can create a similar sticky bar with Popupsmart popup creator for free and test it out on your website.

2. Comply with EU Cookie Policy

Versace cookie notice bar

Complying with EU cookie laws is essential to prevent getting high fines due to violating e-privacy regulations. Asking visitors before using cookies is also more ethical and trust-building.

How to Create Law-Compliant Cookie Consent Notices According to GDPR, CCPA, and The Cookie Law?

One of the most common use cases of sticky bars is for that purpose. The hello bar example from Versace above asks visitors for cookie consent. It looks simple and in harmony with the website design.

Create a cookie consent sticky bar for free with Popupsmart’s cookie consent generator.

3. Make Free Shipping Offers

KylieSkin hello bar example

Everyone loves free shipping, and that’s a fact! 73% of shoppers decide to purchase an item if it covers free shipping.

It’s a tricky and fruitful marketing strategy to get people to spend more. Needless to say, it works. As you can see from Kylie Skin’s hello bar example, using a sticky bar to announce a free shipping offer is an excellent way.

Floating bars make sure everyone sees your offer without disturbing the users’ browsing experience on your site. Additionally, Kylie Skin limits the free shipping offer to a minimum payment of £30.

If you set a minimum qualification for your offer, you can get more consumers to spend at least that amount of money on your store.

Pro Tip: If you are building hello bars with Popupsmart, you can activate geo-location targeting to create location-specific free shipping campaigns.

free shipping banner popup

4. Announce a New Feature

Ubersuggest floating bar

New features in SaaS products or digital services often go unnoticed due to under-marketing. Think about it. You and your team spend too much time developing a new feature. Why let it go unnoticed?

Market your new feature, have more users test it, and spread the word. How to properly announce a new product feature? With sticky bars!

As you will see from the example above, Ubersuggest uses a banner bar to notify users about a new feature. Although its design blends with the website, the exclamation icon successfully draws attention.

5. Use FOMO to Increase Sales

Envira Gallery hello bar example

Are you aware of how widespread the use of FOMO marketing strategy is? For brevity’s sake, FOMO (fear of missing out) is creating a sense of urgency to drive people to buy the product before the limited time or stock ends up.

The best way to create urgency and speed up the sales funnel? Use a countdown timer on a sticky bar!

Envira Gallery uses a countdown timer to highlight its limited-time deal for new customers. There are two things you need to pay attention to on Envira’s campaign:

  • This offer is only available to new customers.
  • It shows the amount of time left.

You can target new visitors with Popupsmart so that the first-time visitors on your site convert into new customers. Place a countdown time widget on your hello bar to nudge people to buy before the campaign ends.

6. Boost Blog Post Engagements

Serch Engine Journal sticky bar

Sticky bars are not only for announcing sales or new features; they are also an excellent way to promote your blog posts.

Search Engine Journal highlights their trending article to get more engagement on the post. Make sure to add a clear CTA to your hello bar and use catchy words like “Trending” to drive clicks.

7. Nudge Visitors to Use Your Product

Elegant Themes hello bar example

The hello bar examples we have covered so far mainly focused on special offer promotions. But here’s a different sticky bar example.

Elegant Themes uses it to increase the number of free trial users. By promoting the test drive, they will eventually convert those users into customers. It’s an excellent tactic, especially for SaaS products.

Bottom Line

Hello bars, also known as sticky bars or floating bars, are widely used on the websites of various businesses from small to enterprise-level. They catch visitors’ eyes and effectively promote campaigns, products, and more without meddling with UX.

It might be your sign to create a sticky bar for your site and test the results.

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That’s it for hello bars. Have you tried one? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. 🙂

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