How to Create Popups in WordPress Without Plugins?

Do you want to add popup windows on your WordPress site without any plugins?

You do not need any plugin because through this simple code, you can easily create a popup on your website in Wordpress.

WordPress plugins might be problematic in terms of the sustainability of your webpage additions and security of your website.

Furthermore, they have an adverse impact on website speed.

Therefore, why you would deal with a plugin when you can easily set your popup without any plugins?

You can freely have popups in your website with a single line of code by using Popupsmart, an easy to use popup builder.

How? Here is how and it only requires 5-minutes of efforts!

How to Add Popup Code to Your WordPress Website?

First, create your free account with Popupsmart.

Popupsmart's homepage with the headline "Popup builder that boosts sales" on the left followed by a short descriptive text and "Get Started" and "Product Demo" buttons, showing "Sign In" and "Get Started" buttons highlighted

1. After you sign up, you'll land on your dashboard. Firstly, let's add our website by clicking on your profile and choosing "Websites."

Popupsmart's Campaigns page interface with a small window open in the bottom left corner showing "Websites" highlighted

2. Then, continue with "New website" button.

Popupsmart's Websites interface showing "New website" button highlighted in the upper right corner

3. Enter your website URL, and save it.

Popupsmart's Websites page interface with a modal window with a field to enter the website URL followed by "Cancel" and "Save" buttons

4. Your website will appear as "Unverified." Click on "Unverified" to see your embed code.

Popupsmart embed code modal with the embed code, "copy to clipboard" button and some informative text to embed the code on the website

5. Then, copy the embed code to the clipboard and navigate to your Wordpress website's Admin panel and navigate to "Appearance". Click "Theme File Editor."

Wordpress website Admin panel showing "Appearance" highlighted on the left-hand panel

6. Check your theme and click on the "Footer."

Wordpress Admin panel Appearance section showing "Theme" and "Footer" highlighted

7. Then, add your embed code before the < /body > tag.

Wordpress website Admin Theme Footer section showing Popupsmart's embed code highlighted

8. Don't forget to update your file.

Wordpress website Admin Theme Footer section showing "Update File" button highlighted

The placement of the code matters! You need to paste it to before closing the "body" tag.

9. Go back to your Popupsmart dashboard. And click "Verify".

Popupsmart's embed code modal showing "Verify website" button highlighted

When you click that, it will direct you to your WP website. If you see the little modal pops up on the screen that says "Popupsmart installation verified." then it means you are good to go!

A Wordpress website showing "Popupsmart installation verified" modal highlighted in the upper left corner

Here is how a verified website looks on your Popupsmart website's page:

Popupsmart's Websites page showing a Wordpress website verified and highlighted along with other verified websites above

Enjoy your popup! 🚀

a Wordpress website with a popup showing a megaphone and "New Stuff" head text in pink theme

You know how to create a popup in WordPress without plugins and by using Popupsmart instead!

I hope this article is beneficial for you during your website design and helps you create new campaigns to increase your conversions. Happy marketing!

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