How to Delete Your Shopify Store in 2023: A Complete Guide

Looking to break up with your Shopify store? Maybe it just wasn't the one for you, or you found a better match.

Whatever your reason, we've got you covered.

In this blog post, we'll provide you with a complete guide on how to delete your Shopify store in 2023.

a cover image with a title that says "How to Delete Your Shopify Store in 2023: A step-by-step Guide" and Shopify logo illustration We'll walk you through the steps to deactivate your account and even provide you with a guide for pausing your store if you're not ready to say goodbye for good.

And for those of you who want to go the extra mile, we'll even show you how to delete your products individually in your Shopify admin.

So, if you're ready to move on, let's get started!

Deleting Your Shopify Store in 2023: What You Need to Know

hands holding a cellphone showing the Shopify home page If you're ready to say goodbye to your Shopify store in 2023, there are a few important things you need to keep in mind. Here's what you need to know before deleting your Shopify store:

Fulfilling Outstanding Orders

Before closing your Shopify store, make sure to take care of any outstanding orders.

This includes shipping orders to customers, issuing refunds, and resolving any customer service issues.

It's important to leave a positive impression on your customers, even if you're closing your store.

Exporting Your Data

Exporting your data from Shopify is important to keep a record of your sales, customer information, and other important details.

You may need this data in the future for tax purposes, for analyzing your business performance or even for starting a new online store.

Canceling Any Subscriptions

If you have any subscriptions with Shopify or third-party apps, make sure to cancel them before closing your store.

You don't want to be charged for services you're not using, and avoiding unnecessary expenses is important.

Informing Your Customers

Before closing your store, it's important to inform your customers that you're going out of business.

This will give them a chance to make any final purchases or ask any questions they may have.

You can also use this opportunity to redirect them to your social media or a new online store if you have one.

A popup announcement would also simplify this process.

How to Delete or Deactivate Your Shopify Account?

You can easily deactivate/delete your Shopify store in a few simple steps.

However, before deactivating, keep in mind that you will no longer have access to your Shopify admin once your store is closed.

a Shopify stock image of a hand holding a cellphone that is showing the Shopify logo

So you better follow the tips above and take the necessary steps before deleting your Shopify store.

Now with that in mind, let’s get your Shopify store deactivated.

Step One

First, log in to your Shopify account and enter your Shopify admin page.

Step zero Shopify homepage showing the setting on the bottom left corner

Next, go to the Settings option in the bottom left corner and select the Plan section.

You can also search the Delete keyword in the search bar above the window and click on Plan Details directly.

Step one Shopify admin page setting search delete to find the plan details

Step Two

There appears a window offering you the Pause and build option.

a screenshot of a window asking for Pause or deactivate

If you're unsure about deactivating your store and want to take a break instead, you can also switch to the Pause and build plan or start a new store.

Step Three

Once you've decided that you want to deactivate your store, select the Deactivate store option.

Step three Shopify admin showing the plan details page

Next, it will ask you to choose a reason for your deactivation.

step four showing a window asking the main reason why you're closing Shopify account

Enter your password to confirm, and click on Deactivate now.

step five store showing a window asking for the store's password Shopify

And that’s all; you just need to follow these simple steps in order to delete your Shopify store.

Ultimately, one thing to keep in mind is that once your store is deactivated, you won't be able to use the same myshopify domain for a new store.

Although you can still create a new store with the same name, the myshopify domain is unique to each store.

How to Pause Your Shopify Account?

In case you need to put your store under maintenance, you don’t necessarily need to deactivate your account.

In such events, Shopify provides two options for the merchants: You can either password-protect your store or select the Pause and Build plan.

If you choose to pause your store, keep in mind that your current plan will no longer be valid once you decide to unpause.

Additionally, the Pause & Build plan is not available to Shopify Plus stores, and you can only select it if your store is on a paid plan.

 a laptop showing Shopify website

Also, keep in mind that to reopen your store, you'll need to log in and select a new plan that fits your business needs.

Overall, these options make it easy to temporarily close your store and return to selling when you are ready.

You can also check our other blog and see how to pause or password-protect your Shopify store step by step.

How to Delete a Product on Your Shopify Store?

Calling all curious merchants!

If you’re looking to delete a product from your store, you can easily do so by following these simple steps.

Step One:

First, log in to your Shopify account and click on the Products tab in the left-hand sidebar.

Step one to delete a product on a Shopify store on the product section

Step Two:

From there, use the search bar located in the upper right corner of the page to find the product you want to delete.

Once you've found it, check the box next to the product and click on the three dots located to the right and select Delete products from the drop-down menu.

Step two to delete a product on a Shopify store on the product section

Step Three:

A confirmation window will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the product. Click on Delete and the product will be removed from your store.

Step three to delete a product on a Shopify store on the product section

Keep in mind that once you delete a product, it cannot be recovered, so make sure to double-check before confirming the deletion.

Wrapping Up

Closing a Shopify store can be a tough decision, but sometimes it's necessary.

It could be due to a change in business direction or a need for a different platform.

Whatever the reason, make sure you follow the necessary steps to close your store properly.

After closing your store, you might want to consider a Shopify alternative that's more suitable for your business.

Take into consideration your business needs, budget, and desired features when selecting an alternative platform.

Remember, closing your Shopify store is not the end, but the start of a new journey towards a better e-commerce solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yellow question wordplay pieces

Can I Reactivate My Shopify Store After Deactivating It? Yes, you can reactivate your Shopify store after deactivating it. However, you will need to buy a new plan. Your store data and settings will be restored to their previous state once you reactivate.

How Do I Pause My Shopify Store? To pause your Shopify store, go to the Settings > Account section of your Shopify admin panel, and then click on the "Pause and build" button. You will be prompted to select a new plan when you're ready to unpause your store.

What Happens to My Shopify Store When I Pause It? When you pause your Shopify store, it will be taken offline, and visitors will not be able to access it. However, you can still access your Shopify admin panel to manage your store data and settings.

What are Some Alternatives to Shopify? Some popular alternatives to Shopify include ًWix, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and Magento. Each platform offers different features and pricing plans, so it's important to research and compare them to find the best fit for your business needs.

Can I Cancel My Shopify Subscription at Any Time? Yes, you can cancel your Shopify subscription anytime, but you will continue to be charged until the end of your billing cycle. After that, you'll lose access to your store and all its data. If you're on a free trial, you can cancel at any time before the trial period ends without being charged.

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