How to Measure ROI on Content Marketing & Details to Note

How to measure ROI on content marketing is a question to answer easily, yet sometimes it cannot be that simple to learn.

Since there are many factors that affect content marketing, it is better to take all into consideration while measuring ROI.

Also, do not forget that ROI is not rocket science to deal with, but since it is one of the most significant points, it needs to be paid attention to.

We will focus on some significant issues regarding how to measure ROI on content marketing, such as:

  • The definition of content marketing ROI
  • How you can measure it
  • The criteria for measuring content marketing ROI
  • Why content marketing ROI is important

How to measure ROI on content marketing cover on a pruple background with the icon of money and time

Feel free to jump to that title if you have a point you wonder about most.

What is Content Marketing ROI?

Content marketing is the use of all types of content to help grow and market your business.

As for content marketing ROI, it is the proportion of how much you have gained compared to how much you have spent under the evaluation of content marketing.

If the definition of content marketing ROI is not clear in your mind, let’s see how it can be measured!

How to Measure ROI on Content Marketing

Firstly, you should know that you cannot measure your ROI on content marketing at the moment you start doing it since it’s a long-time process.

After you write your content or prepare them, you need to wait for them to draw attention, and it may not be as straightforward as it sounds.

To the general knowledge, you need to wait six to twelve months after you publish the content to see the impact it will create and the progress it will lead you.

When it comes to measuring your ROI, you need your return and investment. That’s how you can reach the ROI you have.

All the math you need to do is: Subtract your investment from revenue and divide the result by the investment. Then, multiply the result by 100, and you have the content marketing ROI.

roi calculation on a blue background

As an example:

roi equation on a blue background

You invest $500 for your video content and have $4000 in return in the general calculation. Then, the math is:


3500/500= 7

7 * 100= %700 ROI

You can see yourself as advantageous when you spend less and earn more because the higher ROI, the better.

Remember that it is the general equation of ROI. When you calculate the ROI based on the content, you can reach the value you aim for.

You need to take the details from your own revenue related to your content marketing results.

Although ROI is highly crucial on content marketing, you should remember that it is not the only result you need to care about because positive reviews and feedback are also the determinators of the successful distribution of content.

The 8 Metrics to Measure ROI on Content Marketing

For tracking the ROI on content marketing, some metrics are vital to know and follow because the things that matter are not only the results but also the process you lead.

1. Find an Analytics Tool

Analytics tools are the most helpful elements in this process because they will make you follow the process. You can have the rates based on the analytics tool you use.

Though there are many website analytics tools that you can use, Google Analytics is the leading analytics tool to count on.

Google Analytics generally provides specific information on the basis of your Conversions and your goals in depth.

Applying your goals to your expectations will help you improve the strategy you have.

With Google Analytics, you can find:

  • The most popular keywords
  • How the visitors find your website
  • How long do they spend time
  • What kind of activities they do
  • How much is the estimated revenue

If you look for different analytics tools to keep track of your content marketing results and the details, you can check 14 Best Google Analytics Alternatives (Privacy-Friendly Ones)

2. Track Your Conversions Regularly

Just like all the efforts, ROI is also done to increase sales and conversions. Thus, if you want to have a successful content marketing area, you must regularly keep track of your conversions.

For example; As a general method, check the monthly performance of your content and see if there is any change or not. This will help you learn more about conversions as well.

a man searching on his laptop and a glasses on a table

While auditing your performance, the primary focus should be high conversions and low bounce rate. Otherwise, the contrary of this equation does not satisfy you.

Conversions represent the successful impact of content marketing, and the more you see high conversion, the better.

Controlling conversions help guide content marketing because if the strategy you’re trying to work on does not fit the expectations, you can change them when you notice.

Also, watching conversion’s progress is beneficial for optimizing content and changing the tactics if necessary.

3. Take Your Time

You can’t expect your content to bloom immediately since time is necessary for content marketing. You should know that you literally invest in content marketing.

Therefore, what is important in content marketing is that if you want a higher ROI, you will need time to see a bigger impact.

some plans done on the paper around a mobile phone

Also, many people in the content marketing industry know that the content needs time from three to six months to rank higher.

While waiting for your content to rank higher, it’s better to be aware that since the focus of the content may vary, its popularity may change as well.

Thus, you need to take all factors into consideration.

meeting ofa strategy lead by a person

Don’t forget that we don’t say that your content will rank higher as much as you wait, but we say that even good quality content may need time to shine and get better results.

Therefore, keep in mind that time can kill or time can heal.

4. Know How Much You Spend on Content Marketing

Content marketing can be expensive from time to time.

It is best to determine your pros and cons before starting content marketing and elevating it because content marketing is not all about writing content in a way.

In light of this, if you leave content marketing to its own fate economically, it will not be wise to apply and wait for its benefits.

a meeting about content marketing budget

Hence, you need to include the most significant elements for this metric since it is a specific area for your business’s future.

The most important elements that you need to decide are that

  • who will write the content
  • how you will manage the content writing process
  • how much time will the content require to be complete
  • when you will publish your content
  • how you will distribute it
  • if you use any paid promotion
  • if you use any ads or not
  • which channels will you use effectively

All these elements and more affect the budget you consider investing in for content marketing.

For starting content marketing to measure ROI, you should not talk big or have insufficient expectations so that your standards meet the ranks and results.

5. Find Your Key Points to Keep Under Control

Content marketing helps you see the key points and pay attention to them.

The first point is lead generation. There is no doubt that your content matters and is written with much effort, yet these may not be enough for their rank and contribution to ROI.

More importantly, they need to provide lead generation. They are valuable as much as they generate leads. Therefore, your main focus should be to gain leads.

lead generation planning meeting, a person tellign the strategy standing before the whiteboard

Also, it is important to mention that there is a mutual relationship between lead generation and content marketing. If you use the leads wisely, you can know more about your visitors based on the information you ask for.

That’s how you can create more content targeting your visitors specifically by considering their needs and expectations.

If you wonder how much lead generation costs in the process, you can check this article: How Much Does Lead Generation Cost?

Another key point to have regard is sales. If you have a product or a service, there is nothing more normal to consider sales than anything because the efforts of content marketing also exist for sales.

Sales are the results of the most successful lead generation in a wider sense.

You need to control your sales, and your ROI can get in shape more appropriately according to your expectations.

a man talking with gestures in front of a laptop

Keep in mind that content marketing is not directly related to sales if the topic of your content does not aim for it.

However, if you have a content marketing campaign, including email marketing, then you can plan to get higher ROI with the activities you put forward.

In case you create an email marketing campaign that you need to arrange, Email ROI Calculator can guide you through the way.

6. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In terms of SEO, there is a lot to do in content marketing.

To apply this process effectively, you need to start from the beginning with the keyword research. If you want to make a good start and start confidently, know which keywords matter most based on their keyword difficulty, volume, global volume, and traffic potential.

SEO does not start and end with keyword research because you need to build a balance of link building on your content.

If you give importance to on-page SEO, you must structure your content accordingly. You have to take care of the following:

  • target keywords (including the main keyword and the supportive keywords)
  • keyword frequency
  • meta title and descriptions
  • internal and external links
  • URLs

Mentioning SEO, optimizing your content, and emphasizing the importance of CTR is essential to observe.

SEO will help you develop a successful content marketing strategy, and a successful marketing strategy will lead you to a higher ROI.

7. Promote Your Content

Promoting your content is as significant as creating a content marketing strategy.

After you have created high-quality content, it is so probable to have high ROI expectations. Your ROI expectations may vary depending on the money you spend as well.

However, to add value to your content marketing efforts, it’s better to promote it properly.

a man holding a mobile phone and controlling a laptop at the same time

Social media channels and blog platforms are in fashion to promote and distribute your content.

If you have enough time, effort, and patience, you can get help from inbound marketing channels to promote your content because inbound marketing channels have more needs than outbound.

People see, read, or hear from word of mouth, and the brand wins familiarity while the content increases its value. So, start promoting!

8. Authority & Authoritativeness

It is one of the independent factors that will affect your content marketing strategy.

Except for the quality of your content, you need to prove your authoritativeness about the content you produce to make people believe in your authority.

a meeting about the future process lead by a person telling with a screen

Content marketing generally has no borders to overcome, but the important thing is that you need to make people believe that you are capable of telling.

Whether it is your expertise or detailed research can help you create content, but if you prove yourself, then you rank higher.

All in All

We’ve covered the question anyone can always ask for the sake of business, “how do I measure ROI on content marketing?” as long as they have faith in and expectations from content marketing efforts.

Also, the area of content marketing can produce ROI, but you should not forget to determine your goals and set your benchmarks through the process.

To avoid measuring ROI and considering its benefits can harm your marketing strategy, so be into content marketing and the results if you decide to apply.

We hope this article can help you when you decide and measure your ROI on content marketing! :)

Frequently Asked Questions

Learning the details of content marketing can be paramount and informative to begin or refresh your business’s course of events.

How Important is ROI for Content Marketing? This can be answered as ‘very much’. ROI is about the investment made on content marketing per se. Therefore, it is open to affect everything that is about content. This situation spans clicks, views, sessions, conversions, and so on. It also means that if you want a higher ROI, you must give more importance to your content marketing strategy and all related things.

How Should You Create Your Content Marketing Strategy? Content marketing sounds simple, but as far as you can comprehend, there are a lot of things to do appropriately to make it perfect.

About how you can build your content marketing strategy, it might be valuable to follow the key tips above:
  • You need to have an adequate budget to start the campaign.
  • You need to know yourself to decide solid goals for your business.
  • You need to determine how to create your content- their types, your technique,
  • You need to find efficacious ways to distribute and promote your content.
  • You need to control and measure your results if they fit your strategy or not.

What are the General Content Marketing KPIs? Some common content marketing KPIs are as follows:
  • Organic traffic
  • Leads
  • ROI
  • Time on site during visits
  • Conversions
  • Total visits
  • Unique visits
  • Bounce rate
  • Shares

How to Do Content Marketing Properly? Doing content marketing properly is simple, but it has to be done with the delicacy that you can show the importance and create an atmosphere of authoritativeness about the points you consider. However, you need to give importance to some steps if you want to do it properly.

You need to know, learn and identify your target audience to build a strong relationship. Then, you need to meet the requirements of the target audience and improve your content accordingly.

Since it is not easy to serve the purpose, it will be helpful for you to know what is needed to fulfill. That’s how you can create new content ideas for your marketing strategy and the process of your business as well.

What are the Types of Content Marketing? Whether you call it examples or types, content marketing has its branches that can influence your marketing strategy to improve. These are as follows:
  • Blogging
  • Email marketing
  • Video content marketing
  • Social media content marketing
  • Podcast content marketing
  • Infographics
  • Ebooks
  • Webinars/ Courses

What Are the Results of Content Marketing? The most common and expected results of content marketing are:
  • to obtain traffic,
  • to generate new leads,
  • to boost familiarity,
  • to provide backlinks and social awareness through channels,
  • to increase sales,
  • to have the most benefit in terms of revenue,
  • to build bridges between the visitors and the brand,
  • to inform and direct the readers to buy.
All of these points directly or indirectly increase the importance of content marketing because all will serve a high ROI in the end.

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