Create FOMO and Show Limited Stock Info of Specific Collections on the Shopify Store
Convert More by Creating FOMO

Create FOMO and Show Limited Stock Info of Specific Collections on the Shopify Store

# Create FOMO and Show Limited Stock Info of Specific Collections on the Shopify Store

It is a huge advantage to use an exit-intent popup that shows limited stock info to your visitors when they intend to exit your Shopify store while they are on a specific collection.

Popupsmart’s advanced targeting options can create a popup to display your visitors when there is a limited stock of collections on your Shopify store.

Follow the steps below to retain your customers with you in your store!

# Step 1: It’s time to sign in to your Popupsmart account and create your campaign with customization options.

popupsmart register screen

# Step 2: Head onto the Segment and find “URL Targeting”.

choosing segment and finding url targeting

# Step 3: Start arranging the condition by choosing “Target specific pages”. Then, continue with “Show popup” and “Matches” for the dropdowns. Lastly, for the URL, write the target collection page or pages. Click “Add.

arranging the url targeting for shopify fomo campaign

🔔 Important Note: You should add a “/ (slash)” at the beginning and end of the URL while writing it. For the blank, you should write your pages just after your website which is located by default.

# Step 4: Next, scroll down and choose “+Add user behavior targeting” in the User Behavior section.

add user behavior targeting for shopify campaign

# Step 5: Then click the “Add” button on the Exit-Intent option.

choosing exit intent for shopify campaign

# Step 6: You can set the sensibility as you like from the dropdown of the targeting.

determining sensitivity of exit intent for shopify

Save it and publish it freely whenever you want.

publish step of shopify fomo campaign

You have created your popup, and it’s ready to hold your customers in case of any attempt to exit.

More importantly, when people are informed about the stock situation, this will be a reminder for them to evaluate the products as well.

In a way, you help people shop directly without enlarging the process for later and give them another chance to benefit from the campaign.

Try it now and contact us if you have any questions.