Personalize Your “Buy 2 Get 3” Campaign for Your Customers’ with Their Favorite Brands in Their Carts
Show a Popup for a Product from a Specific Brand

Personalize Your “Buy 2 Get 3” Campaign for Your Customers’ with Their Favorite Brands in Their Carts

# Personalize Your "Buy 2 Get 3" Campaign for Your Customers' with Their Favorite Brands in Their Carts

Increasing user experience, user engagement, and your sales at the same time... No, we are not dreaming. 😄

Your Shopify store can host a wide range of brands, yet your customers may have a favorite, and you can turn this into an advantage.

The best way you can help them is a 'Buy 2 Get 3' campaign, and a smart popup with SiteData Targeting will help.

Wouldn't it be perfect if you had a popup that shows your 'Buy 2 Get 3' campaign when your customer adds a product from a specific brand?

Wanna learn how you can do it?

# Step 1: Sign in to your Popupsmart account. Create a new campaign, and don't forget to customize and style it.😉

customization step for buy two get three

# Step 2: Move to the Segment step and choose to Edit or Change the current Segment option.

segmentation step for buy two get three campaign

# Step 3: Add the "SiteData Targeting" in the Audience section by adding audience targeting.

For more detailed help about SiteData targeting for Shopify, you can our comprehensive help documentation.

sitedata targeting selection

# Step 4: To show your popup on Shopify properly, you need to choose "Matches" as the condition.

matches selection for site data targeting

# Step 5: "shopify.cart.products.0.brand" is the property keyword that you need to put.

property keyword entry

# Step 6: For the property value, you can write the brand's name, which you aim to offer your campaign.

brand name

# Step 7: Now, it is time to launch your campaign by saving and publishing the segmentation options.

publish step for buy two get three campaign

And that's all!

Since the 'Buy 2 Get 3' campaigns are among the influential campaign types, they mostly lead buyers to buy more.

With these simple steps and segmentation options that Popupsmart offers, you can create your campaign and earn more.

If you have any questions about creating your popup, don't hesitate to contact us anytime!