Top Marketing Workflow Templates That Will Save Your Time

Keeping track of your marketing campaigns can be overwhelming. Using marketing workflow templates lets you have a bigger picture of your marketing campaigns and manage your upcoming projects.

If you want to prevent possible chaos, you need to organize your campaigns.

These templates help you automate your projects & create scenarios that can be helpful in digital marketing campaigns. Apart from preventing a chaotic workflow, marketing workflow automation and templates can help you to stay organized.

Here are some digital marketing workflow templates that you can use on your business and increase productivity.

a cover image that says "marketing workflow templates that will save your time" along with an illustration of people working with laptops, clock and a calendar

Top 6 Marketing Workflow Templates to Stay Organized

Marketing workflow templates are useful for helping you determine what steps need to be taken to achieve your business objectives. The key is understanding what tools and resources are needed at each step of the process to be available when needed.

If you’re ready to start planning your marketing workflow, these project management & marketing tools and their marketing workflow templates can help get you started.

1. Monday Marketer's Campaign Management Templates

screenshot of Monday Marketer's landing page is a project management tool that helps teams stay on track of their projects and tasks. It offers many different features that can be helpful while organizing a project, collaborating with other team members, and achieving goals. has a feature called Monday Marketer, which offers marketing workflow tools. It makes marketing and creative activities easier and more efficient.

It has many marketing workflow templates, including content calendar, email marketing, social media marketing, event management, brand management, etc.

For example, their campaign management feature helps you to schedule a campaign. After scheduling your campaign, you can track its progress and decide your next move.

screenshot of marketer's features and a marketing workflow template

Team members can see the workflow template you created and contribute to it by adding new tasks and comments. It also makes it easier to share feedback and comments about a specific campaign.

monday marketer's features and a marketing workflow template

The campaign management feature helps you create templates that help you automate your campaigns. It allows you to notify your team members and automate your workflow, which can prevent chaos in different campaigns with upcoming deadlines. Pricing: It has a free plan that can be used by up to 5 seats. The basic plan starts from $8 per month and per seat. The standard plan starts from $10 per month per seat and allows team members to collaborate.

2. Lucidchart's Marketing Workflow Diagrams

screenshot of Lucidchart's landing page

Lucidchart is a diagramming application that helps users create diagrams and charts. Teams can use it to collaborate on different projects easily. Apart from collaborating on a project, you can create workflows using this tool.

Lucidchart has marketing workflow templates that marketing teams can use. For example, their content marketing workflow template can be extremely useful while planning your content creation activities.

screenshot of Lucidchart's content marketing workflow template and features page

This content marketing workflow template of Lucidchart can help content creators to streamline their content workflow. You can include team and individual goals in this template so as to achieve more growth.

Also, seeing the progress of each step in your content management becomes practical.

It helps content marketers not to get lost in their upcoming projects and organize their content strategies. Furthermore, since it is a highly customizable template, marketers can customize their workflow template according to different goals and needs.

Lucidchart Pricing: It offers a free plan with three editable documents and 100 professional templates. The individual plan starts from $7.95 per month with unlimited editable documents and more than 1000 professional templates.

3. Brevo’s Automation Templates

screenshot of landing page of Brevo, which is a marketing automation software

Brevo is an all-in-one software that offers many different marketing and sales solutions. In addition, it has a marketing automation software that helps its users automate their workflow.

With their marketing automation solution, marketers can create welcome journeys and send re-engagement campaigns. Also, it allows users to customize their content according to their audience’s interests.

Apart from these, it aims to increase conversions by building workflows that will guide visitors through sales.

For example, the product purchase workflow template helps users to keep their audience engaged since it allows them to follow up with their customers.

Brevo’s marketing workflow template example

Source: Brevo

For example, a workflow template like this can help you build different scenarios and trigger actions.

By adding various details considering your needs, you can follow and organize your marketing campaigns, such as offering a discount to those who visit your page, like in this template.

Brevo Pricing: It has a free-to-use plan that offers up to 300 emails per day and unlimited contacts. The starter plan starts from $25 per month and offers unlimited daily sending and email support. The business plan starts from $65 and offers advanced statistics, A/B testing, and more.

4. Drip's Marketing Automation Templates

screenshot of Drip's automation solution landing page

Drip is an all-in-one marketing platform that offers various solutions such as forms, popups, email marketing, SMS marketing, automation, segmentation, and insights. Drip’s automation feature can be useful if you want to automate your marketing workflows.

Its automation solution helps you to build your email and SMS workflow automation. Abandoned cart and post-purchase workflows can be helpful to increase your sales conversions.

Also, win-back, birthday, and welcome campaigns are great examples of customer loyalty programs.

Drip has many pre-made marketing workflow automation templates that you can use. Their marketing workflow templates include welcome, abandoned cart, post-first purchase, post-repeat purchase, and win-back series.

These automation templates can be integrated with BigCommerce, Magento, Shopify, Shopper Activity API, and WooCommerce.

screenshot of Drip's Shopify marketing workflow template

Source: Drip

For example, their Abandoned Cart Shopify marketing workflow template is made to reduce the cart abandonment rate. The template includes different scenarios and triggers that can shape Shopify marketing campaigns.

drip's woocommerce marketing workflow template

Source: Drip

Also, their Post First Purchase Woocommerce workflow template can be useful if you have a Woocommerce store.

Using this template, you can thank your customers & make them loyal ones. It helps you promote your products by upselling and getting customer feedback as well.

Drip Pricing: It offers a 14-day free trial. It starts from $39 per month.

5. Smartsheet's Workflow Automations

screenshot of Smartsheet's landing page

Smartsheet is a work management platform that offers its users various solutions. Smartsheet’s features include automation, bridge, custom email domains, resource management, content collaboration, and add-ons.

The automation feature helps you to create workflows and set repetitive processes. It can be about your email marketing campaigns that shape according to different scenarios.

Since the automation feature has many pre-built templates and template sets, you don’t have to start from scratch to build your marketing workflow.

Smartsheet’s platform called Bridge offers workflow automation that can be used by marketing teams as well.

screenshot of Smartsheet's Bridge workflow template

Source: Smartsheet

Bridge’s marketing workflow automation can look like this. You can customize your own workflow easily and add different scenarios.

It has a no-code user interface that is easy to use. You can build configurations between different systems and create automated workflows that fit your business needs.

Apart from these, it integrates with many platforms that you can use for your marketing campaigns.

Smartsheet Pricing: The pro plan starts from $7 per month and can be used by up to 25 users. The business plan starts from $25 per month and can be used by unlimited collaborators. For the enterprise plan’s pricing details, you can contact the sales team.

6. Trello's Project Management Templates

screenshot of Trello's landing page

Trello is a project management platform that helps remote and hybrid teams to stay organized. For example, if you are planning to launch a new product and marketing campaign, you can use this tool to automate your marketing workflow.

Its solutions built for marketing teams include boards, lists, and cards that can be used while collaborating with other team members.

Apart from this, it has an editorial calendar feature that helps you to organize and coordinate your content creation process.

Trello offers many marketing workflow templates that you can use to track your campaigns. It has different template options focusing on content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and inbound marketing campaign management.

screenshot of Trello's marketing workflow templates' landing page

Thanks to its pre-made marketing workflow templates, you can organize your projects and tasks easily and collaborate with your team members.

Trello Pricing: It has a free-to-use plan that can be used by teams or individuals. The free plan includes up to 10 boards per workspace. The standard plan starts from $5 per month and offers unlimited boards and unlimited storage.

In Conclusion…

We have listed marketing workflow tools and templates that you can use on your business in this blog post.

We hope you liked reading about them & will create your own workflow automation to increase your productivity, sales conversions, and user engagement! 🤩

Marketing workflow template examples of these tools can help you to get an insight into how to create your own properly!

Don’t be shy and share what you do to organize your workflow to achieve your digital marketing goals with us in the comments section! Thank you for your time. 🤓

Frequently Asked Questions

a gif of Lisa Simpsons from The Simpsons saying "Any questions?"

What is a Marketing Workflow?

Marketing workflow is a tool that helps marketers to different steps of their projects. It can be helpful in organizing upcoming projects and tasks. Also, you can create new campaigns and automate them thanks to marketing workflow automation.

How Do You Create a Marketing Workflow?

You can use workflow automation tools to create a marketing workflow for your business. Most of the automation and project management tools include pre-made marketing workflow templates that save your precious time.

Apart from this, these templates allow you to customize your own according to your workflow needs and interests.

Why Do You Need Marketing Workflow Templates?

You need marketing workflow templates because they will make your job so much easier! Instead of sending your emails manually, you can automate them using a workflow template and save time.

Also, while organizing your content marketing strategies, workflow templates come in handy and make everything easier. No matter which marketing activity you are planning to do, automating it and creating a workflow can benefit you a lot.

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