Shopify 2.0 SEO: What You Need to Know About New Features

Shopify announced several new features on Tuesday (June 29, 2021), aimed at making the platform more customizable for users.

With Shopify 2.0, merchants have access to a host of new features and themes.


Shopify platform makes it possible for you to improve your store's performance in the SERPs by leveraging a variety of SEO tweaks which we will cover shortly in this article.

These are the changes Shopify made with its latest update for merchants:

  • Brand new editor
  • New theme architecture
  • App blocks & app modularity
  • Metafields
  • File picker
  • Default themes

Now we’re going to list some of the most important Shopify 2.0 SEO-related features and the main reasons why you should upgrade to Shopify 2.0.

What is Shopify Online Store 2.0? 🛍️

As one of the leading eCommerce platforms on the market, Shopify has been a strong contender for years now, and the launch of Online Store 2.0 enhances that position even further.


With its easy-to-use interface and focus on helping small businesses succeed, this Canadian brand launched in 2006 and quickly became one of the most innovative players in the eCommerce industry.

Shopify 2.0 is the latest platform for merchants to sell online.

The development of the new version places a special emphasis on user experience while adding several new features to help merchants maintain consistent contenton their storefronts without the need for complex web development skills.

So here is a quick review of some of the new and improved SEO-related features included in the Shopify launch, along with their implications for your business. let's get started!

Shopify 2.0 SEO Related Features

We've compiled a list of new and improved features in Shopify 2.0 that can help you maximize your store's search engine optimization.

The Changes to Metafields


(Image Source)

Metafields are extra pieces of data that you can add to individual pages or items.

The new Metafields update allows you to provide more product information to draw customers to your store.

Shopify has introduced new features in the theme editor to update meta fields for products, collections, and pages.

The update eliminates the need for using APIs or code, allowing you to change product pages without relying on APIs or hardcoding meta fields.

Thanks to the upgrade, you may now add any material to the product page, including additional information that may be beneficial to the target audience and potential buyers.

Additionally, meta fields can improve your SEO by altering data that is unlikely to appear in the store editor.

A Flexible Store Content System

You can now add the content you need to your product page without writing code or using APIs.

This includes a section for your customers to insert a sizing chart or ingredient list and meta fields that can be shown in the main store editor.

Metafields also provides the ability to store media such as photos or PDF files. In addition, the upload and choose media processes on product pages have been simplified.

The file picker can help you place a product warranty or sizing graph on your product page by selecting the relevant file and placing it in your theme's file meta field.

It also enables apps to use this space for files and pictures unrelated to a specific product, such as images used in themes.

Providing More Product Information to Attract Buyers

Shopify recently added a new feature to help you display more product information on your web store. 📃

It used to be time-consuming and tricky to modify your code to include more data about products, clients, or transactions.

Fortunately, with this new update, you’ll now be able to update and alter meta fields directly from the Shopify dashboard without touching your code. How easy is that?!

A meta field increases the data elements of your product items, customers, or transactions, which is beneficial for your SEO.

For example, you might have used metafields in the past to add particular care instructions for your buyers on the product page.

However, now you can use this feature to add even more information about your products, clients, or orders within your Shopify account.

In addition, you can also use these extra data points to attract more customers and enhance their in-store checkout experience.

Customized App Suggestions


Finding the right apps just got a whole lot easier. ✌🏻🪄

The older version of the Shopify App Store can sometimes make finding the perfect app challenging.

However, with the release of Online Store 2.0, Shopify App Store will now provide tailored app suggestions for similar companies.

This innovative tool will save you a lot of time and help you identify the best match for your shop easily.

Customizable 404 Pages

The house of one of the most important aspects of your online store is your site's 404 Page. Shopify-2-0-online-store-customized-404-error-on-an-old-computer Visitors to your website will be directed to such a page by default or through navigation choices if they click on a broken link or there is a problem with navigation.

You can now make the 404 error pages customized and even a shoppable page with Shopify 2.0.

You need to edit the theme code to include products or categories and then add sections to that page.

Consider adding a section that details your best-selling products as well as links to your most popular collections so that customers and search engines can find them more easily.

💡 Learn how to optimize Your Shopify Thank You Page

Quick Loading Website

The difference of 4 seconds between a user’s click and the time it takes for a website to load can make or break a sale.

You could have the best product on the market, but if your website loads too slowly, you’re going to lose sales

Whether it's increasing the lifetime value, lowering the bounce rate, or SEO, Shopify 2.0 is your go-to.

However, Shopify SEO management tools help you optimize the store and customize the website for a faster and stronger first impression.

An Entirely Brand New Editor

new-Shopify-theme_editor-theme-setting-screenshot Updates are always scary, especially when they affect something you rely on so heavily.

But don’t worry cause this update is going to change your life!

This change may not seem like a life-changing event from the outside, but it is a major improvementonce you dive into it. No longer do you need to code anything to make adjustments.

The new Theme Editor is far easier for creating different types of pages and managing content in general.

With the new editor, you can easily manage the look and feel of your store, which should lead to lower costs in terms of time and money in the future, whether you're making frequent updates or designing a new one.

Plus, Shopify says it plans to provide this kind of editor for other Shopify Apps, so expect a wealth of new native features to appear in the near future.

What Should You Do Before Making the Switch to Shopify 2.0?

Now that you have an idea of what Shopify plans to do and how other companies have handled the switchover, you know what your options are.

However, there are many details to consider, so switching won't be easy.

Make sure to take your time and consider every aspect, as making a decision too quickly may end up costing you more than you intended.

In Conclusion

Shopify 2.0 released a host of new features that are going to change the way you build and design your store as well as manage it.

Make sure you stay on top of this rapidly evolving platform.

With Shopify's new features, small and medium-sized businesses can create new page templates and fill them with data without writing a line of code.

Also, the content management system has been redesigned and enhanced with new SEO-friendly features.

Therefore, if you already have work in progress or if you're planning to start building a new project on Shopify, be sure to tap into these new tools.

Frequently Asked Questions


How Do You Upgrade to Shopify 2.0?

Here are the steps you need to follow to update Shopify 2.0:

Step 1: Go to the Theme Updater App: Apps > Theme Updater.

Step 2: You can see whether the theme updates are available on the Dashboard.

Step 3: To update your theme, click the Update button. Your theme will be updated with the latest version.

How Do Shopify 2.0 New Features Help Merchants?

Shopify store's update and new features assist the merchant on so many levels, such as:

1- Merchants can create stronger brand stories and experiences for customers with Online Store 2.0's new features and capabilities.

2- By leveraging dynamic resource capabilities, businesses can make their stores more content-rich and interactive.

3- Using the new tools simplifies store management and speeds up customizations.

Will My Current Shopify Store Break If I Don’t Upgrade to 2.0?

The short answer is No! Shopify sellers who are happy with their current theme version do not have to worry about it breaking.

The Shopify version 1 theme can still be used, however, you won't have access to some of the newest features that are available to 2.0 customers, so it's recommended that you switch as soon as possible.

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