How to Create Shopify Product Bundles (Tips & Types)

Shopify product bundles are an excellent way to increase sales and customer satisfaction. If you want to display a wide range of your products, including product bundles can be useful.

You can offer discounts for your product bundles, announce your new collections with bundles to promote them, and use many other product bundles.

In this blog post, we explained different bundling types, how to create Shopify product bundles and tips for creating effective bundles. By learning how to create bundles in Shopify, you can apply these strategies to your store as well.

Let's dive into it!

a cover image that says "how to create Shopify product bundles" with an illustration of a hand, shirt and a product package

What are Shopify Product Bundles?

a white paper bag and a shopping cart on a beige background

Shopify product bundle is a marketing strategy that includes grouping multiple related or complementary products together and offering them as a single package to customers.

Shopify product bundles, often referred to as package deals or combo offers, are a marketing strategy used by e-commerce stores. Bundles are created to group multiple products together and offered as a single package to customers.

These bundled packages can be created in various ways and can consist of related or complementary items.

It is used to enhance the shopping experience for your customers while driving sales and increasing the average order value of online stores.

By offering a carefully curated combination of products, you not only make it more convenient for customers to find what they need but also present them with an attractive deal that encourages them to purchase more items at once.

Types of Shopify Product Bundles

a couple of bottles of perfume sitting on top of a bed

There are various Shopify product bundle types you can use to meet your store's specific needs.

Here are common types of Shopify product bundles:

  • Pure bundling: The components of the bundle are only available for purchase as part of the bundle. This approach restricts the options provided to the consumer, as products in pure bundles can't be bought separately.

  • Bundling related products: You can bring products that are often purchased together, like a camera and a lens. This bundle type helps customers discover complementary items they might not consider buying.

  • Buy one, get one (BOGO) deals: Promotions like "Buy one, get one at 50% off" to entice customers can be used along with Shopify's discount features for engaging deals.

  • Mix and match bundles: You can give your customers the freedom to choose items to include in their bundle.

  • Gift Sets: Gift sets are often used for seasonal campaigns and can be an ideal product bundle type if you want to boost your sales during the holiday season. Apart from seasonal campaigns, gift set bundles can be created for certain segments and collections.

  • Frequently bought together bundle: By including a section that displays relevant products that are frequently bought together, you can recommend products to your visitors. You can also offer discounts for those who add new products to that selection and get the most out of a frequently bought-together bundle.

  • New collection bundle: To promote your new collection, you can create a new collection bundle. If you want to increase the hype of new products, offering special discounts and selling bundles for a limited time can be useful.

You can also discover "11 Product Bundling Examples That Will Get You More Sales" for inspiration.

How to Create Bundles in Shopify?

a man wearing a Shopify sweatshirt sitting on a couch with a laptop

Important: If you want to sell bundles on Shopify, your store needs to be suitable for it.

For starters, you must be using the Online Store sales channels or a Custom Storefront. Ensure you use one of them since other channels can't use the bundle capability.

Apart from that, you need to unpublish Shopify Scripts if you have any. Also, pay attention that your store is not using any checkout.liquid customizations. If you revert to checkout.liquid, your store will not be compatible with Bundles.

If your store is using apps like Global-e, Licensify, and The Legacy Recharge subscriptions app, you can't use bundle capabilities as well.

Once you meet the requirements, you can create bundles for your Shopify store. Here, we explained different methods to create bundles in Shopify below.

Explore them, and apply the suitable method to your business!

1. Create a Bundle with Shopify Bundle App

You can use Shopify Bundles to create bundles in Shopify easily.

First, you need to have products to use Shopify Bundles.

a screenshot of Shopify Bundles app on Shopify app store

Install this application to your store, and start following these steps:

Step 1: Go to the Shopify admin panel, click the "Bundles," and click the "Create bundle" button.

Step 2: Enter a relevant title in the “Title” input field.

Step 3: Then, click the “Select products” button. From the "Add products" part, choose the products you want to add to your bundle and click the "Select" button.

If you want to increase the product quantity, you can optimize the number according to your needs in the quantity field.

Also, you can adjust the variants in your bundle by clicking the variant name.

In order to add quantity as a bundle option, you need to click the gear icon next to the relevant product and click the "Add quantity as an option."

For multipack bundles, click the gear icon again and select the "Duplicate product" button.

Step 4: After you complete the necessary and optional adjustments, you can click on the "Save" button.

Note: You can include relevant product information on the product details page. Also, under the "Status," you can select "Active" to update your product status.

To edit your product bundle, you can open the Bundles app from the Shopify admin panel. Then, select a bundle, click the "Edit" button, make necessary adjustments on the bundle product page, and save.

You can also edit a bundle from the product page by going to the "Products" from your Shopify admin. Then, select the bundle, and under Bundled products, click the apps button and select "Edit with Bundles." You can make necessary changes and save your product once you are done.

2. Create a Shopify Product Bundle Popup with Popupsmart

Step 1: Install the Popupsmart's Shopify app on your Shopify admin panel.

a screenshot of searching Popupsmart app on Shopify admin panel

Step 2: Click the “New Campaign” button to craft a new popup campaign on Popupsmart.

a screenshot of creating a new campaign on Popupsmart

Step 3: Create your product bundle popup by using ready-to-use popup templates, or start from scratch with a blank template.

a screenshot of creating and customizing a Shopify product bundle popup on Popupsmart

Announce your product bundle offer with an engaging headline and include clear and attractive product images.

Don't forget to include an engaging CTA button to redirect your visitors to perform the desired action. You can include the product page of your bundle or redirect users to a special discount offer.

Step 4: After you finish customizing your Shopify product bundle popup, you can go to the "Segment" part to set certain triggers and use targeting solutions.

Click the "Add audience targeting" part from the Audience part.

a screenshot of going to the "Segment" part and clicking the "Add audience targeting" button on Popupsmart

Step 5: Select “Shopify Audience Targeting” among the targeting solutions.

a screenshot of selecting “Shopify Audience Targeting” among audience targeting options on Popupsmart

Step 6: After you select Shopify Audience Targeting, you can adjust its settings according to your goals.

a screenshot of adjusting details of Shopify Audience Targeting on Popupsmart

There are various cart properties, such as, cart.productCount,, which allows you to show or hide your product bundle popup according to the details of your customers' carts.

For example, if you choose property as "cart.productCount", the tperator as "Is equal to," and the value as 2, your popup will be displayed to users who fit certain criteria.

You can customize this part considering how you want to display your product bundle offers and reach the right people at the right time.

Apart from these, various properties related to customer, product, and collection details are available, so you can find the suitable one.

For more details about properties on Shopify Audience Targeting, you can explore How to Use Shopify Audience Targeting?

Step 7: Once you adjusted your segment and finished customizing your popup, save and publish it.

a screenshot of saving and publishing Shopify product bundle popup on Popupsmart

Click the "Save" and "Publish" buttons to make your Shopify product bundle popup live.

Now, you can display your product bundle offers or promote your new product bundles with conversion-ready popup campaigns!

Explore different Shopify solutions of Popupsmart to increase sales and engagement of your store.

Benefits of Using Shopify Product Bundles

cosmetic product bundle in a package

If you are unsure about adding product bundles to your Shopify store, seeing the benefits of them can help you make informed decisions.

There are several benefits of using Shopify product bundles, and we gathered them below:

  • Boosting sales with cross-selling: By bundling related products together, you encourage customers to buy more items than they initially intended. That way, you can cross-sell relevant products to boost your sales.

  • Increased average order value: With product bundles, you get the potential to increase your average order value. You can upsell or cross-sell related products, and these will result in increased AOV.

  • Cost savings: As customers love getting a good deal, they will be more likely to take advantage of product bundles. Since these offers emphasize that visitors will reduce expenses and save money by purchasing a bundle, they can spend more.

  • Enhanced customer experience: Product bundles can make shopping more convenient as they include complementary items. Customers can save time and find bundles for their needs and interests quickly.

  • Opportunity to surprise and delight customers: Surprise and delight marketing plays a big role in winning customers' hearts. With product bundles, you can make small and effective surprises for your audience and boost your customer satisfaction.

  • Efficient inventory management: If you have products that aren't selling quickly, you can bundle them with more popular items. Seeing that the popular item they search for comes with an additional product for a reasonable price, visitors will be more likely to purchase your products.

  • Managing seasonal products: Seasonal products and collections for the holiday season can often experience inventory challenges. Create bundles that feature both seasonal and evergreen products to ensure the seasonal items don't go to waste.

Considering these benefits, you can increase user engagement, boost customer satisfaction, and double your sales, thanks to Shopify product bundles!

Tips for Creating Effective Shopify Product Bundles

a man typing on a laptop

To maximize the impact of your product bundles on your Shopify store, consider these tips:

  • Understand your target audience. Use customer feedback, reviews, and surveys to collect insights about what your customers need and want. By knowing how to obtain customer feedback, you can understand your audience better and create bundles that they choose to buy more.

  • Follow seasonal trends: Being aware of seasonal trends can help you adapt your product bundling strategy accordingly. Using seasonal product bundles or offering certain products in a collection with a bundle can increase the demand for your products.

  • Adjust your pricing strategy: Effective pricing is vital in effective product bundles. You can consider discounted bundles, tiered pricing, and limited-time offers to encourage your visitors with offers they can't resist.

  • Offer bundle customization option: Some customers can appreciate the ability to customize their bundles. If you have a wide range of products, you can provide customization options to visitors so that they can include what they want to purchase in a bundle.

  • Promote your bundles: You can promote your product bundles on various marketing channels to increase their sales. You can send email campaigns to your audience to announce your product bundle offers or share posts on social media platforms. You can also display popup campaigns to announce your bundles effectively.

Wrap Up

Product bundles are a versatile and valuable tool that can make a significant impact on your e-commerce store.

By creating Shopify product bundles effectively, you can increase sales, boost your average order value, optimize inventory management, and enhance the shopping experience for your customers.

Keep your target audience and their interests in mind, and start crafting your Shopify product bundles using the methods we explained in this blog post.

By promoting your bundle offers, you can skyrocket sales and user engagement eventually!

Frequently Asked Questions

magnifying glass and frequently asked questions written on paper

Are There Any Limits to The Number of Products to Include in A Bundle?

Shopify allows you to include multiple products in a bundle. However, it's best to keep it short and sweet so as not to overwhelm customers. Try to add relevant products to your bundle, and keep your customers' needs and interests in mind while adding products to your bundle.

What are the Benefits of Shopify Product Bundles?

Shopify product bundles offer benefits such as increased sales, higher average order values, more efficient inventory management, and improved customer experience. You can promote your new arrivals with bundles and create buzz about them.

They can also help you sell more products, reduce excess stock, and provide a more convenient shopping experience to your visitors.

Are There Any Apps to Create and Manage Shopify Product Bundles?

There are several Shopify product bundle apps available. Some of the most popular tools are Simple Bundles & Kits, Bundles, and Rebolt - Bundle Products. These tools are available in the Shopify App Store, and they can simplify the process of creating and managing bundles.

As these apps offer additional features and automation, you can enhance your bundle creation experience.

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