10 Best SMS Popup Tips & Examples to Capture Quality Leads

To this day, SMS marketing remains one of the most effective ways to reach your audience, yet you need a list of interested and qualified subscribers.

And there is no better tool to assist you in this regard than SMS popups.

That’s why I compiled 10 best SMS popup examples from popular e-commerce websites, as well as some best practices for you to get inspired and grow your SMS list.

Check them all and start designing your popup campaign.

a blog cover with a title that says "10 Best SMS popup tips & examples"and "How to create SMS popup" with a 3D illustration of a mobile phone with a pocket of yellow envelope on top

What is an SMS Popup?

An SMS popup is a simple window that shows up on your website aiming to capture visitors' phone numbers and generate quality leads for future SMS marketing campaigns.

Using proper popup design and copy, you can amaze users and persuade them to subscribe to your SMS list and share their numbers.

a Popupsmart SMS popup template with a heaphone illustration and a title that saysa "Leave Your Phone Number"

In fact, G2 SMS marketing statistics show that 54% of consumers would like to receive promotions via SMS, but only 11% of businesses send them this way.

Therefore, by initiating contact in your leads' SMS inboxes, you can gain an edge over your competitors who do not use this approach.

The more relevant you are to your users, the more you're likely to win them over in your campaigns.

Aside from that, it is reported thta 33% of SMS recipients react to CTAs in SMS marketing messages, and 47% of them end up making a purchase.

Wondering why? 🤔

The majority of these people likely provided their contact information willingly, expecting to receive SMS messages in the future, so that’s why they engaged and made a purchase.

Relevancy is the key, but to entice visitors to share their phone numbers, you must know a thing or two about SMS popup best practices.

What are the Best SMS Popups Tips & Examples?

Over the years, innovative marketers have attempted to improve their conversion and return on investment rates by using various strategies and tools.

And while there are many ways to get customers' attention, nothing beats a personalized and targeted SMS message.

As I mentioned above, popups are one of the most effective ways to feed your SMS marketing campaigns.

And with the right tool (AKA popup builder) and a little creativity, you can develop a list of qualified and interested users who are more likely to respond to your marketing messages.

Now, I have reviewed over 50 e-commerce websites and selected top 10 SMS popup examples for you to take note of.

Let's examine them individually and discover what makes them unique and effective.

1. Live Tinted Discount SMS Popup

The first SMS popup example on my list is from Live Tinted, a beauty and cosmetic store on Shopify that focuses on inclusive, diverse beauty.

Live Tinted SMS popup example with an image of the product on the left side and a text in big fonts that says "Sign Up To Get 10% OFF!" and an orange call to action that says "continue"

The first thing that captures users' attention in this popup is the color harmony in the left-side image featuring the product and the call-to-action.

The headline urging users to sign up for a 10% discount immediately catches the visitor's attention, which is complemented by the fact that there is only one field to complete.

Not asking for too much information is a good popup design practice that leads to more user engagement.

Using system filed smart tags, the popup appears 5 seconds after a visitor enters the website and automatically displays the country code of the visitor's current location.

If you don't want to reach international customers, you can just activate your SMS popup for a certain country or city so it only appears to users from that location.

Lastly, note that in the consent section, the brand explains why you would want to sign up for this SMS list and how to contact them or cancel the subscription at any time.

2. Birchbox Email & SMS Popup

This popup from BirchBox is another great example that combines SMS and email signups and is triggered by scrolling 10% of the page.

Birchbox SMS popup example with a picture of a happy girl smilling on the left side and a bold text on top left side that says “Joy Can Not Be Contained” with a call to action that says "submit"

The phrase “Joy Can Not Be Contained” boldly displayed, along with the image of the smiling girl wearing the brand's products, conveys a positive first impression.

Plus, using a white background makes this SMS popup easier to read.

Overall, this popup is a converting one since it gives users two options and targets two mediums at the same time.

You can also try this with your SMS popup campaign and hit two birds with one stone.

This way, you can be sure that people who sign up for your SMS list are interested in getting offers and updates on their mobile phones.

3. Elizabeth Mott Simple SMS Popup

Elizabeth Mott’s SMS popup seems super simple at first glance, but it's exactly that simplicity that makes it so special.

Elizabeth Mott SMS popup example with the brands logo on the top and a text in bold font that says "20% OFF" and a pink call to action that says "Get Now"

Not all SMS popups have to come with eye-catching images and contrasting colors, and call-to-action.

There are times when simplicity is the highest form of sophistication.

The popup contains the brand’s logo and offers “20% OFF” at the top, which catches the reader's attention right away.

The best part is that the popup clearly indicates that anyone who enters their number will opt into their SMS marketing list.

This way, customers won't be annoyed when they receive promotional texts. It's already clear to them what they're getting into.

4. To'ak Chocolate Informational SMS Popup

This To'ak Chocolate popup is another example of using a single opportunity to reach out to both email and SMS audiences.

The interesting thing about this popup is its informational incentive.

Toak chocolate SMS popup example with a picture showing a lot of cacao fruits and a local man walking in the garden on the left side and a text in bolf that says "Welcome! Join us in the new era of chocolate"

The popup offers no discounts or giveaways, but for professional chocolate lovers, it offers something more precious!

“Occasional emails with pre-launch products, offers, and cacao & chocolate education.”

The brand clearly knows its target audience well enough to offer cacao education as a motivating factor.

Plus, making the phone number optional while emphasizing the “occasional” emails makes the eager user want to sign up for the SMS announcements as well.

5. The Man Company No Spm SMS Popup

The Man Company cleverly addresses the main concern of all users by promising them quality content and no spamming.

The man company SMS popup example with a picture of 3 men with a car looking to the left side wearing eye glasses on top and a bold text that says "Good things come to those who sign up!"

From the picture of the men to the title that says, "good things await those who sign up", everything about this popup triggers the target audience.

On top of the no-spam guarantee to enchant users' trust, they provide an extra option for subscribers to receive new offers and updates in their WhatsApp accounts.

Additionally, the smart automatic location tags, the contrasting CTA color, and the concise and friendly copy collectively make this popup engaging & visually appealing.

6. Parachute Home Exclusive Access SMS Popup

Parachute Home knows exactly how to make users feel special in this SMS popup.

parachute home simple SMS popup example with a bold text on top that says "Exclussive Access Awaits" with email address and phone number field and a dark call to action that says "Sign Up"

By leveraging emotional trigger words like “Exclusive Access” in the headline, users are made to feel that they will gain something valuable by signing up.

Additionally, the popup’s simplicity makes it more readable and user-friendly and promises users to inform them of new product launches and marketing campaigns.

Lastly, they explained all the terms and conditions of signing up for their SMS list and provided privacy information for potential subscribers.

By providing transparency to your users, you establish a sense of safety and demonstrate that your brand is trustworthy.

7. Death Wish Coffee Next Order Discount SMS Popup

Next SMS popup example is from another successful Shopify store called Death Wish Coffee.

deathwish coffee SMS popup example with a picture of a hand preparing coffee in a french press with a pocket of the brands coffee in the background on the left side and a text on the right that asks "Want 15% Off?"

This popup is triggered by first-time visitors and only requires one thing: a valid phone number.

By asking, “Want 15% Off?” it leaves no space for speculation and directly offers an exclusive discount for the next order in return for the phone number.

Look how with a black background and a red CTA, they have improved contrast and made the popup more noticeable.

Ultimately, you can't help but notice the image showing the product in use, specifically, the coffee being consumed by someone in a French press.

8. Nine West Optional SMS Popup

Nine West is another successful brand that uses email and SMS popups to capture new qualified leads.

Nine West SMS popup example with a bold text that says "Receive 15% Off" with two email and phone number box on the left side and a picture of shiney high hills on the righ side

Everything in this popup is glitzy and glam, just like the products they are marketing.

Even though the phone number field is not a requirement, offering 15% off for subscriptions still encourages people to sign up.

The “Sign Up Now” call to action is visible, and the terms and conditions they provide about their SMS marketing plan are crystal clear.

9. Miss A - Shopmissa Inside Deals SMS Popup

Miss A is persuading visitors to subscribe to their SMS list for insider deals and exclusive offers.

Shopmissa Miss A SMS popup example with a picture of the brands' eye shadow palette on the left side and a text on the right side that says "Treat yourself to inside deals"

This popup uses Miss A's brand colors and fonts, which makes it a great example of a branded popup.

Additionally, note the headline tempting users to treat themselves to a little shopping while saving money.

Keep in mind, offering targeted promotional discounts this way increases the product's perceived value and entices users to subscribe.

10. 8and9 SMS Popup

Last but not least from our list of best SMS popup examples here is the 8and9 popup. 8and9 SMS popup example with a bold text that says "Stay in the loop" and a black call to action that says "Sign up for free" with an image of a man wearing thhe brands streetwear products

This popup is also a mixed email and phone number field for the user to choose from.

It is clear that this independent streetwear brand understands the tastes of its target audience since it uses a picture of someone wearing all the best-selling products on display.

Further, putting the emphasis on being the first to know about new drops and restocks induces potential customers and followers of the brand to sign up.

Why Do You Need SMS Popups?

SMS popups are one of the most effective ways to grow your SMS lists and access qualified leads who subscribed willingly.

Remember that SMS is more than just a way to send a text message. It's an opportunity for brands to grow faster.

SMS popup template example from Popupsmart with a green background and a text that asks "Having trouble figuring it out?"

Plus, it gives the brands these opportunities to convert more of their website visitors.

Let’s face it, all of us have seen tons of unread emails in our inboxes; on the other hand, the interesting thing about SMS is that consumers still tend to pay close attention to text messages on their phones.

Additionally, since only a few brands utilize SMS marketing, this can set you apart and enhance your overall marketing performance.

In other words, don't hesitate to try the SMS popup game and see what your brand can achieve with it.

How to Create an SMS Popup?

While SMS popups are an excellent way to drive sales and thoughtfully engage your customers, it's important to approach them with the right tool.

an SMS popup template example from Popupsmart with a countdown timer with a picture of a girl smilling and a text that says "20% Off For You"

If you're getting started with SMS popups, you can use Popupsmart’s easy-to-use popup builder.

The tool comes with dozens of customizable popup templates that are a cost-effective way to market online and drive traffic to your business.

an SMS popup template from Popupsmart for schedualing a meeting with an image of a clothe hanger on the left side and a text that says "Scheduale a free meeting"

We cover most of the features important for creating a good SMS popup and analyze its performance.

Additionally, we published a detailed blog about "How to Create a Free SMS Popup," in which we explained the whole process in detail.

Feel free to check it out and then start your SMS popup campaign.

Create Your Free SMS Popup with Popupsmart!!

Final Words

Lastly, I must say that creating an SMS popup isn't that hard if you follow the tips above and get inspired to create an eye-catching popup like other examples.

Of course, you still have to do some testing and tweak here and there, but it’s a lot of fun trying to squeeze out the most from what you’ve got, improving every campaign to make it more effective than the previous one or changing something about layout just for the sake of it.

Having said that, if you are ready to go on a campaign to see how far your conversion rate can go, go for it.

Just remember that you should never stop A/B testing and tweaking.

Be creative, stay open-minded and always try to evolve to give the best possible experience for your users.

And most importantly – have fun while doing it!


What are the Best SMS Marketing Tools?

Here is a list of the best SMS marketing tools to get you started:

  • 1. Popupsmart
  • 2. Omnisend
  • 3. Sendinblue
  • 4. Klaviyo
  • 5. EngageBay
  • 6. Postscript

Is SMS Marketing Still Effective?

The short answer is yes. With a 36% open rate, SMS marketing is the safest medium to avoid ignoring. There's no secret that most people tend not to open their emails, but this rarely occurs with SMS, so it's a great way to snag customers from your competitors who lack this marketing strategy.

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