From Meh to Wow: 50 Standout Testimonial Email Subject Lines

Testimonial email subject lines can be a powerful tool for convincing potential customers to take action.

By highlighting positive experiences from satisfied customers, these subject lines can help build trust and credibility for your business.

In this blog post, we'll explore some best practices for crafting compelling testimonial email subject lines that will encourage your subscribers to open and engage with your emails.

On a pink background, 50 Standout Testimonial Email Subject Lines title on the left, and on the right, there is a surprise emoji in a like box and below there are three envelopes with the number three on one of them

Whether you're looking to promote a new product, drive sales, or simply strengthen your brand, effective testimonial subject lines can make all the difference.

What is a Testimonial?

A testimonial is a statement or review from a customer that provides feedback on a product or service.

Testimonials can be written or recorded, and they typically highlight the benefits and positive aspects of a business or offering.

They are often used by companies as a way to build trust and credibility with potential customers, as they provide third-party validation of the quality and value of the product or service being offered.

Testimonials can be especially effective when they come from satisfied customers who have had a good experience with the product or service, as they can provide a sense of authenticity and reliability.

Benefits of Testimonials for Email Marketing

Testimonials can be an effective element of an email marketing strategy for several reasons.

Increased Credibility: Testimonials from satisfied customers can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

Seeing that other people have had positive experiences with your product or service can help to convince them to try it out for themselves.

Personalization: Including testimonials in your emails can help to make the marketing message feel more personalized and relevant to the recipient.

It can also help to create a sense of social proof, as the recipient may feel that if other people are happy with the product or service, it must be good.

Danner's testimonial email example with a shoes image on a green background, and below, there is a description of new season shoes and two more shoe images

Increased Conversions: Testimonials can be a powerful tool for increasing conversions, as they can help to persuade potential customers to take the next step and make a purchase.

By highlighting the benefits and results that other customers have experienced, you can help to convince the recipient that your product or service is worth trying.

Social Proof: Testimonials can provide social proof, which is the idea that people are more likely to take action if they see that others are doing it too.

By including testimonials in your emails, you can show potential customers that other people are using and enjoying your product or service, which can help to increase their confidence in it.

Buoy's testimonial email example with a smiling woman holding the product and there are logos of brands that use Buoy's products

Increased Engagement: Including testimonials in your emails can help to increase engagement, as recipients may be more likely to read and interact with the email if they see that it includes real-life stories and experiences.

This can help to build a connection with the recipient and make them feel more invested in your product or service.

If you are curious about the ways to ask for testimonials, go ahead and see How to Ask for Testimonials for Your Business? 6 Quick Tips and come back for top 50 testimonial email subject line examples.

Top 50 Testimonial Email Subject Line Examples

The list of testimonial email subject lines is very long so we are sure that you’ll find the one that sparks your interest!

  1. "Thank you for your business!"
  2. "We appreciate your kind words"
  3. "Your feedback means the world to us"
  4. "Your satisfaction is our top priority"
  5. "Glad to see you had a great experience"
  6. "See what sets us apart through the eyes of our customers"
  7. "Our customers speak - see why they choose us"
  8. "The proof is in the testimonials"
  9. "Customers can't stop raving about us🤟"
  10. "Experience the power of our product through the words of our satisfied customers"
  11. "Get inspired by what our customers have to say"
  12. "See the impact our product has made on real people"
  13. "Find out why our customers keep coming back👀"
  14. "Hear from the people who have experienced the benefits firsthand"
  15. "Customers share their success stories"
  16. "Read what our customers have to say about us"
  17. "Find out why our customers are so loyal"
  18. "See the real results our customers have achieved"
  19. "Testimonials from happy customers"
  20. "We appreciate your feedback"
  21. "Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us"
  22. "Your testimonial means everything to us"
  23. "We're grateful for your support"
  24. "Thank you for your business"
  25. "We value your satisfaction and appreciate your feedback"

Smalls' testimonial email example with #smallstory hashtag next to. two cat paws touching each other, and below, there is a cat picture next to its ID, followed by a customer review

  1. "See what sets us apart through the eyes of our satisfied customers"
  2. "Find out why our customers keep coming back"
  3. "Read the success stories of our satisfied customers"
  4. "Get inspired by the experiences of our customers"
  5. "Discover the reasons why our customers love us❤️"
  6. "See the real results that our customers have achieved"
  7. "Find out what sets us apart, according to our loyal customers"
  8. "Hear from the people who have experienced the power of our product firsthand"
  9. "Find out why our customers are so loyal"
  10. "Get inspired by the testimonials of our satisfied customers"
  11. "Read the real stories from real customers📝"
  12. "Discover the benefits that have kept our customers coming back"
  13. "Find out what sets us apart, according to our customers"
  14. "Read the success stories of our happy customers"
  15. "Experience the power of our product through the eyes of our satisfied customers"
  16. "See what sets us apart, according to our loyal customers"
  17. "Find out why our customers love us💕"
  18. "Get inspired by the experiences of our satisfied customers"
  19. "Read the real stories from real people"
  20. "Find out what sets us apart, according to the people who matter most - our customers"
  21. "See the real results that our customers have achieved"
  22. "Find out why our customers are so loyal✨"
  23. "Discover the benefits that have kept our customers coming back"
  24. "Hear from the people who have experienced the power of our product firsthand"
  25. "Get inspired by the testimonials of our satisfied customers💫"

7 Testimonial Email Best Practices

But having the perfect subject line doesn’t create the magic on its own. Inside the email should also be as attractive as its outside. So let’s see the best practices of creating a testimonial email!

1. Personalize the Email

Make the email feel more personal and authentic by using the customer's name and referencing their specific experience with your product or service.

You can also consider including details about their occupation or location to add a personal touch.

2. Use Images and Graphics

Testimonial emails can be more engaging when they include images or graphics that help to illustrate the points being made.

Consider including pictures of the customer using your product, or graphics that highlight key points or quotes from their testimonial. Be sure to use high-quality images that are relevant and visually appealing.

GoodRX' testimonial email example with a customer review followed by a female image; below, there is a button to check GoodRx with Simple.Smart.Saving headline

3. Use Quotes

Pull out key points or phrases from the customer's testimonial and use them as quotes in the email. This can help to make the email more engaging and memorable.

Consider highlighting the quotes in a visually appealing way, such as using a different font or color to draw attention to them.

Testimonial example by Pulp&Press showing two females toasting bottles next to "Don't just take our word for it..." headline followed by customer reviews

4. Use Numbers

Using numbers or lists in the subject line can be a good way to highlight specific benefits or features of the product or service.

For example, "5 ways our product has helped [customer] streamline their business" or "7 impressive results our customer achieved with our product".

Prose's testimonial email example with product satisfaction and reviews headline followed by product images and a review

5. Utilize Emojis

Emojis can make fun email subject lines and catch the eye way to add personality to your subject line, but it's important to use them sparingly and make sure they are relevant to the content of the email.

Overusing emojis or using them in a way that doesn't make sense for the email can come across as spammy and decrease the chances that recipients will open the email.

Testimonial email example by Magic Spoon with the title "our funniest reviews" with a smiling emoji followed by customer reviews

6. Include a Call to Action

Testimonial emails are a great opportunity to encourage your subscribers to take action.

Consider including a clear and compelling call to action, such as signing up for a trial or purchasing a product.

Make sure the call to action is easy to find and understand, and consider using buttons or other visual elements to make it stand out.

7. Test and Optimize

As with any email marketing campaign, it's important to test and optimize your testimonial emails to ensure that they are effective.

Consider A/B testing different subject lines, formatting, and calls to action to see what works best for your audience.

Track key metrics, such as open and click-through rates, to see how your emails are performing and make adjustments as needed.

Before You Leave…

Crafting the perfect testimonial email subject line is a crucial step in ensuring that your email is opened and read by your audience.

By highlighting the benefits of your product or service and using language that evokes emotion, you can create a subject line that will grab the attention of your readers and encourage them to take action.

However, it's important to also keep in mind that the subject line should be relevant, clear, and concise, as well as comply with any email marketing best practices.

By following these tips, you can create a compelling testimonial email subject line that will help you connect with your audience and drive conversions.

What’s your secret to get testimonials?

Meet me in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Best Length for a Testimonial Email Subject Line?

Subject lines should be concise and to the point, ideally no more than 50 characters.

This allows the subject line to be fully visible on most devices and makes it more likely that recipients will open the email.

2. How can I Make my Testimonial Email Subject Line Stand Out in a Crowded Inbox?

Using specific, descriptive language and including a benefit or CTA can make your subject line more compelling and increase the chances that it will stand out in a crowded inbox.

Avoid using vague or generic language, as this can make it less likely that the email will be opened.

3. Can I Use a Question in my Testimonial Email Subject Line?

Asking a question in the subject line can be a good way to engage recipients and encourage them to open the email to find out the answer.

For example, "Want to see how our product has transformed [customer]'s business? Check out their testimonial inside!"

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