What Does SSL Pending Mean On Shopify? (Complete Guide)

Online security is crucial in today's digital world, especially for e-commerce businesses. Implementing an SSL certificate is one important step in safeguarding an online store.

If you're a Shopify merchant and you've come across the phrase "SSL pending," you might be curious about what it means and how it will impact your store.

In this article, we'll explain what SSL pending means on Shopify, how to fix it, and how long SSL pending take after extensive research.

Let's clarify SSL pending and make sure your Shopify store is secure.

a cover image that says "what does SSL pending mean on Shopify?" along with Shopify logo, nets and security icon

What is SSL?

an illustration of a screen displaying SSL and security icon, and office supplies

It would be better if we first define SSL meaning and discuss why e-commerce websites need them before we get into the details of SSL pending on Shopify.

SSL, also known as Secure Sockets Layer, is a technology that encrypts data sent between a user's web browser and a website's server to protect the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data, including personal information and financial transactions.

SSL operates by encrypting data with cryptographic techniques. When a person accesses a website that has an SSL certificate, their browser establishes a secure connection with the server of the website.

The SSL handshake is used to create this connection, in which the browser and server validate each other's identities and agree on an encryption mechanism.

In addition to data encryption, SSL certificates provide other security features. They enable the use of HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), which is the secure version of HTTP.

Websites with SSL certificates display a padlock icon in the browser address bar, indicating a secure connection.

Some SSL certificates also display the organization's name or the green address bar, providing additional visual assurance to users.

What Does SSL Pending Mean on Shopify?

hands holding a cellphone showing the Shopify home page

When an SSL certificate is pending, it indicates that there is a delay or problem with the process of using an SSL certificate to secure your website.

If you come across the SSL pending status on your Shopify store, you don't have to panic.

Shopify, a well-known e-commerce platform, prioritizes the security of its merchants and customers. To ensure that all stores have a secure connection, they offer an automatic SSL certificate installation process.

Having an SSL certificate for your Shopify site is essential for various reasons. For instance, it encrypts critical data, making it difficult for hackers to intercept and misuse it.

This encryption instills trust in your clients by informing them that their information is secure when they browse or make purchases on your website.

However, this process occasionally meets delays or issues, resulting in the SSL pending status.

How To Fix SSL Pending on Shopify

laptop with a Shopify sticker and a woman checking her phone at the background

By enabling secure connections to your Shopify store, you can make sure that your store's and your customer's information remains private and protected.

This is done by using a special certificate called TLS (Transport Layer Security), which is also known as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). It encrypts the communication between your store and external content and makes sure that the content is published securely using HTTPS instead of HTTP.

Let's say your store's web address starts with "http." Then, it will change to "https" once the certificate is applied.

If the original web address is used, users will be automatically redirected to the encrypted online store.

These special certificates can provide an extra layer of security by encrypting customer data. They can also build trust with your customers by displaying a padlock icon next to your web address like this:

HTTPS being displayed on search bar

Since SSL certificates safeguard your Shopify store, they are crucial to protect your online store against security threats.

Getting an SSL Certificate

You can get SSL certificates for free since they're available at no cost for all Shopify domains.

Getting an SSL certificate is possible in these cases:

  • For assets that are hosted on the .myshopify.com domain
  • When users purchase a custom domain through Shopify or transfer their existing domain to Shopify
  • When Shopify users connect a third-party domain to Shopify by modifying their A record and CNAME record to point to Shopify

You can confirm that your TLS certificate has been issued by checking the status of the domain on the Shopify Domains page.

Additionally, when you visit your storefront, you will see a padlock icon next to your online store's URL in the address bar.

Important: Keep in mind that it is not possible to use third-party SSL certificates with your Shopify store. TLS certificates are provided free of charge by Shopify.

Checking the Security of Your Assets

If your online store uses images, videos, or other files that are stored in another place than Shopify, it's important to make sure they are delivered securely using HTTPS.

If any page on your Shopify store contains an asset that is not delivered over HTTPS, it might be considered as insecure.

💡 The best way to guarantee the security of your assets is to host them all on Shopify.

However, let's say you must host your assets externally for some reason. You need to follow these steps:

  • Host your assets on a server that supports HTTPS.

  • If you have video content, make sure to use a service that delivers content over HTTPS.

  • When using web fonts, double-check that they are sourced from a provider that publishes them over HTTPS.

How Long Does SSL Pending Take on Shopify?

If you created your Shopify store, but it gives a pending error for SSL certificate, you might wonder how long does SSL pending take on Shopify?

It can take up to 48 hours for your Shopify SSL certificate to be processed and issued. Within 48 hours, you might see an "SSL unavailable" error on your Shopify admin panel.

Your online store's visitors may also receive an error message during this period. You can also receive a "Your connection is not secure" error message on your storefront.

How to Solve Common Errors for SSL Pending

Let's say you still receive this error message that is similar to "SSL unavailable" after 48 hours. You need to double-check your A record and consider other steps.

Here are things you can do to resolve this issue:

â–º You need to check your A record. If you are using a third-party domain, keep in mind that the Shopify DNS record is ""

By using a DNS propagation tool like What's My DNS you can check your domain's A record quickly.

screenshot of the landing page of What's My DNS

Select A from the dropdown box and search it easily.

Keep in mind that you can't use more than one A record for a single domain.

â–º Also, your CNAME (Canonical Name) record should be "shops.myshopify.com."

â–º If you are using CAA records, you might consider removing them since it might cause problems in HTTPS encryption. If you have to use it, make sure that you include the necessary certification authorities.

â–º Those who use AAAA records should remove them to solve this problem.

â–º Lastly, if DNSSEC is enabled for a domain, it should be disabled.

Once you apply these, your SSL pending problem should be resolved. Keep in mind that these can take time to be processed, so you should wait at least two days.

If you have followed all the troubleshooting steps and are still unable to resolve the SSL Pending status, contact Shopify's support team to get help.

Benefits of Having an SSL Certificate on Shopify Stores

Having an SSL certificate for your Shopify store has various advantages.

Here are some of the benefits of having an SSL certificate for your e-commerce store:

Increased customer trust: When visitors see the padlock icon and "https" in the browser address bar, they can consider your website secure.

An SSL certificate ensures that your client's sensitive information, including login passwords and payment information, is encrypted and secure. This trust leads to higher conversion rates, higher customer happiness, and a better brand reputation.

Protection against data breaches: Protecting your customers' data against data breaches is critical. An SSL certificate encrypts data sent between your customers' browsers and your website's server, making it difficult for hackers to intercept and read it.

By safeguarding sensitive data, you can reduce the likelihood of data breaches and protect your consumers as well as your business.

lock on a laptop keyboard and green, red and blue light effects

Protection against phishing attacks: SSL certificates can also help protect your store from phishing attacks. Phishing attempts frequently entail the creation of phony websites that look identical to authentic ones.

Customers may readily distinguish between authentic websites (with the padlock icon) and potential phishing sites with an SSL certificate, lowering the risk of falling victim to scams.

Compliance with industry standards: To facilitate safe transactions, several businesses and payment processors require websites to obtain an SSL certificate. By using an SSL certificate on your Shopify store, you are adhering to industry standards and regulations, thereby establishing a trustworthy environment for your consumers.

SEO advantages: Search engines favor websites with secure connections in search results. Having an SSL certificate on your Shopify store can positively influence your search engine rankings, thereby increasing visibility and driving organic visitors.

With SSL becoming a ranking criterion, having an SSL certificate is critical to being competitive in the online marketplace.

Wrap Up

Securing your Shopify store with an SSL certificate is critical to developing customer confidence and protecting sensitive information. Don't be concerned if your Shopify account has an SSL pending status.

As we have explained in this blog post, the SSL certificate might take some time to process, so you should be patient once you follow the necessary steps.

We walked you through the Shopify SSL setup procedure and provided troubleshooting advice to help you overcome any obstacles.

Keep in mind that timely resolution of SSL Pending is critical for keeping a secure and trustworthy e-commerce website. So, take everything you've learned here and apply it to your Shopify business to provide a secure online buying experience for your loyal clients.

We hope you found this article helpful and could find answers to the questions you had!

Frequently Asked Questions

any questions written on a paper on a typewriter machine

What is The Significance of SSL for My Shopify Store?

SSL is essential for your Shopify store since it encrypts data sent between your clients' browsers and your website's server. This encryption protects the privacy and security of sensitive data, such as personal information and financial transactions.

SSL also contributes to client trust by displaying the padlock icon and "https" in the browser address bar, signifying a secure connection.

How Long Does It Take for The SSL Certificate to Become Active on Shopify?

In most cases, Shopify automatically installs and activates the certificate. However, depending on factors like DNS propagation and domain verification, it can take up to 48 hours for the SSL certificate to fully activate.

What Should I Do If The Status of My SSL Remains "Pending" for An Extended Period?

If your SSL status is still "Pending" after more than 48 hours, double-check the domain verification, DNS settings, and SSL installation stages. Check that you followed all of the instructions correctly. If the problem persists, contacting Shopify support for tailored assistance can solve your problem.

Will My Store Experience Any Downtime During SSL Certificate Installation?

Generally, your store should not experience any downtime during SSL certificate installation on Shopify. The SSL setup process is designed to ensure a seamless transition. However, if you encounter any issues or errors during installation, it's possible that your store might be temporarily inaccessible until the issue is resolved.

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