Wix VS. Webflow: Detailed Comparison Guide for the Best One

Deciding if Wix or Webflow is the best one for building a website is no more a hassle for you.

Various features, different capabilities, and many opportunities that both Wix and Webflow offer will be the factors that will help.

The comparison of Wix vs. Webflow will include many key titles that will contribute to the web-building process.

We hope that you can get enlightened by examining the details of these two website builders, Wix and Webflow, to comprehend their uniqueness.

the cover of Wix vs. Webflow article and an icon showing the title

Best Features for Wix vs. Webflow

Wix and Webflow are the two leading website builders that provide lots of features and capabilities for website owners.

Although both Wix and Webflow are quite useful website builders, they differ in what they offer to users.

To start with, the best features of Wix and Webflow can be good starting points while learning about them.

a woman sitting and writing blog on her computer

Firstly, Wix has more than 900 templates that will inspire and save people from coding. Also, Webflow has templates, but what separates them from Wix is that Webflow focuses on editing the website with codes.

Due to the coding part, Webflow has more flexibility than Wix. For this part, you need coding knowledge for Webflow while Wix deals with designing and providing customization options.

Moreover, Wix is more successful than Webflow in terms of blogging. Because Webflow gives the customization freedom with coding, people are more likely to find it difficult while creating a blog. On the other hand, Wix offers templates to create blogs.

Here is an overview table for the differences between Wix and Webflow!

Features Wix Webflow
Pricing 💰 Relatively affordable pricing plans, many options 💰 More options than Wix, more expensive
Ease of Use 🚀 Drag-and-drop editor 🚀 Need for coding knowledge
Design and Customization 🎨 Template library and customization possibility 🎨 Limited customization without code knowledge
SEO 📈 SEO toolkit prepared for Wix 📈 Provides the basic settings of SEO
Customer Support 🫂 Multichannel support, customer priority based on plans 🫂 Webflow University, community, webinars
E-commerce Compliance 💻 More capabilities than Webflow to have an e-commerce store 💻 Sales channels and secure payment options
Integrations 🔗 Wix App Market with more than 300 apps 🔗 Around 60 apps to integrate on Webflow Apps

Ease of Use for Wix vs. Webflow

Ease of use is one of the most important and general criteria for the comparison of tools.

Wix Learn page where a person tells the process

When Wix is examined, most of the user reviews suggest that Wix is one of the easiest website builders to use with its drag-and-drop functionality.

With the template library of Wix, users are more likely to choose the proper template that offers flexibility and ease of design when customizing the websites.

Also, the changes you make will be live and in real-time, and you can decide on the personalization of your website in seconds.

Webflow Editor page where the content management is emphasized

However, Webflow needs more than some design knowledge since it needs coding knowledge to make the perfect website with great UI and UX.

The best part of Webflow is that if you know how to code, you can customize and go over the borders of customizing your Webflow site.

So, though coding makes Webflow look sophisticated, it gives a chance to provide more coding knowledge to have the exact visual of the website.

All in all, it is possible to evaluate that Wix is much easier to use than Webflow because Wix does not put any limits while creating a website. Still, Webflow addresses enterprise growth and needs further knowledge.

Pricing for Wix vs. Webflow

The second factor that can determine the winner is pricing. In terms of pricing plans, we decide that both sides are satisfying enough to find the right plan.

Wix and Webflow have distinct tabs for pricing, and they can be categorized for the needs specifically.

calculating the costs with a calculator and writing them on notebook

When considering the pricing plans of Wix, there is a lot to cover because Wix divides its pricing plans into different sections.

There are three main categories of pricing plans: Website Plans, Business and eCommerce Plans, and Enterprise Plans.

For the first tab, Website plans are defined as “Great for showcasing a professional site.”

  • Wix has a free plan that you can use with Wix branding and reach limited features, but it is highly efficient and sufficient to give a try.

  • The first paid plan of Wix in Website plans is Connect Domain plan for $5 when billed yearly with connecting domain ability and not removing the Wix branding.

  • The second plan is Combo, which offers the removal of the Wix branding, 2 GB bandwidth, and 3 GB storage for personal use, and it costs $16 per month when billed annually.

  • The third plan is Unlimited for entrepreneurs and freelancers with unlimited bandwidth, 20 GB storage, and a Visitor Analytics app. This plan costs $22 per month when billed annually.

  • Another plan is VIP, costing $45 and offering 35 GB storage, a professional logo, and fıor first-priority support.

  • Also, there is an extra plan of Wix, the Pro, which is special to US and AU only, which costs $27 per month when billed annually. It offers 20 GB storage and the ones in the Unlimited plan.

The second category of Wix is Business and eCommerce plans defined as “Essential for accepting online payments.”

  • The first plan of this category is Business Basic, costing $27/month (billed annually) to accept online payments.

  • The other plan is Business Unlimited, which costs $32 per month to grow your business.

  • Business VIP is the last plan of this plan, starting at $59/month to get the full suite that is offered.

Also, if your needs don’t fit any plan here, you can give a call to Wix to find out an enterprise plan exclusively for you.

Webflow Pricing page where the pricing table is revealed

The pricing plan of Webflow is not less complex than Wix because it has different categories to address too.

General plans of Webflow start with a free plan.

  • The first paid plan of Webflow is Basic for $14 per month when billed yearly. It is best for launching a simple site.

  • Another plan is CMS for $23 per month when billed yearly. It is best for a blog or other content-driven site.

  • Business is for $39 per month when billed yearly. It is ​​best for a high-traffic marketing site.

If you want to focus on e-commerce with Webflow, there are specified plans for this field as well.

  • The first plan is Standard for $29 per month when billed yearly. It is perfect for new businesses getting off the ground.

  • The second plan is Plus for $74 per month when billed yearly. It is best for higher-volume businesses.

  • The Advanced plan is for $212 per month when billed yearly. It is a scale to new heights for your online business.

When the workspace is expanded, there are two other fields that offer new pricing plans on Webflow.

For in-house teams, Webflow has a Starter plan for free, and this plan is for getting started and learning Webflow.

There is a Core plan costing $19 per month, per seat, when billed yearly for small teams and those who want more control over their code.

Another plan is Growth plan costing $49 per month, per seat, when billed yearly for growing teams who want unlimited unhosted sites and advanced permissions.

You can adjust an enterprise plan for your greater needs and scalability.

For freelancers and agencies, there is a Starter plan for free with one seat and two unhosted sites on webflow.io domains.

The Freelancer plan costs $16 per month, per seat when billed yearly with up to 3 seats for solo shops or small teams starting out.

The Agency costs $35 per month, per seat, when billed yearly with up to 9 seats for scaling businesses and managing multiple clients.

Similar to Wix, you can always demand an enterprise plan for your needs and expectations in terms of pricing for your Webflow site.

And the winner of this criteria is not determined by us since you need to decide which pricing plan adapts to your business.

Design and Customization for Wix vs. Webflow

Another point to compare is design and customization. We should emphasize that both of the platforms offer many design and customization options to give freedom to users.

What separates them from the users’ point of view is that Webflow is considered as a design tool while Wix is categorized as a marketing and advertising tool.

Though there is a so-called distinction between Wix and Webflow, both sides’ design capabilities need to be examined.

Wix Design page

For Wix, as we have already mentioned, there is a rich template library that can meet your needs and expectations when starting to design a website. Or you can always change the template if you have a premium plan on Wix.

More importantly, Wix explicitly presents different ways to customize your website. One of them is Wix Editor. With drag and drop editor, many elements, and customization features, like resizing, recoloring, rotating, or aligning, your website will look highly professional.

Another option is Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence), which can create a custom design with a special color palette for you after you answer some questions related to the design. Wix ADI promises a design with personalized aims.

The Wix Marketplace is where you can hire a professional designer if you don’t want to design your website by yourself. It is always possible to find the right designer with Wix’s Partners.

Also, Wix offers mobile-responsive design and built-in tools to sustain the safe storage and accessibility of your website.

Wix aims for a smooth and attention-grabbing design with its visual content and custom art additions. And if you are not able to complete your design with the capabilities of Wix, you can do it with a custom code that will add functionality and an advanced page.

Webflow Design page

Turning to Webflow, the design possibilities of Webflow might make you feel a little more complex than Wix since Webflow uses codes to customize design.

With HTML5 and CSS, Webflow gives you the freedom of creating UX and its nearly tiniest details, from adding a font on Webflow to building your layout and arranging the responsivity of the website.

Besides, Webflow has a navigator that can guide you in managing your components and building your HTML elements.

As you can understand, Webflow focuses on the more technical side of website building with codes and editing UI and UX at the same time.

SEO for Wix vs. Webflow

The ranking and authority of your website are as much important as building and designing your website. Therefore, it is vital to touch upon the SEO possibilities of Wix and Webflow.

Wix SEO page

When we look at Wix SEO, there is a toolset for SEO that welcomes us.

The SEO toolset of Wix helps you optimize your website all the time with its XML sitemap, URL structures that offer redirection, and structured data markup.

The best part about Wix SEO is that you don’t have to integrate your website with Google Search Console because there is a direct integration between them. So you can easily connect your domain on the Wix dashboard.

Since the robot.txt file, patterned meta tags, and multiple markups also matter for SEO, Wix provides them without wasting time.

Webflow SEO page

On the other hand, Webflow controls your SEO settings and gives you the possibility to edit your website.

You don’t have to add any plugins to your website because, like Wix, Webflow permits you to check indexing rules, meta tags, robust redirecting, and alt text adding.

With advanced code editing features, there appears to be a user-friendly interface with different CMS opportunities.

Additionally, you can manage seamless migration if necessary by maintaining reliable and robust AWS-powered hosting with speed and security.

We can evaluate this comparison as fair since both of the website builders include the basic and most useful features of SEO.

Customer Support for Wix vs. Webflow

It is a natural fact that problems occur, but it is the celebration time when we find a solution for them. While building a website, support is the key point to decide.

Wix Help Center page

We start with Wix and how their support system works; rather than any of the website builders, Wix gives importance to personal help for its customers.

Wix has a very expanded help center with documentation and beneficial articles that are categorized.

Also, Wix determines some trending topics with the demanded questions from its customers to provide help as quickly as possible.

To further help, hiring a professional is valid for Wix; checking system status is available in the footer of the Wix homepage, or you can simply report abuse your problems.

Webflow Customer Support page

The support of Webflow is eager to help, and creating the most practical solution is the aim of Webflow.

Webflow has a university that is called the Webflow University with tutorials and resources that help you directly.

Another way is to share the problem with Webflow Community, so you can find another person that is having the same issue before then find an answer.

The general problems that Webflow users experienced beforehand are displayed at the beginning of the support page, so it is probable that you can find a solution before trying all these methods.

Deciding who the winner is here can be hard because both sides have advantages and disadvantages compared to one another. Let’s say this is fair as well.

E-commerce Compliance for Wix vs. Webflow

If your website deals with your e-commerce business, then you need to check Wix and Webflow twice because this is way more serious.

Wix E-commerce page

On the side Wix, when you buy the e-commerce plan of Wix, it compiles all the features that are related to e-commerce in its system to fit, and Wix helps you from the beginning of your business to the growing process.

Also, Wix proves its security, transaction, practicality, and strength with its advanced features in selling and boundless way of reaching your store.

The template library of Wix is prepared with conversion-ready templates, and Wix gives further importance to giving inspirational ideas to its users.

To mention the setup process of Wix, we can say that there are only a few steps to set up a Wix e-commerce website, and then you can contact your customers in all the ways possible.

Webflow E-commerce page

On the Webflow side, it gives emphasis on the design and provides help with the details of the product.

Though the product numbers may vary according to your Webflow plans, unlike Wix, you can increase the interaction of your customers on your site with Webflow’s flexible editing features.

Webflow deals with the steps of selling as well by extending your store and ongoing features.

With the shipping and taxing processes, Webflow manages product management and payments on the one hand.

For this criteria, we decide that Wix offers more multi-currency possibilities and focuses on both store and the product at the same time, while Webflow has limitations in customizing the whole process.

Integrations for Wix vs. Webflow

Though Wix and Webflow have many facilities to offer, users tend to have integrations for their stores to improve and deepen their development process.

We have a similarity in terms of having integrations because both Wix and Webflow have an app market for the integration part.

Wix App market

When we look at the Wix App Market on one side, there are more than 300 apps, including the ones made by Wix and the other tools.

Wix apps focus on different parts of businesses, from chat to store or from events to galleries.

Furthermore, Wix App Market presents you with the categories and provides the rating of users with their reviews as social proof.

Webflow apps

However, Webflow Marketplace has fewer apps than Wix App Market, and there are different kinds of apps that feed users’ needs.

It is possible to find a proper app from various kinds of categories that will be needed when building a website.

Plus, you can request an app. Otherwise, you can build an app if you are a developer or interested in developing an app that is more convenient for your wishes.

Explicitly, the winner is Wix here thanks to its 300+ apps that fulfill the requirements of the users though Webflow also offers flexible opportunities.

The Final Decision

In light of all criteria that we have evaluated, the two website builder platforms, Wix and Webflow, we have decided that Wix is the best of this comparison.

For many website owners, Wix has more advantages and practicality than Webflow, which drives us to the result, Wix offers more.

Since we are aware that what users want can be more like a vast of features with customization options, Webflow needs much more knowledge than most of the users can manage in the first place compared to Wix.

Of course, you need to make a personalized decision by considering your needs and expectations from a website builder.

Don’t hesitate to take a look back at the features and details of Wix and Webflow for your final decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are some questions that need to be answered for the related details.

Can I Migrate My Website from Wix to Webflow or vice versa?

Yes, it is possible to migrate your website from Wix to Webflow or vice versa. However, it is not an easy process because the platforms have different structures and features when looking deeper.

Do Wix or Webflow Offer Better Scalability for Growing Websites?

Firstly, it depends on how you will grow your website. Wix is often considered more scalable for growing websites as it provides greater flexibility in terms of design and customization. However, Webflow also offers scalability options with its various premium plans.

Are There Any Limitations on Bandwidth or Storage with Wix and Webflow?

Wix provides unlimited bandwidth for all its premium plans, and storage limits vary depending on the plan. Webflow also offers unlimited bandwidth, but storage limits apply based on the plan you choose.

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