Autoresponder Lead: How to Create Autoresponders with 7 Tips

When it comes to nurturing leads, using email autoresponders is one of the most effective ways to convert more leads into customers.

How do we know it?

  • Companies that automate lead management state seeing a 10% or greater increase in revenue in 6-9 months. (Gartner Research)
  • Companies that succeed in nurturing leads generate 50% more sales-ready leads at a 33% lower cost. (99firms)

To this day, email marketing still preserves its #1 spot as the simplest way to automate interactions with prospects and convert the lead into paying customers.

Now, the time comes to learn what an email autoresponder is and how to create email autoresponders for lead nurturing that actually convert.

Also, we’ll go over some of the best practices that can help you when creating your first email autoresponder sequence. Let’s dive in.

autoresponder lead blog cover on a blue background and a related email icon

What is an Autoresponder?

An email autoresponder is a tool to send automated email sequences to a selected group/s of recipients and subscribers of a given email list.

Scheduled email sequences are automatically sent to a segment of people on your email list, triggered by a specific event such as

Autoresponder series are highly effective in engaging your subscribers, building solid relationships, and converting them into customers.

That’s why it is one of the most powerful tools for digital marketers who aim to boost sales.

man pressing the laptop keyboard with email concept

Besides, autoresponder sequences allow you to automate your email marketing campaigns and focus on other significant aspects of your business.

How to Create an Effective Email Autoresponder to Nurture Leads with 7 Tips

Though there are different purposes for using email autoresponders, we will focus on the tips to nurture leads.

Typically, an autoresponder campaign has a specific goal and consists of 5 to 15 emails.

Many companies leverage email marketing automation services to schedule their autoresponder campaigns based on a lead's actions during the engagement process.

Following the 7 tips below will help you boost your sales and make a profit from your autoresponders easily. Examine carefully 😉

1. Define a Goal for Your Autoresponder

a meeting and a group of people gathered around the table looking at screen and discuss for the goal for autoresponder

There are different goals you can define for your email autoresponder series.

Every autoresponder campaign should have a single goal. And every email in a campaign should be focused on that goal.

So, choosing your goal before creating an autoresponder sequence is essential.

For example, you can aim to

  • Welcome new subscribers with a “welcome” sequence
  • Create a sales funnel out of an email autoresponder sequence
  • Use it as a lead magnet and attract new subscribers to your email list
  • Promote upsells or cross-sells
  • Position your product as a solution to a pain point
  • Educate your leads

2. Break Down Your Email List with Segmentation

Segmentation breaks down your email list into specified smaller groups based on specific criteria such as demographics, psychographics, buyer personas, or stage in the sales cycle.

This practice ensures more targeted and relevant autoresponders and drives better results.

email segmentation for autoresponders discussed by two males with stick notes to clarify

According to a study by MailChimp, segmented email campaigns have a 14.32% higher open rate than those that are not.

For example, if you want to capture autoresponder leads with a subscription popup. You can use targeted popup campaigns to learn more about your leads.

Popupsmart’s advanced targeting allow you to present your subscription popups to a laser-focused and targeted group of people.

Your opt-in forms can target your website visitors based on the content they browse, the source they found you from, or whether they have already opted in or not.

3. Find the Right Email Marketing Software

man using laptop with his back turned

You will need an email automation solution to send scheduled autoresponder emails.

There are various email marketing automation services in the market, but it’s crucial to pick the right one for your business needs.

Some of the most popular ones are:

  • MailChimp
  • Constant Contact
  • SendinBlue
  • AWeber

You can reach more free autoresponder tools with their details as well.

4. Identify the Pain Points, Questions, & Goals of Your Audience

concerned customer woman holding her mobile

If you want to craft efficient autoresponders, you need to address the questions and pain points that concern your leads.

So, before you prepare your autoresponder messages, find out which pain point you will touch upon throughout the whole sequence.

To identify the questions your lead might have, you can consider these:

  • What are the most common concerns of your new customers?
  • What kind of questions do your visitors ask through email?
  • What are your customers’ typical goals when using your product?

These questions can help you identify the motivations and concerns of your audience.

However, you should also research industry communities to understand them better.

5. Determine the Types of Content to Deliver

a woman searching the right content type on her laptop and there are notebook and a pencil to take notes

In order to keep your leads engaged and nurture them throughout the sales cycle, you should go creative.

Don’t limit yourself to text. Using other types of media can also help you improve the personal touch.

Some of the other media types you can deliver in your email autoresponders include:

  • Case studies: Compelling content types during the buyers’ Evaluation and Consideration stages. They show your prospect how you helped your clients achieve their objectives, similar to what new prospects hope to get.

  • White papers: Excellent choice during the informational stage. You can educate your prospects about industry topics with white paper and help them understand your product better.

  • Podcasts and audio: If you already have a good collection of produced content, you repurpose them to increase the value you provided. Turn them into podcasts and use them in your autoresponder emails. This will ensure a personal touch.

  • Videos and webinars: You can deliver the information and content in video form instead of the monotonous text and engage more of your leads considering the video marketing statistics.

6. Map Out Your Autoresponder Sequence

adult woman using laptop

It’s essential to outline your autoresponder series before you put them together.

✅→ First things first, determine the length.

✅→ Decide the price of the product. (The higher the cost of your product, the longer it takes to nurture leads.)

✅→ Consider the purpose

✅→ Determine the segments

✅→ Observe subscribers’ preferences

a man drawing the outline for autoresponder on whiteboard

Here’s an example outline for a seven-step email autoresponder sequence:

  • Email #1: Introduction email, saying “Thank You” for subscribing. Deliver the content, material, coupon, etc., that you promised in return for a subscription.
  • Email #2: Give some information about your company and industry. Tease the pain points and topics you’ll address in your autoresponder series.
  • Email #3: Explain a specific pain point that your product will solve in detail. Back up your assertion with stats and facts.
  • Email #4: Provide more value concerning the topic. You can use case studies, white papers, podcasts, or videos on this stage to support engagement.
  • Email #5: Transition to the sale. Introduce your product as a solution to the problem that you have been discussing in the previous emails. Don’t focus too much on your product. Consider this like planting the seed.
  • Email #6: Compare your solution to the problem with other options. Prove your product superior.
  • Email #7: Ask for the buy.

If you can’t convert prospects through this sequence, you can plan additional emails, such as reminding them about the product.

This is just a basic example that you can try. It makes a smooth and slow transition from informational topics to ask for the purchase as you begin to improve the relationship.

7. Test & Optimize Your Campaigns

In the digital world, nothing becomes perfect with the first click and publish.

drawing on the whiteboard to optimize email in detail for autoresponding

You should tweak and make some changes to optimize your autoresponder sequences over time.

It’s crucial to test the changes and compare the results.

Optimization is vital for getting the most out of your autoresponder campaigns and nurturing your leads through your lead pipeline.

Why You Should Use Email Autoresponders for Leads

woman typing email on laptop

The real reason behind email autoresponders’ popularity is their automatic, aka. hands-off nature.

They provide a personal touch with segmentation, notwithstanding being pre-scheduled and sent to a massive audience

Therefore, autoresponders allow advanced personalization.

You can input your subscribers’ personal data, such as their name and industry, that you collected during the subscription process into email autoresponders.

A report by Episerver shows that 92% of first-time visitors of an e-commerce website aren’t there to buy.

You can’t expect first-time visitors to become instant customers without getting to know your company. By nurturing them through an autoresponder series, you can gradually convert them.

a person tkaing notes on the notebook

But, how can you make visitors subscribe to your email list in the first place?

This is where email autoresponder lead magnets come to help you capture leads.

Many established companies use lead magnets like e-books, case studies, and newsletter popups to collect visitors’ information. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have heard from those visitors again who left their websites.

A carefully planned autoresponder campaign effectively walks your prospects through the buyer’s journey.

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Autoresponders provide more than automated series of emails.

They nurture your leads, engage them, and turn them into paying customers. Therefore, you wouldn’t want to waste such a treasure.

It is time to start getting help from autoresponder leads.

Or, if you already use autoresponders, it is time for you to give much importance and make some arrangements to drive profit.


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Can I Use the Same Autoresponder Series for All of My Subscribers? If you use the same autoresponder series, you should consider segmenting your list and creating targeted campaigns for specific segments. This way, you can deliver more relevant content and improve your engagement.

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Can I Send Promotional Offers in My Autoresponder Series? Yes, you can, but it's important to balance your promotional content with educational content that your subscribers will find helpful. Too many sales emails can turn off your subscribers and hurt your email engagement metrics.

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