18 Cart Abandonment Email Examples to Recover Lost Sales

As online business owners, we totally understand the frustration of seeing potential customers abandon their shopping carts.

It feels like watching a potential sale fade away, but fear not!

We've highlighted examples from popular brands like Adidas, Pinterest, Columbia, and more, so we're ready to help you bring those customers back.

cart abandonment email cover image with baby blue background and cart illustration

What is Cart Abandonment Email?

A cart abandonment email is a thoughtful reminder sent to customers who took the time to select items from your online store but, for some reason, have not yet completed their purchase.

These emails showcase abandoned items, provide seamless guidance to complete the purchase with a visible 'Complete Your Purchase' button, and sometimes include a sweet incentive to win back customers.

It's not just about trying to save a sale; it's about making customers feel cared for and keeping them happy for the long run.

18 Cart Abandonment Emails Examples

1. Adidas

Subject Line: “[Name], we think you forgot something…”

adidas cart abandonment email example

Adidas added a slight touch of personalization by adding a name in the subject line. Yes, it may be simple but effective.

Additionally, mentioning in the subject line that the recipient may have forgotten something ignites curiosity and encourages the recipient to open the email to learn more.

⭐ We loved the commitment to keep the customer's cart for 10 days; it strikes a balance between giving a fair amount of time to decide and encouraging the customer to act.

Adidas highlights simplicity in design—a short message, a reminder of your left-behind items, and a clear call to action. It's a great example of how simplicity can be powerful.

2. Homes Alive

Subject Line: Hey [Name], did you forget something?

Homes Alive Cart Abandonment Email Example

First, Homes Alive add a personalized touch by adding your name in the subject line, but wait, the real deal is inside the email.

A cute dog picture with the caption: "You left something pawsome behind." The play on the word 'awesome' is cute and clever.

Here's what could make this email stand out among the cart abandonment emails:

⭐"Don't worry, we won't tell your pet!" It adds a sense of humor and confidence. It's like they're sharing a little secret, creating a connection, and making the brand feel more human.

They grabbed your attention, evoked emotions, and made you feel a little guilty, as if you had accidentally abandoned your pet's happiness. Creative!

3. Pinterest

Subject Line: “Good News: Your Pin’s price dropped!”

pinterest abandonment cart email example

Pinterest's cart abandonment email stands out for a few reasons. First, the subject line: “Good News: Your Pin’s price dropped!” – It's a mood lifter; who wouldn't be curious about the good news? 🕊️

⭐ Showing exactly how much the buyer will save by giving the net difference creates clarity on the buyer's side.

Adding an image of the product, updated pricing information, and a little reminder of where you pinned it (from the board) is like a personalized shopping memory.

Finally, the call to action: “Take a closer look.” It's an easy, inviting prompt that directs you directly to your Pin, with at a better price.

4. Taco Bell

Subject Line: Your cart is waiting for you

taco bell cart abandonment email example

⭐ In the email, you're welcomed by a sad-faced taco patiently waiting for you with sweet eyes, instantly humanizing the brand and adding a touch of empathy.

It makes you want to finish your order to cheer up the taco. We love that! 😄

The image's phrase "MISSING SOMETHING" directly addresses the customer's items left in their cart. It serves as a clear and concise reminder.

"The food you've been waiting for is waiting for you" says that the product the customer wants is already ready and even waiting for the customer, and it's a sweet play on words!

The smaller text, "Don't let a good thing get away," adds a persuasive touch. It gently nudges the customer not to miss out on a positive experience

5. Columbia Sportswear

Subject Line: Price drop on your favorites!

columbia abandnment cart email example

The subject line immediately attracts attention by presenting a clear benefit. It's short, to the point, and directly addresses the prospect's interest in the products.

Using “GREAT NEWS” in a bold, large font emphasizes a positive tone and immediately grabs the reader's attention.

A clear and uncluttered presentation of price and size enhances the overall user experience.

“Reveal New Price” as a call to action focuses on curiosity, encouraging the customer to explore the updated, more attractive price.

⭐ We liked the Personalized recommendation section, you can add it to the e-mail to create cross-selling opportunities and improve the customer's shopping experience with your company.

6. Paro

Subject Line: Forget something?

paro abandonment cart email example

This cart abandonment subject line is short and to the point and creates a sense of curiosity, encouraging the recipient to open the email and see what they might have left behind.

⭐ What did we like most? It conveys a personal touch by stating in the email that the product is “waiting for you” and emphasizing the appeal of the product. This helps you connect with the customer.

Adding the image of the forgotten product and relevant information helps the customer recall the product in his cart.

The “Shop Now” CTA is placed prominently, creating a clear path for customers to follow and complete their purchase.

7. Javy

Subject Line: You left something behind 🛒

javy abandonment cart email example

Javy’s subject line is personal and emotional. It creates a sense of curiosity and encourages the recipient to open the email to learn more.

Adding images of abandoned items is crucial to remind customers of the items they are interested in.

Disclosure about limited sales and inventory increases transparency by managing customer expectations regarding product availability.

⭐ What did we like most? "Complete your purchase now and enhance your coffee experience!" It is clear and persuasive, linking their product to a better experience.

This CTA example, “Finish checkout,” is specific and directly instructs the customer on the next step.

8. Grove Collaborative

Subject Line: Where'd you go?

Grove Collaborative Cart Abandonment Email Example

The friendly question in the subject line adds a human touch, making the email more engaging and relatable.

Using the image of the forgotten product in the cart as a background is visually appealing. Still, it could benefit from additional details about the product to avoid potential confusion for the buyer.

A quick note: Bold claims like "free" can sometimes raise concerns about hidden payments.

To enhance transparency and reliability, consider providing direct price information. If it's genuinely free, that's even better! 😅

⭐ We think the best part about this email is that it addresses a common concern that leads to cart abandonment by offering free shipping.

The call-to-action (CTA), "Complete your order," is direct and action-oriented, guiding customers seamlessly from email to checkout.

9. Tracksmith

Subject Line: “Get $15 Off Items in Your Cart”

tracksmith cart abandonment email example

The subject line “Get $15 Off Items in Your Cart” is simple and captures the buyer's attention by highlighting potential savings.

⭐ The email content opens with a friendly nudge and asks, "Forget Something?" The non-intrusive tone is a key highlight, making this email stand out.

The deal itself is solid: $15 off orders totaling $75 or more. The “Shop for $15 Off” call to action is an easy way for the buyer to take advantage of the offer.

Although Tracksmith increases curiosity, a small thing is missing: a lack of detail about the items in the cart. While the product image will give you an idea, more information will complete the picture.

10. Italic

Subject line: Still thinking about it?

italic abandonment cart email example

The subject line works because it sparks curiosity, feels like a casual reminder rather than a pushy sales tactic, and taps into that "maybe I should check this out" feeling.

The "almost there" opening acknowledges the prospect's intent without being pushy. It feels more like a helpful reminder.

The text of the email focuses on the value proposition. They told their customers they saved their cart and gave them a $30 credit incentive for becoming an Italic Bold member.

⭐ Highlight of the email: Adding the nice touch of “That’s A Good Looking Cart” on top of the product image- encourages the consumer to go back to their abandoned cart with a more optimistic attitude.

The “Return your cart” call to action is a clear, direct, simple invitation to pick up where the customer left off.

11. United By Blue

Subject Line: Looking for a sign? Free shipping.

United By Blue cart abandonment email example

⭐ The subject line immediately addresses a common concern for online shoppers—shipping costs. The question "Looking for a sign?" intrigues and makes buyer wonder what's inside the email.

As for the text, it provides a clear incentive for the customer to complete the purchase. It highlights the simplicity of the remaining steps required to complete the process.

12. Pulp & Press

Subject Line: We noticed you checking us out… 👀

Pulp and Press abandonment cart email example

“We noticed you” in the subject line adds a personalized touch and shows the company's attention to the customer. The emoji “👀” adds a fun and curious tone to the subject line.

They help you feel good about your choice by saying, "We don't blame you; it's a fan favorite." It's not like they're pushing the product on you; it's more like they're saying, "You've got great taste."

By saying, "Delicious and nutritious - we think it's the perfect fit for you," they both pointed out the advantages of their products and showed that they understood the buyer's preferences.

⭐ “Seal the deal now to make your cold-pressed dreams a reality” was our favorite! It connects buyer's desire for the product with taking action. They have turned a simple purchase into a dream come true.

13. Danner

Subject Line: 🌲Thanks for Exploring. We Saved Your Cart.

Danner abandonment cart email example

Starting with "Thanks for Exploring" in the subject line is like a warm greeting. It makes you feel appreciated for just looking around on their site.

The headline, "YOUR ORDER SHIPS FREE," immediately grabs your attention. Who doesn't love free shipping?

The text emphasizes free shipping and the option to return for free. Plus, ordering multiple pairs and keeping what you like is a tempting offer.

⭐ Mentioning the 365-day guarantee is a trust-builder. It reassures buyer that they've covered you for a whole year if anything goes wrong with your purchase. That's a pretty awesome guarantee!

14. D.S. and Durga

Subject Line: Take me home

D.S. and Durga cart abandonment email example

⭐ This subject line is the one we like because it emotionally connects customers, creates a personal relationship with the products, and motivates them to engage further.

This email is pretty basic and shows images, pricing details, and the number of items left in the customer's cart.

While we appreciate the simplicity, we considered whether adding a touch of personalization through a short text could improve the overall communication.

15. Bombinate

Subject Line: We saved your bag!

Bombinate cart abandonment email example

The choice of the subject line is special; it's not just "you forgot something." It's kind of a rescue mission! 😀

Bombinate continued the same heroic tone in the email content, saying, "Phew, your bag has been rescued!" It relieves the anxiety the customer may feel about losing their belongings.

⭐ We loved the heroic tone Bombinate chose for the cart abandonment email. This approach establishes an emotional connection and encourages action, making the brand relatable and human.

"Take another look at your picks" is an inviting prompt. It's not pushy but gently nudges the customer to reconsider their choices.

16. Huckberry

Subject Line: “Just a few left…”

huckberry abandonment cart email example

Huckberry's abandoned cart email stands out for a few solid reasons.

The subject line – “Just a few left…” – makes it sound like you're running out of time to pick up the items you left behind. It creates a sense of urgency without sounding too pushy.

Then comes the message: Starting with a bold "Let's Do This" sets a confident tone, then creates FOMO by underlining once again that the products may sell out.

Adding images showcasing the items in the abandoned cart provides a snapshot, making decision-making easier.

⭐ Our favorite part? The CTA! "Make it yours" adds a personal touch. It creates a sense of ownership and exclusivity, making the customer feel that these items are unique.

17. Le Puzz

Subject Line: Missing a puzzle?

le puzz cart abandonment email example

Since Le Puzz sells puzzles, the subject line is highly relevant to the nature of their business. It directly addresses the type of product the customer has shown interest in, making the email more likely to resonate with them.

"Hello again" creates a personalized and friendly tone, indicating Le Puzz recognizes the recipient as a returning customer.

⭐ Yes! Losing a puzzle piece is annoying. Le Puzz adds humor to the email by saying, "We found a lost puzzle. Could it be yours?" which is what we liked most about this email.

This can capture the recipient's attention and make the email more enjoyable to read.

18. Gerry’s

Subject Line: Forgotten something?

gerrys cart abandonment email example

Gerry's adds a personal touch to the email by directly addressing the recipient by name.

⭐ “We noticed you left something in your cart and didn't want you to miss it!” It conveys a sense of concern and care.

It shows that the company is attentive to the customer's actions and emphasizes that the customer is valued. We think this is the phrase you should add to your cart abandonment emails!

The overall tone of the email is not just about the company trying to recover the abandoned cart; it's also about making sure the customer isn't missing out on something they might want.

Cart Abandonment Email Best Practice

After all, we are all customers, and we all leave abandoned carts behind. 🛒

So, it's essential to consider what will motivate you to return and complete your purchase.

Here are some effective strategies for your cart abandonment emails:

1. Send the first abandoned cart email within 24 hours.

Ideally, this will happen shortly after the abandonment occurs, but not too early. You want to give them a chance to reconsider without being overly pushy.

2. You don't need creativity in your abandoned cart emails. Keep it simple.

Keep it simple and engaging, ensuring emails resonate with customers without overwhelming them. You may want to add these:

  • Showcasing Abandoned Items
  • Personalized Product Recommendations / Customer Reviews
  • Customer Support Information
  • Clear Call to Action (CTA)

You can take inspiration from Perigold's simple email example, highlighting abandoned items and personalized product recommendations with a clear CTA.

perigold email example for recommended product

3. Offer incentives to sweeten the deal.

A discount on abandoned items, free shipping, or a limited-time offer creates FOMO and motivates your customers to take action.

4. Make sure the email is mobile-friendly.

Many people check their emails on their phones, so the layout and design should be easily read.

5. Consider creating a series of follow-up emails.

The first email is a gentle reminder; subsequent emails may increase the urgency or offer additional incentives.

6. Use analytics to track the performance of your cart abandonment emails.

Conducting A/B testing on subject lines, content, and visuals can help you identify the most effective strategies for winning back customers.

To Sum Up

Cart abandonment emails are powerful for re-engaging potential customers and recovering lost sales.

You can turn abandoned carts into valuable opportunities with the right approach and effective cart abandonment email examples.

So, don't let them slip away; create a strong cart abandonment email strategy and win those customers back!

The Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Best Abandoned Cart Email Sequence?

Your potential customer may abandon the cart for many different reasons, and the faster you can get them to recover, the more likely you are to get them to buy.

  • First Email (Sent within 3-4 hours): Shortly after the cart abandonment, reach out with a gentle reminder. Timing is crucial, so aim for within the first 24 hours. Even if a sale doesn't happen right away, communication is key.
  • Second Email (1-2 days later): No response? Don't worry! Share social proof or emphasize the product's benefits. Help your potential customers see what they might be missing out on.
  • Third Email (4-5 days later): Patience pays off. Offer a sweet incentive, such as free shipping or discounts on their selected items. Enhance the deal by suggesting a complementary product, making it irresistible.

It's all about giving them the time they need—patience is key.

How to Track Cart Abandonment Email Rates?

So, you hit the "send" button on those emails to remind people about their abandoned carts. Now, it's time to check how things are going.

Analytical tools such as Google Analytics or an email tool such as Mailchimp will be helpful.

Besides these, we have a few more tricks to keep an eye on cart abandoners.

  • First, there may be a hidden analytics feature in your online store itself, so be sure to check that.

  • Heatmaps and session capture tools show where people get stuck or lose interest.

  • And voila, exit intent targeting! You can try using tools like Popupsmart with exit-intent targeting. When someone is about to leave, pop up with reminders or attractive discounts to reduce your cart abandonment rate.

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