How Can Email Marketing Fuel Your Overall Inbound Strategy?

Are you tired of feeling like your inbound strategy is running on empty? Don't worry, we've all been there. But the good news is that there's a simple solution: email marketing!

Yep, that's right - your trusty email inbox can actually be a powerful tool for driving traffic, generating leads, and ultimately growing your business.

In this blog post, we're going to explore how email marketing can fuel your overall inbound strategy and give your marketing efforts the boost they need.

A cover image with an illustration of a boy sitting and announcing something with a title on the left side that says "How Can Email Marketing Fuel Your Overall Inbound Strategy?"

So if you're ready to learn more, grab a cup of coffee and let's dive in!

By the end of this post, you'll have a better understanding of how email marketing can help you achieve your inbound marketing goals.

What is Inbound Marketing?

A hand writing the word inbound marketing on a notebook on a wooden table partially showing a keyboard and a potter plant

In a nutshell, inbound marketing is all about creating valuable, relevant content that attracts your ideal customers to your business.

Inbound marketing is a holistic approach that focuses on providing valuable content and experiences tailored to your audience, with the goal of turning strangers into brand advocates and customers.

This can include things like email marketing, blog posts, social media marketing, ebooks, webinars, and more.

Inbound marketing aims to attract, engage, and delight customers and drive profitable action.

Before inbound marketing, traditional marketing and advertising approaches were used in all businesses. As a result, those marketers could not grab their target customers' attention and obtained low returns on their investments.

a hand holding a cellphone and the other touch the person's face, barely visible

On the other hand, inbound marketing helps businesses reach quality leads and prospects via their relevant content, irresistible offers, and with engagement activities.

Aside from that, this type of marketing builds trust and increases your business's credibility. Isn't that what we all want?

So if you wish to build trust with your customers and grow your business, inbound marketing is definitely worth considering!

Now, let’s look at how inbound marketing strategy processes in email marketing.

4 Steps of Inbound Journey for Email Marketing

The inbound journey is a customer-centric approach to marketing that focuses on creating valuable content and experiences that attract, engage, and delight your ideal customers. When it comes to email marketing, there are four key steps in the inbound journey:

Inbound marketing methodology image

But how a visitor heads toward becoming a loyal customer of your business with email marketing? Here is the answer:

1. Attraction:

The first step in the inbound journey is to attract the right people to your business. This can be done through various forms of content marketing, such as blog posts, social media posts, ebooks, and webinars. or popups. These pieces of content should be designed to pique the interest of your ideal customers and draw them to your website.

a spin to win gamification popup example that says let's play

For example, you can capture your visitors' attention using an easy to use popup builder displaying gamified popups or via banners, PPC ads, social media advertising, and beneficial content.

Give browsers a reason to share their email addresses with you. Then, build an email list comprising of the right people.

2. Nurturing:

Once you have grabbed the attention of enough prospects, it is time to retain those leads and turn them into customers. Nurture them by providing valuable content that helps them move further along the customer journey.

This can include things like email newsletters, personalized offers, and tailored content that addresses their specific needs and pain points. Moo newsletter example with a picture of a hand preparing to cut a watermelon like fruite ninja

Run effective email drip campaigns with winning calls-to-action.

Offer something valuable to convince your audience to engage with your business.

3. Advocation:

As your customers move further along the customer journey, they will begin to develop a deeper connection with your brand. This is where advocacy comes into play.

By providing exceptional experiences and continuing to provide valuable content, you can turn your customers into brand advocates who are happy to promote your business to their friends, family, and colleagues.

Make sure your consumers are delighted enough to spread positive word-of-mouth.

65% of a company’s business comes from existing customers.

If you can make the majority of your leads go through this process, you will maximize your conversions as well as your revenue!

Now let’s have a more in-depth look at email marketing as an effective inbound marketing strategy.

4. Conversion:

The final step in the inbound journey is conversion, where your customers take the desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form to request more information.

By providing a seamless and personalized experience throughout the customer journey, you can increase the likelihood of conversion and drive profitable action for your business. hands working with laptop on a desk

Manage your email campaigns well and always track their results.

Apply A/B tests to each campaign before reaching your subscribers. Give readers some reasons (such as coupons, discounts, free-trials, or demo products) for taking the desired action: conversion!

Email Marketing: An Effective Way to Fuel Inbound Marketing

Email marketing is the second most uncomplicated inbound strategy to apply, and the one providing the fifth highest return on investment. Also, email marketing offers a higher conversion rate than social media and SEO.

However, email marketing is considered as an outbound marketing strategy by many digital marketers. But, it is an inbound strategy hence emails revolve around content, increasing customer loyalty and retention while concurrently providing superior traffic back to your website.

a picture of an email inbox, partially visible, with a lot of unread email notifications

Additionally, because your email content provides value to your subscribers, and you’re not just aiming to advertise your products and services in email marketing, it can definitely be placed under inbound marketing strategies.

But how to collect emails in the first place? You can try email finder tools and email popups.

How Do Email Marketing Activities Fuel Your Inbound Strategies?

  • Emails allow you to convey your message as engagingly as possible,

  • It enables you to personalize your words and your customers to engage with your brand in one click,

  • Email marketing is a permission-based method so it offers you to reach the right audience at the right time,

  • You may segment your audience based on their needs and wants, so it increases efficiency in your digital efforts,

  •  It is a quite inexpensive way to convert leads into customers because emails bring you a high return on investment if the target audience is chosen precisely.

a Popupsmart email newsletter example with the headline on top followed by a descriptive body text and a video preview with the illustration of two women

Fundamentally, you may recognize those statements as “Email marketing syncs closely to your CRM.” which is the correct answer of “How can email marketing fuel your overall inbound strategy?” question asked in the Email Marketing Certification Exam in 2018.

How to Fuel Your Inbound Marketing Activities with Email Marketing?

  • Make sure you include a sign-up form on your website to collect email addresses from your visitors,

  • Create email content that is relevant to your website content,

  • Send newsletter emails to communicate with your customers continuously,

  • Inform your subscribers about newly launched products,

  • Convey welcome, birthday, follow-up emails to build a sustainable relationship,

  • Segment your audience and constitute customized emails,

  • Have well-placed call-to-action buttons landing to a webpage where a visitor can take the desired action.

The number of people having an email account worldwide is forecasted to reach 3 billion until 2020. And the number of emails sent worldwide per day will be 225.3 billion by the end of 2019.

These numbers would probably give you a sense of why you need to put digital efforts in email marketing carefully.

In Conclusion

a gif of a Simpson character that says "Now for my final thought"

Overall, the inbound journey for email marketing is a customer-centric approach that focuses on attracting the right people, nurturing them with valuable content, turning them into brand advocates, and ultimately driving profitable action.

By implementing these four steps, you can create a successful email marketing campaign that fuels your overall inbound strategy and helps you achieve your business goals.

I hope this article gave you some insights about the importance of email marketing and its way of affecting your overall inbound strategies.

If you would like to get more information about the subject, you may visit other articles about email marketing.

Please do not hesitate to contact me via comments to add or suggest something useful!

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