8 Shopping Deals Popups That’ll Bring You More Money

Think about the last time you visited an e-commerce site and were guided toward a discount or sales campaign. How would you find out about the campaign if the store didn’t point in the right direction?

Promotion popups’ working principle is just like that. They interrupt the user experience for a short period enough to catch their attention and convert them into leads.

In short, promotional popup ads help you get the most of your existing website traffic. cover image that says "shopping deal popups that'll bring you more money"

In this post, you will find shopping deals popups made with Popupsmart and some real-life popup examples that will inspire you to create your own and get your revenue to blow up. Let’s jump right in!

What is a Shopping Deals Popup?

A shopping deals popup or promotional popup aims to increase conversions and sales by offering incentives like discounts, free shipping, coupon codes, or collecting customer emails for future marketing efforts.

These promotion popups play an essential part in maximizing revenue and keeping customers engaged. Hence, they serve the core aim of e-commerce; getting customers to buy your products.

To stay ahead of your competitors, you need to boost your average order value (AOV) and convert more visitors into customers.

Luckily, popups are designed to do just that and more.

versace email signup popup form

However, the thing is… Many website owners are worried about using popups for promotion. It’s true that there are lots of eye-hurting and intrusive popups out there. Nobody likes those kinds.

But if you design and target it the right way, popups can convert 3.09% on average!

Shopping deals popups are one of the most common ways of onsite retargeting and conversion optimization. Some of the popular uses are:

  • Reducing cart abandonment
  • Offering free shipping or discounts
  • Upselling and cross-selling products

Let’s take a look at creative popup ideas for sales promotion that’ll boost your business’s bottom line and finally discuss the dos and don’ts of high-converting shopping deals popups.

Create a Promotional Popup for Free

Creative Shopping Deals Popups You’ll Want to Steal

1. Offer Discounts & Coupon Codes

Coupon and discount popups work wonders when it comes to driving short-term sales for your e-commerce store, especially if you implement urgency. You can highlight the expiration date of a coupon code and get more people to use it in a set time frame.

Another method to increase the effectiveness of your offer is to show a coupon popup once the user lands on your landing page.

It can prompt them to use the coupon or discount to make their first purchase. However, always make sure to present such popups once to the same user and never multiple times.

You can easily set up the targeting options of your popup campaign with advanced popup builder tools like Popupsmart. Here are some valuable tips for targeting smarter:

  • Try setting up your popup to display a few seconds after landing on the page so that it doesn’t look annoying.
  • After the initial popup on the homepage, show your offer on a bar-type popup on every related page. Sticky bars are less intrusive but enough to catch the eye.

Makeup Forever shopping deals popup with discount

The picture above shows a makeup brand, Makeup Forever’s homepage. They use a top sidebar popup to make a discount offer in return for the user’s email address. Growing email lists is a vital asset for email marketing and retargeting.

What this popup does well:

  • Makes a contrast with the vibrant colors of the landing page
  • Catches the eye
  • Optimal CTA

What could be optimized:

  • Colors used in the popup could be more brand-related and vibrant to draw attention
  • The brand could A/B test different fonts, specifically a less alarming one and a more casual one. Otherwise, it may look like a Windows alert box. (There’s a fine line.)

2. Welcome with a First-Time Purchase Offer

First-time incentives like discounts and free shipping are popular ways to capture newcomers’ email addresses and turn them into customers.

Even famous brands use this tactic in their marketing effort.

Kate Spade promotional popup

Kate Spade is one of those brands. They offer a 10% discount on the first purchase and ask new users to sign up for their newsletter.

What this popup does well:

  • Clean design with a dual-color palette
  • Clear call to action (CTA)
  • Optimal text to reject the offer
  • Easy-to-see exit button

What could be optimized:

  • An eye-catching image can be used.
  • The brand can A/B test a sidebar popup instead of a lightbox popup because there is a lot of white space in the design.

3. Recommend Products with Cross-Sell Popups

Want to sell more products instead of selling one? You can use promotional popups to recommend related products to your customers.

Cross-selling is an effective method to convince buyers who add a product to their cart to spend more. You can present your popup on the product page or on the shopping cart page if the product is in the cart. The latter is a better option since the user will purchase the product already.

Here’s a cross-sell popup example made with Popupsmart:

cross sell popup example

4. Collect Email Addresses Before They Leave

Every marketer knows how precious email leads are. You can keep your brand related to your customer base, engage them, strengthen your relationship with welcome and apology emails, and most of all, you can send a follow-up email when they leave a product in their cart.

orange colored promotion popup

To send abandoned cart emails, first, you need to convince customers to subscribe before they leave.

The best method to manage that is to display exit popups that detect users’ exit intent.

Pro tip: Making a special offer in return for your customers’ email addresses will bring more leads.

5. Upsell Your Customers

What’s better than selling a product? Selling more! Upselling your customers can be quite lucrative for your bottom line. To upsell a product, you can:

  • Convince customers to purchase the product in more numbers.
  • Recommend them a higher and more expensive product with better features.

Dollar Shave Club shopping deals popup

As you can see from the image above, Dollar Shave Club upsells its hair gel by displaying a full-screen popup.

The user can select the auto-restock option that ships every two months, highlighted more than the “buy now” option. That’s actually a trick to make people select that option!

Additionally, consumers can increase the number they add right on the popup.

6. Reduce Cart Abandonment with Exit Popups

According to shopping cart abandonment stats show that 69.80% of consumers abandon their carts on average.

You can reduce your cart abandonment losses by making an offer that can’t be refused. Display an exit popup right before a user attempts to leave and convince them to complete their purchase.

Another option can be making an offer in return for their email address. That way, you can send a follow-up email and remind them of the items left in their cart.

Really Good Emails exit popup

Although not for fighting cart abandonment, Really Good Emails uses an exit popup with a funny tone to collect emails before users leave their site.

7. Skyrocket Sales with a Limited-Time Offer

FOMO (fear of missing out) is a powerful driver in consumer behavior. AND marketers know that.

By making your special offers available for a limited period, more online shoppers can be prompted to buy before the deal’s off.

Free Shipping for a Limited Time

Kylie Costemetics shipping promotion popup

Providing free shipping gets you a step ahead of your customers since shipping prices are one of the most common reasons why consumers abandon their carts.

Highlight that limited time on your popup or sticky bar to encourage users to convert into customers quicker. Also, you can add a countdown timer on it to poke that feeling of urgency even more.

Limited-Time Discounts

The same rule applies to discount offers. Use phrases like “limited time only,” “for limited stock,” and “for orders until X” and watch your revenue grow.

8. Gamify Incentives to Increase Your Revenue

People are all in for a challenge! Give them one with a gamification popup to make it fun for them to win. You can always set up what you will offer and how often a reward will come up.

Here’s a shopping deals popup in spin-to-wheel form by Tarte:

Tarte gamification popup

Gamification popup campaigns are excellent to increase your sales because:

  • They are fun.
  • They encourage visitors to make a purchase with their reward.
  • They increase the user engagement.

Time to Create Your Own Promotion Popup

There are more ways to use shopping deals popups than what we listed here. For example, you can:

  • Give away free content
  • Advertise a sale campaign
  • Hold a competition
  • Encourage social engagement
  • Offer a free e-book and more

The essential parts you need to pay attention to are your popup design, targeting settings, popup copy, and CTA. To make sure you achieve all of these quickly, we recommend that you use a simple popup builder with advanced targeting features and plenty of design options.

Once you build the perfect popup, you can sit back and watch your conversions grow!

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