How to Use Testimonials in Marketing? 10 Tips & Examples

Testimonials are the modern word-of-mouth, turbocharging brand visibility and raising awareness like never before.

While everyone knows the power of customer reviews, finding inspiration to use them effectively can be a challenge.

So, why not learn from the best?

Here, we're about to unveil 10 engaging strategies for using testimonials in marketing, complete with the best examples from top brands to inspire and guide you.

a blog cover with a purple background and a title that says "How to Use Testimonials in Marketing? top tips & examples" and a 3D illustration of a testimonial with a hand on the right side

So get ready to elevate your brand's presence, and watch as these strategies unlock the full potential of customer testimonials.

After all, there's no better way to master the art of using testimonials than by learning from the pros!

What is the Goal of Testimonial Marketing?

Testimonial marketing is the art of harnessing positive customer experiences to promote a brand, product, or service.

Reviews provide the social proof needed to instil trust and credibility among potential customers, leading to increased conversions and sales.

There is no advertisement as powerful as a positive reputation traveling fast. Brian Koslow

The goal of testimonial marketing is to connect your brand with potential customers by showcasing real-life success stories.

And guess what? It appears to be highly effective!

Reports reveal that 92% of consumers consult online reviews and testimonials when contemplating a purchase.

Popupsmart's customer testimonial and a rating badge from Capterra

Even more impressive, 72% of consumers admit that positive reviews and testimonials significantly boost their trust in a business.

Remember that people influence people, and interestingly 88% of users place as much trust in online reviews as they do in personal recommendations from their friends.

By leveraging the power of satisfied customers' voices, your business can foster trust, build credibility, and resonate with its target audience, ultimately driving success and growth.

How to Use Customer Reviews in Marketing?

A customer sharing their experience with you holds ten times more value than anything you could say about yourself.

So, when you're fortunate enough to receive a testimonial from a happy customer, it's essential to make the most of it and let it shine.

In this heartwarming guide, we'll reveal the top strategies for leveraging customer reviews and showcase some genuinely inspiring testimonial examples in advertising.

1. Engage New Visitors with Attention-Grabbing Testimonial Popups

Yes, popups convert—and you might be amazed to discover their effectiveness in boosting your brand's credibility with testimonials.

Imagine showcasing the finest aspects of your brand to visitors, but with a twist: it's not coming from you but from delighted customers who have tried and loved your product or service.

a testimonial popup example for a makeup brand, the review talks about the cruelty free products and on the left side there is a picture of two brushes dynamically moving in the air

Intriguing, right? There's a wealth of creative ways to leverage satisfied customers' reviews with a popup.

Tailor your popups to target users' behavior, from giving your first-time visitors a glowing impression with testimonials to displaying a cart abandonment popup featuring a rave review of the product they're about to leave behind.

a review popup example template from Popupsmart that shows a picture of a flower bouquet on the left side and a review about the same product from a happy customer on the right side

The possibilities are endless!

The cherry on top? With the right popup builder, you won't need to design your popup from scratch.

Simply pick a template and customize it to suit your brand's unique needs and style.

Share Your Success Story Today!

2. Showcase Delighted Customer Reviews on Your Homepage & Landing Page

You want your happiest customers' testimonials beaming on your homepage, creating a lasting first impression that captures visitors' trust.

Sure, you can tout your product's incredible features, but do you know what indeed resonates with your audience?

It's the validation from customers who have tried and vouched for your product.

Consider Ahrefs, a prime example of a masterful testimonial showcasing.

Ahref customer testimonials on their homepage tailored to different personas and categorizing them to cater to different groups, from SEO experts to content marketers, e-commerce, and SaaS owners.

After eloquently describing their solution, they turn the spotlight on industry experts who have praised their tool.

This clever move reinforces their message and connects with the audience on a deeper level.

Ahrefs goes even further by tailoring the testimonials to different personas and categorizing them to cater to different groups, from SEO experts to content marketers, e-commerce, and SaaS owners.

This demonstrates their commitment to making their testimonials truly shine.

ahref rating badges from directory platforms like G2, Capterra and Trustpilot

But they don't stop there!

They also feature rating badges from directory platforms like Capterra, Trustpilot, and G2, adding further credibility. (We'll dive deeper into this strategy later on.)

3. Enhance Email Marketing Campaigns with Powerful Testimonials

They say words that soak into your ears are whispered, not yelled, and the same thing applies when it comes to earning the trust of your target audience.

Featuring powerful testimonials in your email marketing campaigns can be the subtle nudge your audience needs to take action.

When readers open your email and scroll to the bottom, it means you’ve piqued their interest.

Now, strategically placed customer testimonials in the email footer or subject line can persuade them to click through.

Better still, consider launching a promotional campaign showcasing a specific product alongside a customized testimonial from a customer who speaks passionately about that item.

The best approach, however, lies in crafting a compelling story.

Danner testimonial email example talking about a life of a happy customer and sharing her story

Take Danner, for example. Instead of merely quoting a satisfied customer, they invest in the customer's story and link it to their new boot collection.

Examining the entire email, you'll notice that the quotes from the customer, Rachel, are moderately promotional. Instead, she shares her daily lifestyle and the joy it brings her.

Danner testiomonial email example showing the happy customer feeding her goats and riding her horse with an image of the boots she is wearing on the top

This offers readers a glimpse into the life of a happy customer while inspiring them to pursue their dreams - and perhaps purchase a pair of Danner boots as well.

Remember, sometimes your customers' testimonials don't need to be explicit; showcasing the contented life of a satisfied customer can be just as persuasive.

4. Feature Customers Sharing Product Experiences in Video Reviews

Four times as many customers prefer watching a video about a product than reading about it.

Videos can showcase functionality and evoke emotions in ways that product descriptions simply can't.

So, if a customer is happy enough to purchase from you & write a review for your product, why not encourage and incentivize them to create a video detailing their experience as well?

a popup that says "Have time for a quick review? offering 30% off to customers who shoot a testimonial video for their next purchase

Not everyone will scroll down to read a testimonial, but a video can grab their attention and persuade them to dig deeper and, who knows, make a purchase.

Video testimonials can help close leads to customers, but positioning them strategically is essential for optimal results.

Take a look at Slack's customer stories page.

Slack customer stories and testimonial page with a video testimonial from a satisfied customer on the left side and a qoutation on the right side

The first thing you'll notice, alongside a customer testimonial quote and call-to-action, is a video with a captivating preview animation, enticing visitors to watch.

The video is concise, at just 3.5 minutes, and you don't need to watch it all to grasp the customer's satisfaction.

The customer begins by introducing their organization and pain points before describing how Slack helped them overcome these challenges.

In just 30 seconds, you'll understand the customer's context, and the rest of the video becomes a testament to Slack's success, rather than just the customer's journey.

5. Boost Conversions by Incorporating Testimonials in Paid Ads

A picture paints a thousand words, and customer reviews add credibility, making your ad the cherry on top.

By using real-life customer experiences, you effectively harness the power of social proof, which can make your ads more appealing and trustworthy to potential customers.

To optimize this strategy, choose compelling and authentic testimonials that strike a chord with your target audience.

Including customer photos, names, and a brief section of their review can add a personal touch and increase credibility.

Headspace testimonial examples on Pinterest showing customers picture with a qoute from them

Be sure to focus on testimonials that highlight the unique selling points of your product or service, as well as the benefits it brings to customers.

For example, incorporating testimonials in retargeting ads can help remind potential customers of the value your product offers, reinforcing their interest and increasing the likelihood of converting them into buyers.

6. Strengthen Your Online Presence with Compelling Case Studies

Do you have customers who've had a fantastic experience with your product or service?

Consider showcasing their journey in a compelling case study.

This approach is an effective way to use testimonials and demonstrate the real-life impact of your offerings.

A well-crafted case study outlines the customer's roadmap to success, highlighting their pain points and explaining how your product or service helped them overcome obstacles.

Asana's case study example with a title that says "How Carta keeps their fast-growing team in the know with Asana" and a picture of a man and a woman working

By presenting actual numbers and tangible results, you can foster readers' trust in your brand.

The key to creating an engaging case study lies in its authenticity and focus on the customer.

Avoid sounding overly promotional; instead, concentrate on how the customer utilized your features to achieve their goals.

Incorporating quotes and videos of satisfied customers can further enrich the narrative and strengthen its credibility.

Milkshake customer success story page

Many brands dedicate a "success stories" page on their website to share various customer experiences.

This not only celebrates their customers' accomplishments but also demonstrates the brand's commitment to quality.

By crafting honest, customer-centric case studies, you can create a powerful and persuasive marketing tool that resonates with potential buyers, showcasing the real-world value of your product or service.

7. Collaborate with Brand Ambassadors on Engaging Blog Posts

Identify your most loyal customers who resonate strongly with your buyer persona and possess enough influence to inspire others to take action.

These satisfied customers will likely be more than happy to review your product and provide a testimonial.

Look how Fenty Beauty is promoting the videos of customers reviewing its products on Instagram:

Fenty beauty Instagram page showing women in pictures and videos using it's products and reviewing them

Now is the perfect time to interview them and craft a blog post about their experiences.

One innovative approach to leveraging success stories is by combining different formats, such as a Q&A session, audio and video testimonials, or interviews with clients that delve into their experiences using your product or service.

These interview-style testimonials provide valuable insights and can serve as long-form content on your website.

Oberlo blog testimonial example

The beauty of these in-depth testimonials lies in their versatility; they can be repurposed for various marketing campaigns, amplifying your brand message across different channels.

By showcasing genuine customer experiences in diverse formats, you can create engaging content that resonates with your audience and highlights the value of your product or service.

8. Inspire Top-of-Funnel Engagement with Satisfied Customer Stories

Imagine stepping into a cozy coffee shop, where you're greeted by the warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft hum of conversation.

As you settle down, you overhear a group of people nearby sharing their positive experiences with a certain brand.

Curiosity piqued, you can't help but pay attention, and you find yourself drawn to learn more about this brand and its offerings.

This is the essence of top-of-the-funnel engagement, where potential customers first become aware of a brand and its products.

Now how to make it happen digitally?

To create this warm and inviting atmosphere, you can share satisfied customer stories to evoke emotions and make a connection. GoPro Instagram feed sharing best images from their customers taken by their cameras

One effective approach is leveraging captivating visuals, such as GoPro's action-packed user-generated content, which allows potential customers to envision themselves using the product.

Additionally, sharing compelling stories that highlight the customer's journey, like Airbnb's heartwarming host and guest experiences, humanizes the brand and resonates with potential customers.

Aribnb host stories testimonial page where you can read different stories from top hosts

By embracing a warm tone, and storytelling techniques, and weaving together these examples, you can create engaging and easy-to-read content that effectively captures the hearts and minds of potential customers at the top of your sales funnel.

9. Amplify Testimonial Impact through Strategic Social Media Promotion

Have you ever wondered how to maximize the potential of your customer testimonials?

You've already added quotes, video testimonials, or even both to your welcome pop-ups, landing pages, and case studies.

But there's still so much untapped potential in those powerful social proofs.

Coursera Social media testimonial example on Instagram sharing the story of Megan, a satisfied customer who changed her job thanks to Coursera courses

Don't let that goldmine of credibility go to waste; repurpose your testimonials for your social media platforms.

Start by designing eye-catching and platform-specific formats for each medium, catering to the preferences of your followers.

Perhaps adopt a witty and casual tone on Twitter, create a trendy audio post on TikTok, and maintain your brand identity on Instagram and Facebook.

Glossier retweeting a tweet from a satisfied customer exprience as a testimonial on its Twitter account

But don't forget about LinkedIn, a treasure trove of B2B marketing.

By tailoring your testimonials to the platform and the target buyer persona, you can effectively engage with a wide range of potential clients.

Glossier customer review shared on Instagram post

And to take it a step further, consider using paid ads to boost your post's reach and visibility.

By creatively repurposing your customer testimonials across various social media platforms and ad campaigns, you'll be able to leverage their full potential, expand your reach, and create a lasting impact on your audience.

10. Encourage User Reviews on External Platforms with Incentives

With 93% of online experiences beginning on a search engine, ensuring a positive online reputation for your brand is crucial. While you can't control what people say, you can certainly encourage satisfied customers to share their thoughts. Capterra video review Online reviews wield significant influence, as consumers are 50% more likely to be swayed by them than by discount offers.

So, why not combine the two to create a winning strategy?

Encourage your satisfied customers to leave reviews on directory platforms like G2 and Capterra, and offer them perks like free shipping, discounts on their next purchase, or a boost in your customer loyalty program.

Zoom's account on G2 with video reviews

Incentivizing customers to leave reviews on third-party platforms is an effective way to build credibility.

Later on you can add these rating badges on your website and showcase how trusworthy and user-friendly are your products/services.

People may be skeptical about what you say about your own brand or even disregard the testimonials on your website, but an unbiased review from a satisfied user on another platform can genuinely capture their interest.

By leveraging the power of online reviews and rewards, you'll not only enhance your brand's reputation but also foster lasting customer relationships.

Why Do You Need to Use Testimonial Advertising for Your Business?

In today's competitive market, businesses need to stand out and build trust among potential customers.

Bed threads brand's testimonial email campaign showing a girl sitting on her bed covered with the brand's bead sheets and a qoute about her exprience with the product

Testimonial advertising is a powerful tool that can help achieve this by showcasing real-life success stories in a relatable and engaging manner. Here are the top reasons why businesses should leverage testimonial advertising:

Increased Conversions: Featuring testimonials can help potential customers overcome doubts and increase conversion rates.

Customer Retention: Sharing customer success stories can foster loyalty among existing customers.

Overcoming Skepticism: Authentic testimonials help alleviate skepticism in a world where fake reviews are rampant.

Storytelling: Testimonials allow you to tell your brand's story through the eyes of your customers, making it more engaging and relatable.

In a nutshell, testimonial advertising is essential for businesses seeking to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

By leveraging authentic customer experiences in a genuine and persuasive manner, your brand can build trust, boost conversions, retain customers, and engage your audience through storytelling.

Integrating testimonials into your marketing strategy will not only resonate with your target audience but also showcase the real-life benefits of your products or services.

Kickstart Your Testimonial Journey Now!

Final Words

Now that you're equipped with creative ways to use customer testimonials in your marketing strategy, feel free to mix them up, experiment with new approaches, and tailor them to your brand's unique needs and style.

Including well-crafted testimonial popups can be an effective way to grab your audience's attention without being overly promotional.

a Popupsmart's popup template for customer testimonial campaign showing an stock image of a girl and a qoute about an skincare product

Capitalizing on the power of authentic customer experiences can elevate your marketing efforts and help you establish a deeper connection with your target audience.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to showcasing the love and satisfaction your customers have for your products and services.


a torn paper written with inscription Q and A

What are the Key Elements to Include in a Compelling Customer Testimonial? A compelling customer testimonial should include the customer's name, their photo or logo, a specific description of the problem they faced, how your product or service solved their issue, and the tangible results they achieved.

How Can I Encourage Customers to Write Testimonials? Consider offering incentives such as discounts, freebies, or exclusive access to new products or services. Make it easy for them to leave a review by providing a simple review form or directing them to review platforms. Reach out to satisfied customers personally and ask for their feedback.

How Can I Effectively Repurpose Customer Testimonials Across Different Channels? Adapt the content and format to suit each marketing channel. For example, use short quotes for social media, video testimonials for your website, and in-depth case studies for your blog. Tailor the tone and style of the testimonial to match the audience preferences on each platform.

How Often Should I Update My Testimonials in Marketing Campaigns? Regularly updating and refreshing your testimonials is essential to keep your marketing campaigns fresh and relevant. Aim to update your testimonials every six months or whenever you launch a new product or service. This will ensure that your marketing materials showcase the latest and most relevant customer experiences.

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