20 Inspirational Popups Used by Famous Brands
Inspirational Examples

20 Inspirational Popups Used by Famous Brands

Would you like to see some inspirational popups used by famous brands and understand why they work?

Then, buckle up because I'm going to give superb popup examples and explain why they work. Plus, I'll give you a method of creating attractive popups like famous brands without needing to know design or coding knowledge! Let's begin.

# 1.CoSchedule

coschedule b2b popup inspiration

CoSchedule is a great B2B example. They have a brilliant reputation in content marketing community. This exit-intent popup shows up when a visitor attempts to leave their website. They are promoting their popular marketing resources to convert visitors before they leave.

# 2. Sitepoint

sitepoint b2b popup example

Sitepoint chooses to use a top banner popup which is relatively the least disturbing popup type. Through this popup, they benefit from the fear of missing out and try to convert more visitors.

# 3. Dolce & Gabbana

dolcegabbana popup example

The famous fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana uses a newsletter popup. Their popup design is simple and elegant with an out of the ordinary image and black&white usage.

# 4. Forever 21

forever21 popup example

Another famous fashion brand Forever 21 uses a teaser popup its website. Teaser popups are a great way to avoid disturbing the customers. It shows up the main popup when clicked on.

forever21 popup inspiration

This is the main popup offering an irresistible incentive of $15 for every customer you refer the brand to. Moreover, they get the customers' emails for email marketing campaigns as well. More customers means more conversions and more sales. Also, the image choice is excellent with outstanding colors.

# 5. Mic

mic popup example

This popup example is from Mic. It is not really common to use full page popups, but this one looks just right. The color choice and simplicity is easy on the visitors eye.

# 6. Stradivarius

stradivarius popup examples

Stradivarius uses a sidebar newsletter popup to collect users' emails and strengthen its email marketing campaigns. The design of this popup is simple and to the point.

# 7. Ulta Beauty

ulta popup example

Ulta Beauty chooses a floating bar popup at the bottom of the website. The pink color of this popup is in harmony with their homepage design. The headline "Don't miss the fun!" is triggering as well.

# 8. Urban Decay

urbandecay popup inspiration

Urban Decay's popup banner is yellow to draw the attention of the customers while being less intrusive with the user experience.

# 9. Urban Outfitters

urbanoutfitters popup example

Urban Outfitters is another brand preferring a popup banner. The blue color of their popup is contrasting with the website color which is effective in catching the customers' eye.

# 10. Brunomagli

brunomagli popup inspiration

The product promoting light popup of Brunomagli drives customers to check the latest arrivals. See how the colors of the image complements the button colors.

# 11. Close.io

closeio popup inspiration

Close.io gathers new leads with a subscription popup. They also make a special offer of free templates, scripts, and books on the condition of subscription.

# 12. Digiday

digiday popup inspiration

Digiday presents its floating bar popup once you scroll through their article. They give a quota of free articles and ask the readers to subscribe for more via the subscription popup.

# 13. Emailmonday

emailmonday popup examples

Emailmonday's popup has an uncommon style. It has a conversational tone saying "Hi, there" and includes the webmasters too.

# 14. Gaiam

gaiam exit intent popup example

Gaiam's popup design is one of a kind. It suits well with the brand and offers a discount on subscription.

# 15. Kensie

kensie popup example

Kensie's newsletter popup encourages customers to submit their emails with a discount code.

# 16. The New York Times

newyorktimes popup example

The floating bar popup of The New York Times suits perfectly with their website. The contrasting black color makes the popup stand out while still preserving a simple design.

# 17. Pipcorn

pipcorn popup example

Pipcorn's light popup matches flawlessly with the homepage colors. The newsletter popups displays a special offer for subscription.

# 18. PracticalEcommerce

practicalecommerce popup example

PracticalEcommerce presents a newsletter popup with an eye-catching color to draw the attention of the visitors and obtain leads.

# 19. Really Good Emails

reallygoodemails exitintent popup inspiration

Now, if this is not a fun popup idea, what is? Really Good Emails uses an exit-intent popup with a bright color and a catchy headline to win back the visitors.

# 20. Versace

versace popup inspiration

Versace's newsletter popup is an excellent example of the importance correct image usage. The image they use catches the customers' eye with bold colors and composition.

Yes, we have come to the end of the inspirational popup examples. Now, it's time to tell you how YOU can create stunning popups like these.