Elevating Brico Depot's Online Experience with Popupsmart: 4.51% Conversion Rate Boost

The popup campaigns raised awareness & highlighted the company’s promotions.

Brico Depot


Popupsmart - What's more? -  Increased 3x

Increased 3x

Conversion Rate

Popupsmart - What's more? -  120% more

120% more

Email Subscribers

Popupsmart - What's more? -  Exclusive Features

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Customer Engagement

About Brico Depot Romania

Brico Depot Romania is part of the Kingfisher group, a leading international home improvement company with over 1,350 stores in 8 European countries.

Brico Depot prides itself on offering a wide range of products at affordable prices, making home improvement accessible to all.

The company's commitment to customer satisfaction has led to its continued growth and success, solidifying its position as a leader in the home improvement industry.

In addition, as part of the Kingfisher group, Brico Depot Romania is part of a larger network of resources and support, ensuring that the company remains at the forefront of innovation and trends in the home improvement sector.

Navigating & Promoting Your Way to Success: The Power of Popups

Brico Depot was looking to improve its user experience on its website, which receives approximately 4 million pageviews per month.

The company wanted to effectively promote its products, raise awareness about its new catalogs, and prevent visitors from exiting the website.

Brico Depot's customized popups using Popupsmart Brico Depot's customized popups using Popupsmart

With Popupsmart's advanced features like targeting and triggering, the website is able to capture user attention and guide them to the right page with different triggering options, such as URL Browsing, for both website and mobile users.

All pages 90 sec on exit intent

All pages 90 sec on exit intent

One particularly successful campaign, launched on all pages with an "After 90 seconds" exit-intent trigger, resulted in an overall 4.51% conversion rate.

Enhancing Your Online Journey & Raising Awareness

Enhancing Your Online Journey & Raising Awareness

Using our easy-to-use popup builder interface and customizable popup designs, Brico Depot was able to effectively engage with customers and guide them to the right page, all while preventing visitors from exiting the website.

The company's website looks amazing, and customers are finding it easier than ever to find what they're looking for and make informed purchasing decisions.

We can say that Popupsmart has truly been a game-changer for Brico Depot.

The Customer's Review:

Popupsmart's user-friendly interface made it easy for us to create effective campaigns. The pop-ups drew attention to our promotions, including free delivery and contests, and helped advertise our monthly leaflet. We appreciate the quick support provided by the Popupsmart team, making our experience a success.

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