DorukNet's Journey to Increased Leads & Lowered Exit Rates with Popupsmart

The popup campaigns raised awareness & highlighted the company’s promotions.



Increased 3x

Increased 3x

Conversion Rate

120% more

120% more

Email Subscribers

390% more

390% more

Customer Engagement




About DorukNet

DorukNet, initiated in 1993, has the distinct recognition of being the inaugural provider of internet services in the Turkish landscape.

Currently, their portfolio encapsulates a broad array of corporate solutions, including but not limited to, Data Center operations, Security protocols, and Access services. With a robust client base that extends over 30,000 entities, their footprint in the market is significant and indisputable. This is indicative of their proficiency in their domain and their adept understanding of the evolving technology trends.

Despite their success, the DorukNet team realized the need to expand their reach, generate more leads , and reduce visitor exits.

Understanding that navigating the digital world required strategic tools and expertise, DorukNet turned to Popupsmart.

They sought to leverage Popupsmart's innovative solutions to overcome their challenges and pave the way for their success.

Turning Visitors into Leads: DorukNet's 'Exit 15% OFF' Success Story

Since its inception, DorukNet has consistently championed the adoption of innovative ideas.

When they decided to expand their customer reach, they knew they needed a fresh approach.

With Popupsmart, they found their perfect match.

The DorukNet team opted for Popupsmart's annual pro plan and swiftly launched 13 successful popup campaigns.

DorukNet's customized popups using Popupsmart

One campaign that stands out is the multi-step "Exit %15 OFF" popup campaign. 

Tailored to attract new visitors with a compelling discount offer, this campaign utilized a blend of strategic targeting and engaging visuals.

The campaign's popup was crafted with a captivating Lottie animation to grab visitors' attention and an exit intent targeting to catch potential customers just as they were about to leave the site. 

Exit %15 OFF

A strategically placed button URL redirected customers, completing the immersive experience.

The results were significant. With 7,531 popup views, the campaign generated 137 leads and 132 interactions, boasting a conversion rate of 1.75%

This success demonstrated Popupsmart's instrumental role in DorukNet's e-commerce journey, showcasing how the right tools can turn digital challenges into opportunities.

Leveraging Multistep Popups for Effective Lead Generation

For DorukNet, a crucial part of its mission to expand its reach involved effectively collecting leads.

With Popupsmart, it embarked on an innovative strategy by launching the 'LEAD - Leave Your Information' campaign.

This campaign utilized a multistep popup to interact with visitors and collect their information.

Multistep Popup Campaign

The first popup cleverly enticed visitors to leave their contact details in exchange for valuable information. 

It was designed to trigger upon click and URL browsing, increasing the chances of visitor engagement.

DorukNet also implemented a self-email notification system to efficiently manage the leads they were generating. This meant immediate awareness of potential customers, enabling swift and effective communication.

Thank you step

Once visitors filled out their information, they were met with a thank-you popup that said, further solidifying the brand's commitment to customer service.

The result of this meticulously crafted strategy was astounding: with 208 popup views, they managed to obtain 28 leads and an impressive conversion rate of 37.98%.

This campaign proved to be another successful venture with Popupsmart, reinforcing the power of well-targeted, well-crafted popups in lead generation.

How did we meet Popupsmart?

In our quest to enhance the user experience on our website and bolster our communication with our customers, we identified popups as the most effective solution.

During our search for a robust popup solution, we came across Popupsmart.
Since partnering with Popupsmart, we have been actively implementing their services on our website, making use of various themes and types based on our specific needs.
Our experience with Popupsmart has been gratifying. Whenever we encounter any issues, they respond swiftly and resolve our problems effectively.

How do we use Popupsmart?

At present, we actively utilize the On Click Targeting feature from Popupsmart to gather leads from customers who visit our website. Additionally, we employ the Exit Popup,
offering a 15% discount
to users who visit our website but then decide to leave.

campaign announcements

We also leverage Popupsmart to broadcast our periodic campaigns. We make these campaign announcements to our users, particularly on the most frequented pages of our website.

monitor the analytics from both Popupsmart and Google

As we've integrated Popupsmart with Google Analytics, we monitor the analytics from both Popupsmart and Google. This allows us to continually assess and improve our strategies.

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