Flatart's Conversion Success: How Popupsmart Amplifies Customer Satisfaction

In the highly digitized world we navigate today, one marketing agency has found a way to ride the wave of innovation to the shore of success. 

Flatart, an industry powerhouse with over a decade of prowess, has unlocked the secret to engaging digital experiences through its alliance with Popupsmart, a leader in creating dynamic website popups.



Increased 4x

Increased 4x

Conversion Rate

140% more

140% more

Email Subscribers

420% more

420% more

Customer Engagement




About Flatart

Flatart is a digital marketing agency with over 10 years of experience that has been leveraging the power of Popupsmart to create dynamic & interactive popups.

With a robust team of 30 experts, Flatart has been servicing numerous national and global brands, constantly striving for new success stories.

Flatart Digital Marketing Agency specializes in Google Search Engine Optimization, Ad Management, Software and UI/UX Consulting, and Social Media Management.

Popupsmart: The Unmissable Partner

We had the pleasure of engaging our clients in a conversation about their personal experience with Popupsmart. Their candid insights shed light on the invaluable contributions of the platform:

Partnering with Popupsmart has enabled Flatart to craft and implement compelling narratives, all meticulously honed around key conversion metrics, to serve a diverse portfolio of national and global brands with increased efficacy.

“What sets Popupsmart apart is the dynamic
and appealing nature of their templates.”

In today's digital landscape, where gamification has a profound impact on user engagement, these vibrant and interactive templates amplify their worth exponentially, asserting Popupsmart's vital role in our success story.

Flexibility & Speed: A Winning Combination

Popupsmart's flexibility to rapidly launch holiday and campaign-focused narratives via user-friendly interfaces empowers brands to outpace their competitors. 

This quick action ability, combined with Flatart's innovative approach, has set a new standard in industry competition and conversion rate projects.

Powering Lead Generation & User Engagement

With increasingly streamlined websites and specific service areas, the use of popups has become critical for data collection and lead generation

Flatart employs Popupsmart's solutions to engage users, make desired announcements, and capture attention, particularly for brands grappling with information overload and campaign frequency.

Results & Success Stories

Flatart's integration with Popupsmart has substantially increased user conversions, regardless of B2B or B2C. 

The impact on e-commerce and form conversion rates is palpable in the growing number of success stories.

Brands like Liva Pastacılık, Loda Furniture, Hep Kitap, Mocaco Coffee, RobesNmore, Çam Hotel, and Arcadium Mall have all reaped the benefits of this partnership.

Popupsmart in Action: An Insight into
Campaign Success

Liva Pastacilik

Liva Pastacılık

Flatart rolled out a vibrant festive-themed popup for Liva Pastacılık, offering a discount for purchases over a certain amount.

The campaign drew an impressive 12,004 views, with a conversion rate of 2.22%.

Loda Furniture

Loda Furniture

A simple, elegant popup in black and gold was created for Loda Furniture, offering Eid greetings to customers and information about store openings.

Garnering 22,082 views, this campaign secured a commendable conversion rate of 4.18%.

Liva Pastacilik

Mocaco Coffee

Finally, Mocaco Coffee experienced a boost in customer engagement with a stylish, image-centric popup offering a discount coupon.

With the highest interaction and conversion rate at 53.93%, it was clear that this personalized approach was a hit with the audience.

Relief for Developers, Power to the Marketing Team

“Thanks to Popupsmart's no-code software, the operational burden on developers has been significantly reduced, creating a structure where the marketing team can harness its full-focus know-how”.

As Simay Akkurt, Digital Marketing Director at Flatart, sums up, the partnership with Popupsmart has been a game-changer, allowing them to create vibrant, effective campaigns that resonate with their diverse range of clients. 

The journey has only just begun, and the path to more success stories is paved with dynamic digital experiences.

More Case Studies

BellaTentazione's Popup Campaigns: A Remarkable Success Story

BellaTentazione's Popup Campaigns: A Remarkable Success Story

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Liva Pastacılık's Cross-Selling Campaign Breakthrough

Liva Pastacılık's Cross-Selling Campaign Breakthrough

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Elevating Brico Depot’s Online Experience with Popupsmart: 4.51% Conversion Rate Boost

Elevating Brico Depot’s Online Experience with Popupsmart: 4.51% Conversion Rate Boost

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