# How to Integrate Popupsmart with Sendy via Zapier

The integration of Sendy and Popupsmart can be done through Zapier with easy steps, which we’ll guide you through.

Make sure you have a Sendy account for your email campaigns and a Popupsmart account to color these campaigns.

We tell the process for you through Zapier, and you can collect up to 100 free data.

🃏 On the other hand, you can integrate Popupsmart with Sendy on Make too, and you can have 1000 free data.

1. Sign into your Zapier account and arrange the actions on your Zapier dashboard.

Choose your apps as Popupsmart and Sendy.

Then, the actions related to your integration.

Popupsmart focuses on collecting new form data, and you can choose distinct actions for Sendy.

zapier dashboard

Click Try it when you arrange them.

2. To continue, click Get started.

get started zapier

3. If you manage the Zap for the first time, you need to connect your Popupsmart account by creating a campaign and pasting the API to the related field.

zapier connect ps

4. For the API key, sign in to your Popupsmart account and create a new campaign. Then, you need to include a form input element on your popup. Choose the form input element on the Customize step.

form customize ps sendy

5. You need to click Integration to Add integrations on the form input element.

add integration ps sendy

6. The next step is to Connect Zapier.

connect zapier sendy

7. Copy the Zapier API key to the clipboard.

zapier api key sendy

8. Paste it in the related field like below.

paste zapier api key ps

9. Or, if you have connected your Popupsmart account, simply connect your account by choosing among the options.

connect ps account zapier sendy

To continue after choosing, click Next.

10. Choose the campaign you want to connect among the choices and click Next.

choose ps campaign on zapier

11. Click Connect to include your Sendy account in the Zap.

connect sendy account

12. If you connect your Sendy account for the first time, you need to go to your Sendy account and click the account dropdown on the right top to fill in the new blanks for Sendy. Then, click Settings.

sendy settings

13. On your Sendy’s settings page, you need to copy Your API key and copy the URL without the trailing slash.

api url sendy

14. Paste the API key and the URL to the related blanks as in the example below and click Yes, Continue.

connect sendy with details

15. On the Zap action page, you need to choose the Sendy account and click Next.

sendy active zapier

16. Now, you need to fill in the map fields. Map fields appear based on the elements on your popup, so you can choose the data you want to take based on what you aim for.

real map fields zap

Choose your brand and your list on your Sendy account and click Send Test.

17. Check your Sendy account to control the test subscription sent. Now, click Next.

real testing zap

18. You can turn on your Zap now, but if you want to edit the actions you choose, you will be directed to the first steps of the process, so watch out for your actions.

turn on zap

You can view your Zap of Popupsmart and Sendy from the Zaps tab in the left sidebar.

zapier sendy ps

Now, you can manage your email marketing with this integration straightforwardly.