Send Confirmation SMS to Leads via Popupsmart + Zapier Integration
More Engaged Customer Relationship

Send Confirmation SMS to Leads via Popupsmart + Zapier Integration

# Send Confirmation SMS to Leads via Popupsmart + Zapier Integration

SMS marketing is not dead. In fact, SMS marketing stats show that it is actually cheaper than other forms of advertising, with the average cost per send being $0.07.

And if you're collecting phone numbers from potential customers on your website, you may need to send them SMS for purposes like:

  • Following up

  • Confirmation

  • Delivering a coupon code

  • Announcement

But how will you send them an SMS?

With the Zapier integration of Popupsmart, you can automate this process and save time.

So before we start, make sure to have a Popupsmart and a Zapier account, as we'll need them both.

# Step 1: Firstly, after signing up, choose a ready-to-use, stylish template to collect phone numbers. You can use the filters on the left-hand side of the templates screen to find a popup template that suits your needs quickly.


# Step 2: Customize the template if you need to and save it. (Wait for the Zapier integration to publish)


# Step 3: Connect Popupsmart with SMS by Zapier (or an SMS provider you use) by creating a zap and choosing "New Popup Form Data" as the trigger. The action should be "Send SMS" and then, click "Try it!".


# Step 4: Following, you'll need to choose the Popupsmart account. If this is your first time connecting Popupsmart with Zapier, navigate to the Popupsmart dashboard to acquire the API Key.

# On the Popupsmart campaign editor and click "Settings", Click "Add integration", click "Connect" next to Zapier, and copy the API key to paste it into the relevant field on Zapier.


# See Popupsmart + Zapier integration help page for more detail.


# Step 5: In the next step, connect your SMS service account. This part may be different for each SMS service, but basically, you need to choose "Send SMS" as the action and customize the SMS for your goal.

# Step 6: Make sure your zap is on when all is done. Plus, on the Popupsmart dashboard, publish your popup campaign that's ready to rock your SMS conversions!

turning-your-zap-on.png publishing-your-zapier-popupsmart-campaign.jpg And there you have it, a simple and efficient way to send SMS confirmations, coupons, and announcements to your leads with Popupsmart + Zapier integration.

Now you have the perfect popup to offer coupon codes to your visitors who share their phone numbers with you.

With just a few easy steps, you can automate this process and save time while increasing your SMS conversions.

So why not try Popupsmart for free today and see the results yourself? Happy texting!

Need a hand? Contact Popupsmart!