Persuade Visitors for Their First Shopping with a Convincing Popup on Your Shopify Store
Show a Special Popup for the First Shopping

Persuade Visitors for Their First Shopping with a Convincing Popup on Your Shopify Store

# Persuade Visitors for Their First Shopping with a Convincing Popup on Your Shopify Store

It would be amazing for your visitors to see a popup that reveals a special campaign for their first shopping experience while surfing your website.

Let's imagine that one of your visitors comes to your Shopify store for the first time and SURPRISE!

There is a deal popup that offers a discount or a special campaign from you only for the first shopping. You also can't resist this campaign, probably 😉.

As a tip, it is also a good way to create loyal customers for your store. Let us show you how to create the practicality of this special campaign on Popupsmart.

# Step 1: Log into your Popupsmart account and customize your popup after creating a new campaign.

customization shopify

# Step 2: On the Segment step, you need to click Edit the current segmentation.

segment step for first shopping campaign

# Step 3: Then click "+ Add audience targeting" in the Audience part. Scroll down and add SiteData Targeting.

sitedata targeting

Shopify Audience Targeting is the best segmentation option for this Shopify campaign, but you can find more segmentation options for your campaigns.

# Step 4: You need to choose "Show popup" and choose "Matches" as the conditions.

matches shopify

# Step 5: Then, enter "shopify.cart.customer.totalOrder" for the property keyword.

property keyword

# Step 6: For the property value, you need to write "0" for the property value.

property value

# Step 7: Now, add another SiteData Targeting to specify your segmentation.

audience targeting

# Step 8: Choose "Show popup" and "Matches" for these conditions as well.

second sitedata

# Step 9: For the property keyword, you need to enter "shopify.cart.customer.firstLog" .

sitedata property keyword

# Step 10: Lastly, for the property value, you need to write "true".

value sitedata

# After you save these steps, you can publish your popup on the Publish step.

And you're ready to launch special campaigns with special popups! I guess your visitors will be happy customers visiting your Shopify store.

Start now without wasting time and present a special campaign. You can contact us whenever you want for further help and your popup campaigns.