2021 Popupsmart Recap: The Year In Review You Were Looking For

What a year it’s been. As we reflect back on the past 12 months, we’re so grateful to have gotten a chance to work with you in 2021.

With every new exit, sign-up, thank-you note, and support request, our team has grown and learned from you. We were thrilled to see how many of you used our tool and doubled their conversions.

It was the year of growth for us at Popupsmart popup builder, and we hope you’ve noticed. If you have, thank you for all the love! Over the past year, we’ve tested hundreds of new strategies — both online and offline. And today, we want to share some of our insights with everyone.

Popupsmart year in review

Onwards and Upwards in 2022

Do you want to know what kept us busy throughout the year? We will walk you through all the cool stuff that happened in 2021 at Popupsmart. Did we crush our goals? Did we meet your expectations? Did we surprise you? Did we make it? Come find out!

We’re stronger together > In 2021, we got to hit 40 Million Monthly Popup Displays.

monthly popup displays

With the coming of a fresh year, 8,689 active websites are currently using Popupsmart, and the number is getting bigger as we speak!

On a side note, we’re truly grateful for each one of you and hope to break our record and show our popups on more websites in the upcoming year.

As of the beginning of 2021, we’ve received 16,728 sign-ups and got excited about each signup alert on our Slack channel.

Meanwhile, our marketing team didn’t stay idle. Our website got 550K visitors over a year but what we’re focusing on isn’t just numbers–it’s the value we aim to deliver you.

How about the conversions that we’ve mentioned all along?!

The average popup conversion rate achieved with Popupsmart was 3.09%!

In 2021 Your Trends Were…

You can't step into the same river twice, as Heraclitus said. Each year is different from the previous one and even from the next one. In 2021, some of our features and layouts were more popular than others. We want to share some of them with you.

Your favorite popup template was:

most popular popup template

Well, we agree that it’s a killer layout. The second most popular template was:

second most popular popup template

As much as we love seeing you use our premade templates, it’s also great to see you create your own designs with our canvas layouts.

The most used triggers were…

What makes a conversion-packed campaign is its display settings, triggers, and targeting. That being said, we found out your favorite triggers.

Exit-Intent killed it in 2021!

exit intent trigger

Lots of your fellow marketers chose to capture abandoning visitors before they hit that exit or back button. It’s one of the most efficient methods to convert abandoning visitors into customers. Well, you said, “How about an offer before you leave?” and converted most. Great job!

The second most-used trigger was After X Seconds!

after x seconds trigger

You respected your visitors’ experience on your website and chose to show your popup after a certain time period. You really know what you’re doing!

New features our developers served

2021 was full of ups and downs on our end, but there were some cool features we got to launch as well. We hope that you get the most out of them.

Trending blog posts you really enjoyed

trending b2b blog posts of the year

1. 11 Best LinkedIn Email Extractor and Finder Tools

That’s right. You couldn’t get enough of the B2B content we researched for you.

2. How Much Does Lead Generation Cost?

Last year’s buzzword was definitely LEAD GENERATION, and it looks like it’s here to stay.

3. 12 Best Shopify Popup Apps: Comparison

Shopify is one of the top e-commerce platforms our customers use, and we did our best to give you valuable tips and tricks.

We grow for the better together

2021 was a year of growth for us, and we continue growing with you. We got to hit 4X Yearly Growth!

As always, thank you for joining us this year. If you’ve made it all the way here, we’re off to a great start. After reading through this recap, I hope that you have a new appreciation for our company and what we’ve accomplished in 2021—and are excited about what we do next.

  • Yours Affectionately, Popupsmart Team
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