9 Best Quiz Funnel Examples to Encourage Marketing Strategy

Quiz funnel examples are among the best method to collect information and know your visitors.

There are different types of quiz funnel examples that you can use to elevate your website based on the industry of your business.

As a perfect way of emphasizing the importance of your visitors and their choices, the quiz funnel can be your go-to solution even if you shouldn’t use it all the time.

To maintain this importance and exhibit inspirational samples only, we have picked 9 quiz funnel examples to encourage your marketing strategy and incentivize your visitors.

he quiz funnel icon on a light blue color with the title

What is a Quiz Funnel?

A quiz funnel is a marketing strategy that helps businesses present interactive surveys to provide a personalized user experience.

Quiz funnels are also effective for increasing user engagement on your website since they incentivize users and visitors.

In the long term, people taking the quizzes are more likely to buy products, services or retain them.

Therefore, even if you don’t consider quiz funnel in first place in your business, this is a good chance to make use of it in the future.

people asking questions in a meeting

It is also crucial to mention that the impact of the quiz funnel adds value to your conversion as well.

The reason behind the increasing conversion rate lays the factor of personalization.

It means the more you present a personalized user experience for your visitors, the more visitors can turn into customers.

So, it is appropriate to say better late than ever if you haven’t experienced the quiz funnel yet.

The 9 Most Effective Types of Quiz Funnel

Quiz funnel is not a one-sided title when it comes to encouraging marketing concepts and elaborating the experience.

For further clarification, it is best to analyze the most effective and commonly used types of quiz funnel.

Here we have discovered nine of them and know that you should use the one that fits your business.

  • 1. Product Recommendation Quiz Funnels: This type of quiz funnel includes questions about needs, goals, and characteristics. In the end, the funnel gives product recommendations.

  • 2. Lead Generation Quiz Funnels: This is one of the most common quiz funnel types that collect leads from the questions in the quiz funnel.

  • 3. Feedback & Survey Quiz Funnels: These quiz funnels are mostly used when the brand needs feedback from customers and insights for the brand.

  • 4. Engagement Quiz Funnels: To increase engagement on the website, some entertainment elements and quizzes can be added.

  • 5. Informative/ Educational Quiz Funnels: These types of quiz funnel are preferred only for informing the visitors about a topic.

  • 6. Personal Style Quiz Funnels: While getting to know your audience and creating a profile for them, personal style quiz funnels are the best methods.

  • 7. Storytelling Quiz Funnels: It sounds challenging, but they affect positively when done appropriately. People love stories, and stories can help you convert.

  • 8. Gated Offer Quiz Funnels: When a website is opened for the first time, gated offer quiz funnels can be helpful to use and influence visitors for sharing.

  • 9. Consultation Quiz Funnels: While providing consultation, quizzes can increase a brand’s engagement and interaction rate since people are into free consultation opportunities.

9 Best Quiz Funnel Examples

Here we have the best quiz funnel examples to motivate you through your marketing strategy.

1. Warby Parker

Warby Parker is an eyewear brand that produces carbon-neutral eye products, like eyeglasses, sunglasses, and eyewear accessories.

To start with Warby Parker, the quiz funnel is located on the homepage of Warby Parker.

the Warby Parker homepage with eyeglasses on a beige background

Before starting the quiz, there are two options for the gender of eyewear beholders.

  • In the quiz, there are eight questions to answer, and it is apparent that personalization is the first element that is cared about.

  • Apart from the first question, one needs to choose the target gender category and be allowed to skip to the next question.

  • Depending on the gender, the visualization changes with a woman’s and a man’s face drawings.

  • The choices have guiding explanations to define the one or two-word answers.

  • The questions are relevant from the beginning to the end, and the number of questions is enough when considering the brand and target quiz funnel strategy.

  • At the end of the quiz, Warby Parker needs the email address to send the result and provide a newsletter option.

When the quiz is finally finished, the results are displayed, and the user is provided with an incentivization.

The brand also promotes the product with the “Trial at home” notion and improves customer and company relationships.

2. Ben & Jerry’s

Ben & Jerry’s is a famous ice cream brand that has classic, signature, and mixed flavors at the same time.

When it comes to the quiz funnel of Ben & Jerry’s, we can see it is a more customized way of testing potential customers.

Unlike Warby Parker, the brand displays all the questions on one page.

the homepage of Ben & Jerry's centering a yellow background

The aim of the quiz is to directly match the potential personality with ice cream flavor based on life habits and wishes.

  • As the tone, Ben & Jerry’s reveals a very warm tone that you can feel so friendly and deep down, you know the brand like the palm of your hand.

The chosen questions sustain your journey till the end. After answering them all, you need to click “Show Me My Personality!” to see the result.

However, there is no button that sends the result to your personal email since the focus is not totally on lead generation but on increasing engagement with visitors.

3. BetterMe

BetterMe is an application that presents personalized nutrition and training programs for people using AI.

the homepage of BetterMe which is a health app

The quiz funnel concept is the centerpiece of BetterMe because the diets and fitness program should be organized for people per se.

Additionally, BetterMe has different types of quiz funnel examples that we can touch upon.

To specify on the Weight Loss quiz of BetterMe Diet side, we can observe a quiz consisting of 26 questions.

  • Keeping up with the quiz, the questions are getting personalized and shaped according to the habits of a persona.

Also, while taking the quiz, some questions need to be clicked on the button for the next step to validate.

Toward the end of the quiz, it directly needs your height, weight, goal weight, and age and gives your overall profile.

With AI impact, the brand gives the estimated time for the goal and promotes the brand with social proof by sharing the Trustpilot reviews and statistics.

Lastly, it needs your email address to send the results and create a personalized plan with a discount based on your country's currency.

4. Mavi Jeans

Mavi Jeans is an international clothing brand that produces high-quality denim apparel, taking the reference from the Turkish word, mavi, meaning “blue” in English.

As a denim brand, Mavi Jeans provides its quiz funnel for finding the perfect jean for people.

the international homepage of Mavi Jeans with blue center

Like Warby Parker, Mavi also starts with the gender, aims to learn the aim, and customizes the question specifically.

The total quiz includes seven questions, and it represents the average amount of a quiz funnel.

  • Mavi both aims to collect leads with the email address question and provide jeans advice for the quiz takers.

5. East Coast Honda

East Coast Honda is a dealership and service provider located on the East Coast of the United States of America.

East Coast Honda's homepage with necessary details about cars and models

Since Honda has been a well-known car brand for so long, its website also provides many useful details to examine cars.

Unlike all the brands in this list, the options and ranges change depending on the criteria when searching for and buying a car.

You can slide the button to determine your preference while choosing a car and specify your target.

  • There are three main titles: Set Preferences, Rate Vehicle, and View Results.

  • It is an easy quiz to complete since all of the questions are clear, and there are explanatory queries that you need to give answers.

  • The quiz starts with the result of your driving preferences, and after you save and continue, the brand wants you to rate your current vehicle if you have one.

  • Depending on your answers, the quiz calculates recommendations and finally presents models that you find attractive.

Honda also doesn’t ask for your email address but directly provides the result, which is done to direct you to the models when you deal with the result.

This is a beneficial method not to waste time but to address the attention to the conversion.

6. Havenly

Havenly is a platform that connects customers with expert designers for the purpose of interior design.

When it comes to the quiz funnel of Havenly, the quiz takes the whole window, and there is no obligation to create an account on Havenly.

Havenly webpage with a background featuring a woman making herself at home

The quiz proceeds from a very large scope to specific answers, starting with the room selection to personalized options.

You can simply skip questions if you don’t want to decide immediately.

  • Havenly doesn’t provide a very long quiz to complete, but a direct one and it collects leads at the end like the other brands.

  • However, the brand successfully reveals the result with reasons and potential designers you might want to work with on your project.

  • Lastly, when you decide on your designers, the page directs you to the billing page for pricing.

From a wider perspective, Havenly serves a good purpose with the right methods without boring and carrying to the target goal.

7. Penguin Random House

Penguin Random House is a peerless publishing company that connects authors and readers.

Penguin Random House's homepage with a promotion of an author

Penguin Random House uses a quiz funnel that presents the questions one by one.

  • In terms of reading, the general habits are matched with the reading habits.

  • We can easily comprehend that the quizzer wants to get to know the bookworm and lead to the right answer from the scope of questions.

  • At the end of the quiz, the result is apparently shared with you, and you can be addressed to the link of the book to buy.

P.S: The good side about the quiz funnel of Penguin Random House is that the quiz is automatically saved if you need to leave the quiz unexpectedly, so you can get back where you leave.

8. Axxis Consulting

Axiss Consulting is a management consulting company that provide services and solutions for business from different levels.


Because the industry of Axxis Consulting is different from the other brands in this article, the quiz starts with the person's name and last name.

  • There are 13 questions to find the best CRM for one’s business.

  • It is also available to get back to previous questions depending on the questions and needs of the business.

  • There is another part where to increase lead generation by taking the email addresses of the quiz takers.

  • At the end of the quiz, the brand analyzes the answers and says that it will share the result within 24 hours via email.

In this case, a specialized recommendation is much more important than displaying an automatic answer directly.


Sephora is an international company that sells beauty products and creates loyalty programs for its shoppers.

the quiz modal of Sephora on its website

  • The quiz funnel of Sephora is about skincare routines, and there is a modal that one can take this quiz.

  • From skincare shopping routine to the type of products, one can choose from a wide range of answers.

  • You can get back to the previous question or move forward to the next question easily.

As a plus, the quiz directly finds out the problem and leads to the recommendations.

Besides, it is possible to restart the quiz if the results are not satisfactory or you have a new focus on products.

How to Create a Quiz Funnel Popup with Popupsmart

Creating a quiz funnel with Popupsmart is as easy as ABC because there are only a few steps to complete and some essential points to consider.

Step 1: Determine Your Aim and Audience

You need to choose an aim that is relevant to your business, and the quiz funnel types that we have gathered can help you.

a person addressing the crowd as his audience in a meeting

Regarding the target audience, you should identify your potential audience even before performing your quiz funnel.

However, it will be easier to create new campaigns after deciding the purpose and audience of your quiz funnel.

Step 2: Create Your First Quiz Popup with Popupsmart

All you need is 5 minutes to create your first popup with Popupsmart.

With the free plan, you are able to create a free account and a campaign where you can try all features and elements that fit your business.

By registering a new account, you can see the Playbook of popups, where you can find a suitable one.

After verifying your website with a simple script, you are ready to focus on your design.

Popupsmart Playbook with full of different popups

Try to Create Your First Quiz Popup

Step 3: Choose or Design Your Quiz Popup

From many choices of popups, you can choose one for your goal or industry to start.

On the other hand, you can create a fully customized popup.

You should have a design language based on your brand identity and image.

Your popup design should include your brand's necessities in terms of colors, fonts, and all related details.

the draft and sketches of mobile-ready designs

Plus, while arranging the design, you need to decide on visuals, headlines, and descriptions in order to create a ready popup.

Step 4: Decide Elements to Use

Based on your aim, you may want to collect lead generation, and you will inevitably need the form elements to diversify.

Your questions should not repeat themselves, so using different form inputs might help you shape different questions as well.

Popupsmart has useful elements that will help you can customize your popup.

With advanced customization and style options, you can design your popup.

Step 5: Add New Steps to Create a Quiz

We know that the first step is important to start; however, the latter steps matter as well.

You should follow the same design details and tone to maintain the stability of your popup’s elements.

Based on the aim of your quiz funnel, you can decide on your steps and the length of your quiz.

As an example, you can examine the quiz popup below by cloning this:

the quiz popup sample of Popupsmart

Clone this Quiz Popup!

Step 6: Set Advanced Segmentation

You don’t have to display your popup for everyone and specify the target group.

For the segmentation part, you can choose from predefined segments or create a custom segment to trigger your popup.

Composed of three parts, Audience, User Behavior, and Frequency Settings are the critical segment area.

By learning the intent of your visitors, you can master the triggering of your popup.

Step 7: Add Integration to Control Data

Since there will be so much data after creating a quiz funnel, you might want to control all of the data inevitably.

You’re lucky that Popupsmart has Leads and Analytics pages where you can observe your data within minutes.

the publish step of Popupsmart with titles

Plus, there is a Self Email Notifications feature where you can be notified when your quiz popup campaign is completed.

On the other hand, you can use the Autoresponder Email feature, where you can send triggered emails to your visitors.

Step 8: Publish Your Quiz Popup

Though there are many features that you can use to customize your popup, it is enough when you first arrange the first outstanding details.

When publishing your popup, you can view your popup details overall on the “Publish” step.

Then, if you think all is set, you can simply click the publish button to make your campaign go live.


Believe it or not, the quiz funnel boosts you in a sense of engagement, experience, and conversion.

Getting inspiration from these quiz funnel examples can help you create yours with more creativity and intelligence.

By following the necessary steps for creating the best quiz funnel, you will be able to reach your goals easily and effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Quiz funnel examples are beneficial when you create new questions for your audience, and you can achieve more as long as you ask more questions.

Are Quiz Funnel Examples Effective for Brand Promotion?

Yes, they are. A quiz funnel is generally for increasing the impact of brand awareness, and brand promotion is one of the aims of using a quiz funnel.

Is Optimizing Quiz Funnel Important for Mobile Users and Different Devices?

Yes, it is, especially if your quiz funnel is more general and has a wide range of impact. Optimization of quiz funnel campaigns is as important as the optimization of all campaigns because if you experience a device-based quiz funnel, it can lead your overall campaigns as well.

How Do I Balance Collecting User Data and Respecting User Privacy?

Collecting user data is not always disrespecting user privacy. What matters here is that you need to use the collected data to personalize the user experience and improve it based on the answers. Also, since your questions should include personal preferences about the brand’s focus, you should use them only for business to be legally proper.

Can I Use Quiz Funnels for Both B2B and B2C Marketing?

Yes, you can. Quiz funnels can be optimized according to the type of your business. As much as there are so many differences between B2B and B2C marketing, the questions will differ in the same sense in the same range.

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