E-commerce Landing Page Examples: Best Practices for Design

Lost in your quest to find e-commerce landing page inspiration? You’re in the right spot.

E-commerce landing pages are an essential part of any online store's marketing strategy. In this post, we collated the best e-commerce landing page examples that will inspire your landing pages.

It’s no secret that winning the game of e-commerce is down to speed and conversion rate optimization. By exploring these examples of famous brands, why they work and which aspects could be improved, you can get an insight into creating effective landing pages.

Without further ado, let’s explore top 11 landing page examples!

a cover image that says "e-commerce landing page examples best practices for design" with an illustration of a laptop screen that has rocket

What is an E-commerce Landing Page?

a person using laptop and checking a Zyro e-commerce website

An e-commerce landing page is a website page where an online store owner attempts to convert a visitor into a customer. A landing page may be product or service specific and highly targeted to a specific geographic area or customer demographic.

A landing page for an e-commerce website is usually designed specifically for one product or service rather than a general introduction to the company and its products, as found on the home page.

This means that it will generally contain much more specific information about the product or service offered than a general site introduction. In addition, landing pages often use effective copywriting to persuade visitors to purchase products or services they were not necessarily looking for before arriving at the site.

Good to Know: The average landing page conversion rate is 2.35%.

11 Best E-commerce Landing Page Designs & Why They Work

Here, we gathered 11 best e-commerce landing page designs of various brands. We included their industries, goals, what they do well and what could be improved. By exploring these and getting inspiration, you can come up with your own!

1. Apple Mac Pro

a screenshot of Apple's landing page

Industry: Technology

Let’s start our examples with an industry giant, Apple. Apple’s landing page design for Mac Pro displays a modern and sleek design with all the necessary product information provided on the page.

The Goal: Selling a specific product

What This E-commerce Landing Page Does Well

  • The engaging scroll effects make the browser scroll down the page and discover more about the product.

  • The compelling hero copy is a fine print that convinces the visitor to take action while artily introducing the product.

  • The detailed product images are always better for sales conversions. This landing page displays huge (website-wide) and high-quality images of the parts of the product and the whole product.

  • Product features are clearly explained in each scroll. Additionally, there’s a linked CTA sentence under each feature for users who need further info. Also, images support each feature.

  • The option comparisons make the shopper’s job easier to compare product varieties without leaving the landing page.

What Could Be Improved

The CTA button is too small at the top right. There could be another larger CTA button near the hero copy. Then again, since it’s a giant brand, a shopper will seek and find the button anyhow. If this doesn’t apply to your brand, consider a clear CTA button near the hero text.

2. Packlane

a screenshot of Packlane's landing page

Industry: Packaging

What This E-commerce Landing Page Does Well

  • Packlane's headline conveys the value proposition, while the description simply explains what to expect from the brand.

  • The primary CTA button is positioned well on the page, above the fold, and in the right color contrast.

  • On the left-hand bottom of this e-commerce landing page, there’s a Rewards & Referrals button. When clicked, it opens a popup window that encourages shoppers to become members.

a screenshot of Packlane's rewards and referrals section

  • The “How it works” video educates prospects on how to create a custom packaging order.

  • There’s a testimonial video that supports social proof of the service.

  • The FAQ section at the bottom leaves no room for customer doubts.

  • At the bottom of the page above the footer, payment methods icons highlight multiple options to pay.

  • Top notification bar and logos of the brands that use Packlane

a screenshot of Packlane's social proof part

What Could Be Improved

To be honest, Packlane did an excellent job on this landing page. It covers almost all the key elements of a successful e-commerce landing page.

3. Blue Apron

a screenshot of Blue Apron’s, which is an ecommerce company based on subscription, landing page

Industry: Food & Beverage/Subscription-Based E-commerce

The Goal of BlueApron's Landing Page: Get people to subscribe to meal kit plans.

What This E-commerce Landing Page Does Well

  • The exit-intent triggered popup shows up with a $110 percent discount offer to win back potential customers who are about to leave the page. Plus, it only shows once a session so that returning visitors don’t see it multiple times.

  • The countdown timer popup drives urgency in visitors to take action.

  • Focused CTA and hero text, “A meal kit built for your busy lifestyle,” leaves no room for distractions. It explains the service in the simplest way possible.

  • Subscription advantages are listed to direct users to subscribe to the service.

  • Plan pricing is given with a CTA button on this page is a decisive move to convert users without making them look for the price on another page. It streamlines the landing page conversion funnel.

What Could Be Improved

More visual elements like detailed product images or photographs and videos of real people using the meal kits would leave a more convincing and lasting effect.

4. Tattly

a screenshot of Tattly's landing page

Industry: Fake Tattoos

The Goal of Tattly's Landing Page: Product/service promotion

What This E-commerce Landing Page Does Well

  • A real human photograph with fake tattoos on it makes a positive first impression about the products.

  • Social proof with case studies nudges visitors towards conversion.

  • The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section near the bottom of this landing page helps clear any customer doubts.

a screenshot of Tattly’s landing page popup

  • Popup subscription bar appears after a visitor spends a certain amount of time on the page. It offers a 20% discount as an incentive to boost signups.

  • Mobile responsive popups align with Google’s intrusive interstitial guidelines. However, they don’t cover all of the page content, and users can close them quickly.

a screenshot of Tattly’s mobile popups

What Could Be Improved

  • No CTA button prompts shoppers to order fake custom tattoos above the fold or anywhere on the page.

  • More real-life example photographs could be wiser for more conversions.

💡 Pro Tip: You can use Popupsmart’s free Conversion Rate Optimization Checker tool to detect what your landing page lacks and how you can improve it for more conversions.

5. Burger Queen

a screenshot of Burger Queen’s landing page

Made with Webflow

Industry: Organization/Retail

The Goal of This Landing Page: Raising donations by selling goods and driving awareness

You might need a backstory for this one. So it starts like that; back in the day, Burger King tweeted saying, “Women belong in the kitchen.” on Women’s Day, with women employees working in a Burger King kitchen. As expected, it backfired.

Burger Queen's landing page was built to sell t-shirts, totes, stickers, and posters and raise donations for the Girls Empowerment Network.

a screenshot of Burger Queen’s goods page

What This E-commerce Landing Page Does Well

  • The assertive slogan encourages people to scroll down the page to find out more info about it.

  • The cause behind building this landing page is clearly explained.

This e-commerce landing page example is different from others on our list. Organizations can also build landing pages to sell cause-related stuff to raise money. The most crucial part is catching attention and getting people to support your cause through your landing page.

6. Alltrue

a screenshot of Alltrue’s landing page

Industry: Membership/Beauty Products

The Goal of Alltrue's Landing Page: Introducing the perks of a membership

What This E-commerce Landing Page Does Well

  • The on-click slides on Alltrue’s landing page for e-commerce leave more room for other page elements while increasing engagement.

  • It also effectively promotes the magazine and membership by highlighting how all goods are sustainable.

  • The ease of unsubscription is emphasized on the embedded newsletter signup form near the bottom of the page.

  • The page showcases the logos of brands they sell for the eco-friendly shop to maximize social proof. Since they research eco-friendly products and brands, customers won’t have to.

a screenshot of brand showcases part of Alltrue

What Could Be Improved

  • Although this page primarily aims to inform visitors about the membership, there could still be CTA buttons on each slider section to capture them.

  • They could use testimonials from real members on this landing page.

7. Taylor Stitch

Taylor Stitch ecommerce landing page example

Made with Shopify

Industry: Retail

The Goal of Taylor Stitch's Landing Page: Generating leads and selling products

What This E-commerce Landing Page Does Well

  • There’s a sticky bar at the top of the page that offers 20% off the first purchase. However, the same offer comes up as a subscription popup from the bottom of the page as well. When the user clicks on the top bar offer, the full-screen popup you see below opens up.

full-screen popup for ecommerce

  • The CTA buttons on this page are clear and easy to detect at first glance.

  • Near the bottom of the page, there are two essential elements that are highlighted; conscious clothing and free shipping & returns.

What Could Be Improved

Using too many popups might overwhelm users and eventually make them abandon your landing page. When used in a moderate number and with the right audience targeting settings, popups are tested and proven ways to boost conversions.

8. Veloretti

a screenshot of Veloretti’s landing page popup

Industry: Bicycle

The Goal of Veloretti's Landing Page: Promoting products and increasing email newsletter subscribers.

What This E-commerce Landing Page Does Well

  • An email popup shows up within seconds of a user lands on this page. It prompts shoppers to buy before the brand increases its prices.

  • Veloretti's top notification bar announces free shipping for orders that qualify for a certain price.

  • Near the bottom of this landing page example for e-commerce, there are testimonial quotes highlighting social proof.

  • The only social proof on this page isn’t testimonial. There are customer reviews placed right on the page with ratings.

What Could Be Improved

While using a subscription popup is a great method to grow your email list, it’s best to give an actual reason to sign up. In Veloretti’s case, the popup copy has nothing to do with signing up for the newsletter.

Using a video of a product use case would improve the positive product impact.

💡 Pro Tip: Instead of showing a popup right away, you can display a popup teaser on your landing page. Shoppers who are interested in your offer can click it to see the actual popup.

9. Swell

a screenshot of Swell’s landing page

Made with WordPress

Industry: Retail

The Goal of Swell's Landing Page: Selling products and generating leads

What This E-commerce Landing Page Does Well

  • The three-screen hero slider on this page helps the brand promote products in multiple ways without taking up too much space on the landing page.

  • One of the slides promotes products for the upcoming holiday season. All three slides have the same CTA button that directs users to the product pages.

  • The brand showcases its community highlights.

  • A popup that offers a 15% discount shows up on the landing page to get more people to sign up for the email list.

Swell landing page ecommerce popup

What Could Be Improved

  • The popup shows up right when a visitor lands on the page. It should trigger on exit intent, after scrolling, or after 4 seconds at least.

  • Potential customers would benefit from product videos on this page.

💡 Pro Tip: Using a no-code popup builder like Popupsmart will provide you with more triggering and audience targeting options and pre-made templates.

10. Project D

a screenshot of Project D’s landing page

Made with WordPress

Industry: Food

The Goal Project D's Landing Page: Promoting products and increasing sales

What This E-commerce Landing Page Does Well

  • Displaying a 25% site-wide discount right under the CTA button

  • Trustpilot customer reviews for social proof

  • Partnerships showcase

What Could Be Improved

The on-page elements are too close to each other, typically a signal of poor e-commerce landing page design.

The space between the headline, CTA, and 25% offer looks odd and disorganized to the eye.

💡 Pro Tip: Make sure to adjust the saturation and contrast of the colors on your e-commerce landing page design in balance. This includes the images you use as well. Use a narrow color palette to make your CTA button stand out. There are many contrast ratio checkers you can use for your website, such as WebAIM.

11. OverClothing

a screenshot of OverClothing’s landing page

Made with WooCommerce

Industry: Clothing Retail

The Goal of OverClothing's Landing Page: Promoting products and generating leads

What This E-commerce Landing Page Does Well

  • When you bring your mouse closer to clickable elements, it turns into a bubble with the text “CLICK” written on it. Adding such different elements improves user engagement on the page.

  • The free shipping offer is easily visible on the page.

What Could Be Improved

The colors of this e-commerce landing page example don’t align with its popups, as you see in the image below.

a screenshot of OverClothing’s popup on landing page

Despite the unique perspective in its design, it could be improved with elements that don’t tire the eye. The fonts are too large; the images are too large. Everything feels cluttered.

💡 Pro Tip: Make sure to use sufficient white space on your e-commerce landing page design. Otherwise, it would look cluttered and outdated.

In Conclusion…

When designing a landing page for e-commerce; there are a few things you should consider. The products must be shown clearly, good main navigation and clear call-to-actions are necessary, and good quality images are also needed.

For each store example provided, we tried to list what works and what could be improved, along with key takeaways that could help you to improve your store or landing page.

You can enhance your e-commerce landing pages and boost sales for your company getting inspired by the examples and best practices provided in this post.

Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

a gif of The Simpsons character asking "Now, are there any questions?"

What Should Be on An E-Commerce Landing Page?

Successful e-commerce landing pages have various elements like social proof and trust indicators, CTA buttons, product images, popups, compelling headlines, and short descriptions.

How Do I Create An E-commerce Landing Page?

It depends on your business needs. There are different ways to create a Shopify landing page and other CMS, CRM, and website builders. You can use landing page builder tools like Unbounce, Instapage, or LeadPages as well.

What is The Difference Between A Landing Page And A Website?

A landing page is a standalone web page. It has a single purpose and leads to no other pages or information. It is not the same as a website. Websites have many different pages with many different purposes.

What are Some Tips for Designing An E-Commerce Landing Page?

  1. Make sure you've got the right keywords and search terms in place

  2. Use powerful headlines that capture the attention

  3. Use images instead of text

  4. Keep it simple

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