How to Make Money Blogging from Scratch in 2024?

Thinking about starting to blog in 2024? Great idea!

There's a common myth that blogging has lost its charm, but in reality, it's thriving and still a great way to make money.

If you do it right, your blog can be more than just a hobby; It can be your source of income.

Let's figure out how together! 🧐

cover image of how to make money blogging with illustration of a online blog

How Much Money Can You Make Money by Blogging?

According to a survey, the average time bloggers spend creating their posts is 3 hours and 51 minutes.

It is quite logical to expect financial gain as a reward for your time and effort.

So, let's explore the money side of blogging with statistics:

Glassdoor statistics as of October 29, 2023, show that the average blogger in the United States earns approximately $60,539 annually.

That's the middle number, with some earning less and others more, ranging from $49,000 to $88,000 annually.

glassdoor statistics about blogger salary

And if we look at what ZipRecruiter says, the average hourly wage for a blogger is around $30.

But wages can vary a lot. Some bloggers earn as much as $60.34 an hour, and some as little as $16.83.

Ziprecruiter hourly salary statistics of blogger

Now, let's move on to a real success story from The Millennial Money blog, which earned an impressive $401,681 in 2017. Yes, you read that right, in just one year.

And for those just starting, Millennial Monkey suggests you could earn between $25,000 and $50,000 in your first year, potentially growing to $500,000 by year four.

How to Start a Blog with 6 Steps?

1. Choosing A Niche

Your niche not only defines the focus of your blog but also plays a significant role in attracting and retaining an audience.

First, identify your interests, list topics you're passionate about:

These could be your hobbies, areas of expertise, or something you're eager to explore.

Use online tools to see what niches are trending. For instance:

Google Trends: Follow Google Trends to check the popularity and seasonality of topics.

Keyword Research Tools: Use Ahrefs, SEMrush or SEOmator to understand search volumes, keyword difficulty, and competition.

Social Media Platforms: Browse Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest to understand current trends, audience interests, and content engagement.

Competitor Blogs: Check out competitor blogs to analyze what successful blogs in your potential niche are doing.

Evaluate market demand:

Check to see if people are interested in your chosen topics.

Use tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to see how many people are searching for these topics and how tough the competition is.

Consider long-term potential:

Think about whether you can write about this topic for years to come. Will it still be interesting to you and your readers down the line?

Remember the stats, but don't stick to them:

Statistics shows that food (42.8%), lifestyle (13.3%), and travel (10%) are popular blog niches.

These numbers show a high reader interest, but they aren't rules.

Your unique voice and approach can make any niche successful.

2. Selecting A Blogging Platform

Once you've chosen your niche, the next crucial step in your blogging journey is selecting the right platform.

A blogging platform is where your blog lives online, and choosing one that fits your needs, skills, and goals is essential.

Here are examples of free and paid options:

Free Blogging Platforms: Best for beginners and hobby bloggers.

wordpress create an blog example

Pros: Easy to use, great for beginners, and has a large community for support.

Cons: Limited customization and monetization options in the free version.

Blogger: Best for personal blogs and small-scale bloggers.

blogger which is the blogging platform use case example

Pros: Simple, owned by Google, and integrates easily with Google services.

Cons: Basic design options and limited updates.

Medium: Best for writers focusing solely on writing and content.

Pros: Minimalist design and a built-in audience.

Cons: Limited control over design and monetization.

Paid Blogging Platforms: Best for serious bloggers aiming for full control and growth.

Pros: Full control over your blog, extensive customization, and powerful features.

Cons: Requires hosting and a domain name, which can be a bit technical.

Squarespace: Best for bloggers prioritizing design and ease of use.

squarespace blog customization example

Pros: Professional designs with an all-in-one platform (hosting included).

Cons: Expensive than other options and less customizable than

Wix: Best for small businesses and bloggers who want design freedom.

Pros: Drag-and-drop website builder, easy use, and design flexibility.

Cons: It can become expensive with add-ons and less optimal for SEO.

If you’re wondering if there’s more to website builders, the answer is yes. 🔍

We sincerely recommend checking out "16 Best Website Builders for Small Businesses in 2023" for an in-depth understanding.

3. Select a Domain Name and Hosting Provider

Choose a domain name that aligns with your blog's purpose and is easy to remember.

🌟 Note that many hosting providers offer a free domain for the first year when you sign up for their services.

Select a hosting provider: Consider reputable providers like Bluehost, SiteGround, or HostGator.

Visit the hosting provider's website and choose a hosting plan that suits your needs.

Shared hosting is usually sufficient for beginners.

Choose a domain name: Enter your desired domain name, and the system will check its availability.

If your preferred name is taken, the system may suggest alternatives.

Select your hosting plan: Choose the billing cycle (monthly, yearly) and any additional features you might need (e.g., SSL certificate for security).

4. Design Your Blog

Your blog's design should be user-friendly and support your niche—not just visually appealing.

Let's explore blog design, covering everything from using UI/UX trends to getting ideas from other blogs.

Understanding UI/UX Trends:

Minimalism ⚪ : This trend focuses on clean layouts, lots of white space, and minimal elements.

It's great for all niches, particularly lifestyle or personal blogs, where content needs to be front and center.

Dark Mode 🌑 : It's a UI trend that's stylish and practical, especially for tech or gaming blogs.

Mobile-First Design 📱 : With most web traffic coming from mobile devices, ensuring your blog is mobile-friendly is essential.

Dynamic Components 🥏 : User engagement can be increased by adding interactive components like survey popup.

Bold Typography and Colors ✍️ : Using unique fonts and bold color schemes can help your blog stand out. This is effective for creative niches like art and design.

Drawing Inspiration from Other Blogs 💫 : Learning from other successful blogs makes sense because it offers practical ideas and proven methods to improve your money-making strategies.

wepresent blog design example

We wanted to show WePresent, a digital art and editorial platform, as an example here. Here are the reasons:

  • Making important things stand out by using different sizes and colors.
  • Always look the same with the same colors, fonts, and layout so you know it's WePresent.
  • Easy to use with a simple menu at the top and clear sections.
  • Using high-quality pictures that catch your eye and make you want to read.
  • Having enough space between things so it's not messy, and you can read easily.
  • Working well on phones and computers, it's easy to read everywhere.
  • Giving you a sneak peek of a story before you click on it.
  • Sorting stories into clear groups so you can find what you like easily.

For bloggers looking to utilize the latest design technologies, "20+ AI Design Tools to Watch in 2023: Next-Level Design" offers a new range of potential designs for your website.

5. Create Essential Pages

When starting a blog, the next critical step is creating basic pages after setting up your domain, hosting, and design.

These pages form the backbone of your blog:

About Page: Introduces you and your blog to your audience.

Take inspiration from blogs like “Nomadic Matt,” where Matt introduces his travel journey, what inspired him, and how his tips can help readers travel better.


Contact Page: Allows readers, potential collaborators, and sponsors to contact you.

“The Minimalists” blog has a straightforward contact page, providing a simple form for messages, emphasizing ease of contact.

the minimalist contact page on their website

Privacy Policy Page: Ensures legal compliance, which is particularly important if you collect any user data.

Check out how “Marie Forleo” structures its privacy policy, focusing on clarity and compliance.

marie forleo privacy policy page on their website

Disclaimer Page: Discloses any affiliations, sponsorships, or endorsements.

Smart Passive Income” by Pat Flynn is an excellent example. Pat openly discusses his income sources and affiliate relationships.

spi disclaimer page on their website

6. Create Quality Content with SEO in Mind

Craft content that is valuable, informative, and better than what’s already out there.

Brian Dean from Backlinko emphasizes the importance of creating comprehensive and authoritative 'Skyscraper' content.

To maximize the reach of your blog, integrate SEO into your content strategy. Here’s a streamlined approach:

  • Analyze Competitors: Observe top-performing content in your niche. Aim to create content that fills gaps left by competitors.

  • Quality Content: Craft valuable content that addresses your audience's questions and needs. Remember, content that keeps readers on the page can boost SEO rankings.

  • Optimize for SEO Consistently: Regularly integrate relevant keywords into your posts.

orbit media seo and blog relations statistic

As Orbit Media’s data suggests, bloggers focusing on keyword research tend to report stronger results.

The graph shows that 19% of bloggers never consider SEO, while an impressive 39% always do.

Be part of the latter group to ensure your blog's long-term visibility and success.

How to Make Money Blogging with 6 Different Ways

Your blog is ready; now it's time to profit from it!

Making money blogging offers a way to turn a hobby into a source of income, providing financial independence and the flexibility to work from anywhere.

Here's how you can turn this platform into a profitable venture with six strategic methods:

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing isn't just a popular way to make money blogging; It is also one of the most lucrative.

In fact, it's the top source of income for 19% of bloggers, according to recent survey data!

affiliate marketing example of how bloggers make money blogging

How It Works:

You partner with companies (affiliates) and promote their products/services on your blog. You earn a commission when your readers click on the affiliate links and make a purchase.

Getting Started:

  • Find Affiliate Programs: Look for affiliate programs that fit your niche. Popular platforms include Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and ClickBank.

  • Apply for Programs: Apply to join them. Ensure that the products align with your audience's interests and your blog's content.

  • Incorporate Affiliate Links: You'll receive affiliate links after approval. Integrate these links into your blog posts, emails, or social media platforms.

Real-World Affiliate Example:

The Every Girl's "7 Holiday Outfits That Cost Under $100—Total" offers more than just style advice.

the every girla affiliate link example

In a clever move, they include affiliate links so that every purchase of cozy sweaters contributes a little to their income.

They're also big on transparency, and they make it clear to their readers:

“The Everygirl’s product selections are curated by the editorial team. If you buy something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission, at no cost to you. We only recommend products we genuinely love.”

This is real talk and builds real trust.

2. Sponsored Content and Product Reviews

Sponsored content and product reviews are a good way to diversify your blog's revenue stream, but also for creative collaboration and storytelling.

For many bloggers, these partnerships are a significant portion of their income.

How It Works:

You collaborate with brands to create content highlighting what they offer.

This could be an exclusive review, a mention integrated into a broader topic, or an in-depth guide.

You receive a flat fee or a negotiated rate for your work.

Getting Started:

  • Identify Potential Partners: Research brands that naturally fit your blog's content and values. Look for companies whose products you already use or whose target audience would like.

  • Offer your content: Reach these brands with a customized pitch. Highlight your audience demographics, your blog's reach, and how your content can benefit their marketing goals.

  • Create Engaging Content: Once you've established a partnership, create content that is both informative and engaging.

Real-World Sponsored Content and Product Reviews Example:

The Spotify-sponsored BuzzFeed article "15 Bands That Probably Wouldn't Exist Without Led Zeppelin" is an example of sponsored content done right.

buzzfeed sponsored content example

It's not like a regular ad; it fits BuzzFeed's style and feels like a normal article.

Putting Spotify links is like a little hint to check out their music on Spotify.

So, it's a win-win. Readers get interesting content, and Spotify gets to show off without being pushy.

3. Ad Placement

Advertising is one of the cornerstones of blog monetization.

It's not just about placing ads everywhere; it's about strategically placing them in a way that benefits both you and your audience.

Ad revenue can be a game changer, especially for blogs with significant traffic.

How It Works:

There are two main ways to add ads to your blog.

You can negotiate directly with companies for ad space on your blog or use an ad network to manage your ads.

Getting Started:

  • Direct Ad Sales: Reach out to brands that align with your blog's content and audience. Offer them ad space on your blog and negotiate placement, duration, and pricing.

  • Ad Networks: Sign up for platforms like Google AdSense, Mediavine, or Raptive (formerly AdThrive). These networks automate the display process by tailoring ads to your audience's interests.

Real-World Ad Placement Example:

tws journal ad placement example

This isn't just a random ad; It's a smart move for the conference organizers to advertise on a prestigious platform like The Wall Street Journal.

The placement of the ad is well thought out; It is at the top and can be noticed without appearing in front of you frequently.

The conference reaches a specific and interested audience, and The Wall Street Journal makes money from advertising.

So, this ad shows how strategic advertising can work effectively on a website.

4. Digital Products and Online Courses

Create and sell digital products like eBooks, printables, workbooks, and online courses tailored to your audience’s interests.

How It Works:

Creating and selling digital products is a smart way to share your expertise and make money from your blog.

Getting Started:

  • Understand Your Audience: Figure out what your audience needs and likes. It could be anything from helpful eBooks to practical online courses.

  • Craft Awesome Content: Create top-notch digital products Once you know what your audience wants. Make sure it's well-researched and genuinely helpful, whether an eBook or a full online course.

  • Look Good, Feel Good: Pay attention to how your products look. A well-designed eBook cover or a sleek course interface attracts more buyers.

  • Set a Fair Price: Decide your digital product's cost. Check what similar stuff is selling for, and choose a competitive price.

  • Sell It Online: You'll need a way to sell your digital products. Platforms like Gumroad or Woo (for WordPress users) can help.

Real-World E-Book Success Example:

Let's take a closer look at BloggerPassion's post, which explains the strategy Pat Flynn, affiliate marketer and founder of many online startups, uses to make money through ebooks:

  • Create Premium Content: Pat Flynn started his online journey by providing valuable content on, addressing the needs of individuals preparing for the LEED exam in the architecture industry.

  • Transition to E-Books: In response to reader suggestions, Pat transformed his comprehensive notes into a premium e-book.

  • Offer E-Books for Free: Instead of immediate monetization, Pat strategically offered his premium e-book for free.

  • Diversify Income Streams: Increased blog traffic and credibility led Pat to diversify his revenue streams and explore additional avenues such as affiliate marketing, online courses, and partnerships.

5. Membership Community

A membership community offers a sense of belonging and exclusivity to your readers.

Making them feel like they're part of an inner circle.

It can significantly enhance loyalty and reader engagement, making it a powerful monetization strategy.

How It Works:

It involves setting up a private section of your website accessible only to paying members.

Members can access premium content, forums, resources, or other valuable perks you provide by joining.

Getting Started:

  • Choose a Platform: Select a suitable platform or plugin for creating your membership site. Popular options include MemberPress, Restrict Content Pro, and Patreon.

  • Plan Your Membership Tiers: Decide on the types of memberships you'll offer. You can have different tiers with varying levels of access and benefits.

  • Set Pricing: Determine the pricing for each membership tier. Consider your value and what your audience is willing to pay.

  • Promote Your Membership: Market your membership community through your blog, social media, and email newsletter.

  • Provide Ongoing Value: Continually engage with your members by delivering fresh, valuable content and maintaining an active community.

Real-World Membership Community Example:

Sew It! Academy is one of the best examples of how bloggers can monetize their content by offering subscription access!

sew it academy membership community blog example

  • Turning Passion into Profits: Sew It! Academy began as a blog where Mimi shared her love for sewing and design. Over time, it evolved into a thriving business. This shows that bloggers can monetize their hobbies successfully.

  • Diverse Membership Choices: The academy offers various membership options, including womenswear, menswear, and kids' courses. This diversity attracts a wide audience, increasing their revenue potential.

  • Free Trial for Engagement: A free seven-day trial will let potential members experience their content. This encourages more people to sign up for paid memberships.

6. Email Subscriptions

Email subscriptions are a powerful way to generate revenue from your blog.

You create a direct line of communication by offering subscribers exclusive content like newsletters, tips, or services.

How It Works:

You build an email list of your blog's readers and offer them the option to upgrade to a paid subscription.

Subscribers pay a recurring fee (monthly, quarterly, or annually) to receive exclusive content, early access to posts, special offers, or personalized advice.

Getting Started:

  • Select an Email List Building Services: Choose a platform that allows you to manage your email list and send newsletters easily. Popular options include Popupsmart, LiveChatAI, and Klaviyo.

  • Grow Your Email List with Popups: Create popup forms to capture email addresses. The key is to make these pop-ups engaging and offer value, like a free ebook or exclusive content, in exchange for their email.

  • Create Exclusive Content: Develop exclusive content to your subscribers. This could be in-depth guides, video tutorials, early access to your blog posts, or special discounts on products and services.

  • Set Up a Subscription Model: Decide on your pricing strategy. You could offer different tiers (basic, premium, VIP), each with its benefits.

  • Promote Your Email Subscription: Use your blog, social media channels, and existing email list to promote your paid subscription.

Real-World Email Subscription Example:

Aeolidia, a design agency, maximizes blog monetization through strategic email subscriptions.

Aeolidia subscription example

  • High-Value Lead Magnet: Offers a guide on boosting sales, catering to small business owners and entrepreneurs.

  • Strategic Popup Placement: A timely popup engages visitors while they're immersed in blog content.

  • Seamless Subscription Process: Simple one-field entry, reCAPTCHA for security, and clear call-to-action streamline the sign-up process.

  • Transparency and Consent: Clearly states subscription purpose, ensuring transparency and compliance.


In a nutshell, starting a blog in 2024 can be more than a creative route; it can also be a significant source of money.

Identifying your passion, writing compelling and SEO-optimized content, and efficiently using monetization options such as affiliate marketing and sponsored articles are all part of the path.

Your blog can be turned from a hobby to a possible business with commitment and smart strategy. ✍️

Frequently Asked Questions

website traffic view on the tablet

1. How Can I Increase My New Blog’s Traffic?

Increasing traffic to your new blog involves combining strategies. Here are five effective ways to boost your blog's visibility:

Optimize for Search Engines (SEO): Focus on incorporating relevant keywords into your content, titles, and meta descriptions naturally.

For example, if your blog is about sustainable living, ensure terms like "eco-friendly lifestyles" or "zero waste tips" are prominently featured in your posts.

Leverage Social Media: Sharing your content on social media platforms can significantly increase your blog's reach.

Tailor your posts to fit the style of each platform - a catchy, short post for Twitter and visually appealing images for Instagram.

Guest Blogging: Writing guest posts for other established blogs in your field can expose your work to a wider audience.

It's similar to being invited as a guest speaker at an event, some of whom may follow you on your blog to learn more.

We suggest looking at "20+ Top Content Promotion Strategies to Boost Your Traffic" if you're looking for more ideas to boost traffic.

2. How Long Does It Take to Start Monetizing a Blog?

If you're curious about how long it usually takes to start making money from a blog, Productive Blogging has some insights that might interest you. Here's a more friendly rundown of what they found:

Your First Earning from the Blog: On average, it's about 20 months before bloggers see their first dollar. But don't let that number dishearten you.

The actual picture might be brighter. The median time, which is like the middle ground among all bloggers, is around 13 months.

And guess what? More than a quarter of bloggers begin seeing some earnings within just the first 6 months.

Reaching a Full-Time Income: Now, if you're dreaming of making your blog a primary source of income, gear up for a bit of a longer journey.

On average, it's about 4 years and 1 month (49 months) to hit that milestone.

While some bloggers start making money fairly quickly, it usually takes more time and patience to reach a full-time income level.

a person who fill out content planner

3. How Often Should I Publish A Blog Post?

If we take a look at what Orbit Media's stats are telling us, it's pretty clear that the more often you post on your blog, the better your chances are of getting good results.

Here’s what the numbers say:

  • Bloggers who post something new every day are most likely to see great results, with over half of them saying this works really well for them.
  • If you’re posting 2 to 6 times a week, you’re also on track to see some good stuff happening, with about 38 out of 100 bloggers feeling happy with their results.
  • Posting once a week is works out nicely for 25 out of 100 bloggers.
  • If you’re only posting once a month or less, the chances of getting those great results are a bit lower.
  • And for those who post whenever they can, only about 11 out of 100 bloggers say they get the results they want.

Well, it looks like sticking to a regular schedule and posting as often as you can is the way to go.

Just be careful, it’s not just about how often you post, but also what you post.

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