How to Add or Change Shopify Domain Name

Thinking about changing your Shopify domain name? Whether it's for a fresh look, better search visibility, or a new direction, it's a significant move.

We're here to make it easier for you. First, a quick checklist to get ready, then easy steps to change your domain. Finally, we'll show you what to do after.

Ready for a fresh start? Let's go!

how to change shopify domain name cover image with light purple background and website url view

Why You Might Need to Change Shopify Domain Name

Deciding to change your Shopify domain name is an important move, and there are several reasons why you might make such a decision:

  • You might be looking to increase your online visibility.

  • Your business structure may have changed, especially through a merger or acquisition. So congratulations! 🎉

  • You may want to add relevant keywords to your domain name to boost your SEO.

  • Another consideration could be re-branding. Your business might be going through a rebranding process due to changes like new products or target audiences.

Whatever the reason, changing your Shopify domain name requires careful planning.

So, let's check out what you should do before making this change.

Your Checklist Before Changing Shopify Domain Name

Here is a checklist of things to do before changing your Shopify domain name:

1) Back up your store data.

It's essential to back up all your store data, including product information, customer details, orders, and any customizations you've made to your store's theme.

Note: Shopify recommends that merchants use CSV files for manual store backups.

2) Inform stakeholders and your customers.

If your store is already operating and receiving traffic, informing your stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, and partners, about the upcoming domain name change is crucial.

3. Review third-party integrations.

If you have third-party integrations (payment gateways, shipping services, marketing tools), check how the domain change might affect them.

Contact the service providers or review the documentation to understand the steps needed to update the domain in their systems.

How to Add a Domain Name to Your Shopify Store?

You can add a domain name in Shopify using three different methods. Here they are:

First Method: If you don’t have a domain name, you can buy and add a domain name on Shopify.

  • 1) Go to Settings and click "Domains".

first step to add shopify domain

  • 2) Click "Buy new domain".

second step to add shopify domain

  • 3) Enter your desired domain.

  • 4) Review available domains and their prices. After choosing the one you want, click “Buy” to complete the purchase.

fourth step to add shopify domain

  • 5) Finally, verify your email after making the purchase.

Second Method: If you already own a domain from a third-party provider (like GoDaddy or Bluehost), use the "Connect Existing Domain" option from the Domains setting screen.

Third Method: If you already own a domain from a third-party provider and want to manage all your domain settings from your Shopify admin, you can transfer your domain to Shopify by choosing the “Transfer Domain” option from the Domains setting screen.


  • Connecting an existing domain means: Another company still manages your web address.
  • Transferring a domain to Shopify means: Moving the control of your web address to Shopify itself.

Now that you have the new domain name you want, it's time to change your domain name as a primary domain in your Shopify store!

How to Change the Domain Name in Your Shopify Store?

Here are 5 simple steps you need to follow to change your Shopify domain name:

1) Go to Settings and then select "Domains."

change Shopify domain name first step

2) Select "Primary domain."

change Shopify domain name step two

3) Click "Change domain type."

change Shopify domain name step three

4) Once updated, the new primary domain becomes visible to your online store visitors.

Next Steps After Changing Shopify Domain Name

After changing your Shopify domain name, there are important steps to take to ensure a smooth transition.

Here are the next steps you should take:

1) Update DNS settings to verify the new domain (if adding a new domain).

To verify a new domain in Shopify, update DNS settings by adding the provided TXT or CNAME records through your domain registrar's control panel. This prevents website crashes that may occur.

🌟Note: If you bought your domain directly from Shopify, they automatically manage the DNS settings for that domain.

2) Test your website.

Verify that all pages, products, and functionalities on your website are working correctly with the new domain.

3) Update internal and external links.

Check and update any internal and external links, such as those on your website content, social media profiles, marketing materials, and web directories, to reflect the new domain.

4) Implement 301 redirects (if necessary).

Create 301 redirects from your old domain to the new domain. This helps maintain SEO and ensures a seamless transition for visitors.

5) Submit a new sitemap for indexing.

If you've submitted your old domain to Google Search Console, update it with the new domain.

6) Update meta tags and SEO elements.

Review and update meta tags, headers, and other SEO-related elements on your website to align with the new domain.

7) Check SSL Certificate.

Verify that the SSL certificate for your new domain is active and configured correctly to provide a secure connection for your customers.

By following these steps, you can minimize potential problems with changing your Shopify domain and help ensure a smooth transition for your customers and business operations.


Once you complete these steps, your new primary domain will be visible to visitors to your online store.

It's important to note that changes to domain settings, especially domain transfers, may take some time to spread across the internet.

Remember to follow the pre-change checklist and follow the post-change steps to avoid any confusion.

Enjoy the exciting journey ahead with your renewed online identity!

Frequently Asked Questions

www text with grey background

1. How Long Does It Take for Shopify Domain Changes to Take Effect?

When updating your Shopify domain, the validity period for changes varies (typically from a few minutes to a maximum of 48 hours).

This depends on factors like DNS updates, TTL settings, and your domain registrar's processing speed.

Clearing your browser's cache and ensuring the correct DNS configuration can speed up the process. If delays persist, you can contact Shopify support or your registrar for assistance.

2. Can I Add Multiple Custom Domain Names to My Shopify Store?

Yes, you can associate multiple custom domains with your store on Shopify. One of these domains is designated as the primary domain, that is, the main address of your store.

Any additional domains you add are considered alternative domains. These alternatives redirect to or point to your primary domain.

3. What Are Common Issues and Troubleshooting When Changing Shopify Domain Name?

Common issues when changing a Shopify domain include DNS delays, broken links, SSL problems, and customer login issues.

Troubleshoot by being patient during DNS propagation, setting up redirects, updating SSL settings, testing checkout, monitoring SEO, and notify customers of changes.

Regular testing and communication can minimize potential problems.

4. Can I Change “” Domain Name?

The default “” domain can be changed only once. But don't worry! Customers do not see or interact with the "" domain.

It is used primarily by store owners and administrators to access the Shopify admin panel where you manage your products, orders, settings, and other aspects of your business.

Here are the steps to change “” domain name:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel and navigate to the "Settings" menu. From there, select "Domains."
  2. On the Domains page, click Change to a new domain next to your default domain name.
  3. Enter the desired name and then click "Add domain."
  4. The new domain will automatically be set as the new primary domain.

Note: Previous domain will automatically redirect to the new one. No additional URL redirects need to be created.

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