14 Mobile Landing Page Examples with Best UI Design

Ever landed on a mobile site that made you think, 'Wow, this is smooth'?

Well, we're going to talk about such an experience!

In this post, we're showcasing 14 examples of mobile landing pages that effectively combine aesthetics with user-friendly features, transforming how customers interact with your site.

cover image of mobile landing page examples with best ui design

What is a Mobile Landing Page?

A mobile landing page is a mini website on your phone, focusing on what matters most.

It's designed for the smaller screen and eliminates the need for excessive zooming or swiping, ensuring everything you need is just a tap away.

Here's a fact that might surprise you:

Mobile responsive landing pages have a much better conversion rate, averaging around 11.70%, compared to those not optimized for mobile, according to 99Firms.

It shows how a well-designed mobile landing page isn't just a nice-to-have but a must-have 💁‍♀️

Instead of a full website, a mobile landing page provides a simple path to where you need to go.

Why Do You Need a Mobile-Friendly Landing Page?

Rise of Mobile Surfing:

More people are using their mobile devices to browse the internet than ever before.

In the image below, we can see that almost 59% of all website traffic came from mobile phones at its peak according to Statista.

statista traffic comes from stats

That's more than half of all web browsing happening on phones!

Improved User Experience:

A good UX means reading is easy, navigation is simple, and pages load fast.

About 38% won't stick around for a poorly designed website (Zippia), but here's some good news: 74% might return if your site offers a great mobile experience (WebFX).

And here's a fact: 37% of people leave a site because it's hard to use. (Zippia) So, having a website that works well on mobile is a must.

Higher Conversion Rates:

As mobile usage grows, so does the potential for conversions from mobile users.

Nifty Marketing’s review of high-converting landing pages discovered that 86% were mobile-friendly.

Landing pages have a 160% higher conversion rate compared to other types of signup forms, according to Email Vendor Selection.

Better Search Engine Rankings:

Search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their search results.

A mobile-optimized landing page improves your SEO, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

Reduced Bounce Rate:

A mobile-friendly design keeps users engaged and reduces the likelihood of them bouncing off your site.

According to Google, page load time is one of the biggest contributing factors to the high bounce rate.

Social Media Integration:

Much social media traffic is on mobile devices.

If you're running social media marketing campaigns, a mobile-friendly landing page ensures a seamless transition.

14 Mobile-Friendly Landing Page Examples for Responsive Design

We just uncover the stats and if you're thinking 'Hey, I need a mobile landing page, like, yesterday', you're not alone! 😅

Well, without keeping you waiting any longer, let's look at some big online shops for inspiration.

1. Allbirds

Allbirds, a Shopify store known for its comfy and sustainable shoes, has nailed mobile-friendliness with its landing pages.

allbirds mobile landing page initial part

This image shows the initial view of the Allbirds mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Sales Promotion: The popup banner coupon code at the top is clear and to the point, highlighting a sale that's hard to miss.

  • Readability and Accessibility: And the text? It's big and readable without zooming in. That's a big plus for reading on smaller screens.

  • Product Highlights: The "Our Favorites" section is great. It helps visitors jump straight to the popular stuff.

allbirds referral landing page example

This page from Allbirds can be described as a referral landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Clarity in Offer: The deal is straightforward: "Give $15 Off. Get $15 Off." This clear value proposition can motivate users to take action.

  • Visual Cleanliness: Notice the minimalistic approach? That's what you're aiming for. A clean and uncluttered layout focuses your visitors' attention exactly where you want it.

  • Engaging Text: The copywriting connects with the user personally — "Like Allbirds? Love the Planet?" — aligning the brand with values that might be important to the customer.

2. Beefcake Swimwear

Beefcake Swimwear is a Shopify store that offers inclusive and sustainable swimwear options.

beefcake swimwear homepage initial view

This image shows the initial view of the Beefcake Swimwear mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • **Clear Visual Hierarchy:* The layout is straightforward, with a bold header stating "Swim Happy," immediately followed by imagery of happy customers, which is an excellent way to maintain the brand's ethos.**

  • Mobile Responsiveness: The design elements fit well within the mobile screen, with *readable text and visible calls to action.

  • Branding Consistency: Using consistent colors and fonts throughout the page strengthens the brand identity.

beefcake swimwear landing page social proof part

This image shows the bottom of Beefcake Swimwear's landing page. Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Social Proof: Using customer testimonial prominently on the page serves as powerful social proof.

  • Navigation: The use of carousel indicators (the small dots) suggests there are more testimonials to view, which can encourage interaction with the page content.

  • Call to Action (CTA): The invitation to sign up for "very infrequent" news updates is a clever way to address common hesitations about email frequency.

3. Meow Meow Tweet

Meow Meow Tweet is a Shopify store focusing on sustainable, vegan, and ethical skincare.

meow meow tweet landing page initial view

This image shows the initial view of the Meow Meow Tweet mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Visual Appeal: The landing page has vibrant colors and a clear, eye-catching headline.

  • Simplicity and Clarity: The page is not cluttered with too much information, making it easy for visitors to digest the message.

  • Ease of Navigation: The menu and shopping cart icons are easily recognizable, and the search function is prominent.

  • Strong Call-to-Action (CTA): The "SHOP" button is boldly colored, making it stand out and prompting immediate action.

meow meow tweet accessibility menu

This accessibility features page is opened by clicking on the blue icon in the bottom left corner of the Meow Meow Tweet landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • The third-party service UserWay, pictured, improves website accessibility.

  • These functions, such as text adjustments and color inversion, meet user needs.


Bose is a renowned audio equipment company designing and manufacturing high-quality audio products, including headphones, speakers, and sound systems.

bose landing page initial view

This image shows the initial view of the BOSE mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Clear Value Proposition: The text "Not your typical New Year" alongside "Start the year off right" directly appeals to the New Year resolution mindset.

  • Urgency and Savings: Highlighting the savings ("Save up to 50%") directly below the product creates a sense of urgency and promotes quick decision-making.

  • Accessibility of Promotions: The text alert sign-up at the top is a great tool for mobile users, who are more likely to engage with SMS marketing. You can use SMS marketing softwares to reach customers.

bose landing page why buy from bose part

This image is from the middle of the BOSE mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Clear Benefits: The page outlines clear, specific benefits of buying from BOSE, such as a 90-day trial and free 2-day shipping.

  • Iconography: Besides the benefits, icons are a clever touch. It breaks up the text and provides a visual cue that can be understood at a glance.

  • Actionable Links: The "Learn more" link is a clear call-to-action that invites users to explore the benefits of shopping with BOSE.

5. Space Posters

Space Posters is a brand that offers minimalist posters with a cosmic theme, capturing the essence of space exploration and cosmological wonders.

space posters landing page initial view

This image shows the initial view of the Space Posters mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Theme Consistency: The space theme is immediately evident through the background, setting the product's tone.

  • Simplicity: The minimalistic design of the page, with a lot of negative space and a simple color scheme, mirrors the product's minimalist aesthetic.

  • Clear Call to Action (CTA): Just one big button to see the posters; that's all you need. It has a 'less is more' feel that ensures you don't get lost in the jumble of stars and planets. 🌠

  • Brand Messaging: Using the word "HELLO" in a vertical orientation on the side is a unique design choice that adds personality.

space posters middle of the landing page

This image is from the middle of the Space Posters mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Clear Pricing and Offer: The price of the poster is presented clearly at the top, along with the enticing offer of free shipping.

  • Legibility: Despite the amount of text, it is presented legibly and organized.

6. Death Wish Coffee

Death Wish Coffee is one of the strongest coffees available, targeting people looking for a serious caffeine kick. ☕

death wish coffee landing page initial view

This image shows the initial view of the Death Wish Coffee mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Compelling Headline: The strong, catchy headline "NO REST FOR THE WICKED" aligns with the brand's image and the intended customer base.

  • Creative CTA: "Witching hour" is traditionally linked with the supernatural, commonly considered midnight. With this phrase, Brand suggests a magical or exclusive shopping experience throughout time.

  • Engaging Text: The text on the page is engaging, describing the product in a way that reflects the brand's persona, targeting "midnight riders + bold souls."

death wish coffee social media integration for integration

This image is from the middle of the Death Wish Coffee mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • UGC Carousel: By including a real-life image of their product in a customer's hands, the page uses social proof to build trust and authenticity. To get the most out of UGC, check out our blog post: "19 Best UGC (User Generated Content) Platforms for Brands"

  • Brand Personality: The image, combined with the playful tagline "LET'S DRINK COFFEE AND THROW THINGS AT HAPPY PEOPLE," injects personality into the page.

  • CTA for Newsletter Signup: The call to action for the newsletter is prominent, with a contrasting color that stands out and a witty invitation that keeps in line with the brand's voice.

7. Create & Barrel

Crate & Barrel is a retail company known for its high-quality home furnishings and decor.

create and barrel landing page initial view

This image shows the initial view of the Create & Barrel mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Sales Messaging: With big, bold announcements like "up to 30% off the furniture sale" and "up to 60% off end-of-season warehouse sale," you know you're in for some sweet deals.

  • Vibrant Videos: The page doesn't just talk about the holidays; it shows you with a clear video full of holiday sparkle. And if you need a break, there's a pause button right there for you.

  • Clear Navigation: No need to wander around; the shopping categories are neatly organized on the mobile page.

  • Additional Incentives: The "SAVE 10%" popup gives an offer with a contrast CTA. If you want to create a high-converting landing page, the first thing to do is to create a converting mobile popup

create and barrel middle of the landing page

This image is from the middle of the Create & Barrel mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

Seasonal Appeal: The greeting "oh hello, 2024!" coupled with a high-quality video of a celebratory drink sets a welcoming tone. It's like the brand is toasting the New Year with you. 🥂


IKEA is a well-known global retailer that specializes in affordable furniture and home goods that are stylish, functional, and designed to make the most of any living space.

ikea landing page initial view

This image shows the initial view of the IKEA mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • App Promotion Visibility: The banner at the top uses contrasting colors to attract attention, a strategic UI element that aims to convert web visitors into app users.

  • Responsiveness: All UI elements are sized and spaced to account for fingertip navigation, adhering to the 'thumb-friendly zone' concept in mobile UI design.

  • Aesthetics: The color palette is brand-consistent and uses contrast effectively to make certain elements like the CTA and app promotion stand out.

ikea middle of the landing page

This image is from the middle of the IKEA mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Carousel Functionality: The carousel allows users to view multiple collections without leaving the landing page. Each carousel item's 'New' tag also draws attention to the latest offerings.

9. Rare Beauty

Rare Beauty is a cosmetics brand that emphasizes individuality and self-expression through makeup. It is known for its inclusive approach to beauty.

rare beauty mobile website 'what makes us rare' part

This image is from the middle of the Rare Beauty mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Visual Focus: The page contains a close-up image of Selena Gomez, directly attracting users' attention. You'll be surprised how much a trustworthy figure influences purchasing decisions.

  • Brand Messaging: "What makes us Rare" is a clear and concise statement that immediately communicates the brand's ethos.

  • Typography: The Rare Beauty mobile landing page font looks like a sans-serif. This type of font is known for its readability on digital screens.

rare beauty landing page interactive test

This image is from the middle of the Rare Beauty mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Interactive Gamification: The "MATCH ME" section on Rare Beauty's landing page isn't just a call-to-action; it's an invitation to an engaging, game-like experience.

  • User-Generated Content and Social Proof: @RareBeauty Instagram has leveraged social proof by integrating with this type of UGC.

10. Skullcandy

Skullcandy is a company known for its range of audio products, including headphones, earbuds, and speakers.

skullcandy landing page initial view

This image shows the initial view of the Skullcandy mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Promotional Clarity: The page starts with an offer that's hard to miss. The deal is sweetened with a promo code front and center.

  • Vibrant Imagery: The iamge are dynamic, featuring a speaker with fireworks in the background, conveying the energy and lifestyle Skullcandy is synonymous with.

skullcandy middle of the landing page

This image is from the middle of the Skullcandy mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Striking Visual: The entire page is dedicated to the deal, with the bold text "SMOKIN’ DEALS." This makes an immediate visual impact and captures the user’s attention, which is exactly what you want for a promotional segment.

  • Legibility: Using contrasting colors (white text on a dark background with a vibrant yellow line) ensures high legibility.

  • Simplicity in Design: The UI is simple, with no unnecessary elements that could distract from the main message.

11. Premium Teas

Premium Teas refers to high-quality teas often characterized by their superior flavor, aroma, and health benefits.

premium teas landing page initial view

This image shows the initial view of the Premium Teas mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Announcement Clarity: The page begins with an important announcement regarding shipping during the holiday season, an excellent use of space for timely information.

  • Call to Action (CTA): The CTA "SHOP OUR HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE" is highlighted with a contrasting button color that stands out against the background.

  • Chat Bubble Icon: A chat bubble icon suggests immediate customer service, enhancing the UX and increase your ecommerce conversions by providing easy access to support.

premium teas middle of the landing page

This image is from the middle of the Premium Teas mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Grid Layout: Products are presented in a grid layout, a key ecommerce element, as it allows multiple products to be displayed cleanly and organized.

  • Imagery and Product Presentation: Each collection is represented by a high-quality image that visually communicates the essence of the product.

  • Consistency in Design: The design elements are consistent throughout the page, with a cohesive color scheme and font style that align with the brand’s image.

12. Mahabis

Mahabis is a brand that designs comfortable, stylish slippers for indoor and outdoor use.

mahabis landing page initial view

This image shows the initial view of the Mahabis mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Dynamic Discount Pop-up: The "Get 15% discount" popup engages users by appearing after the initial page load. You can turn it off at that point if you wish to close it. When you close it, it transforms into a little banner that follows you around the web. You can easily add discount code to your popup as well.

  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): The "SHOP MERIBEL" button is a clear directive against the page's background.

  • Brand Messaging: The phrase "new in our most luxurious slipper yet" is concise and gives users an immediate understanding of the product's value proposition.

mahabis landing page interactive element

This image is from the middle of the Mahabis mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Engaging Interactive Elements: Including an image with a visible play button can be more engaging than static images.

  • Strategic Use of Space: While the page provides a clean look by using space efficiently, it does not neglect to include multiple tips, such as a gift guide and product highlights.

13. Walmart

Walmart is a global retail giant that operates a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores.

walmart landing page initial view

This image shows the initial view of the Walmart mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Balanced Information Density: The page provides enough information to engage users without overwhelming them.

  • High-Contrast CTAs: The bright yellow 'Shop now' buttons on a blue background grab attention and encourage action.

  • Promotional Highlights: The "Can't-Miss Clearance" banner utilizes bold, readable text and vibrant colors to immediately draw the eye to current promotions.

  • App Promotion: A dedicated space for the Walmart app download is designed with contrasting colors and a clear value proposition, "The easiest way to shop" .

walmart middle of the landing page

This image is from the middle of the Premium Teas mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Walmart+ Membership Promotion: It is prominently placed and offers a tangible benefit, such as unlimited free same-day delivery, compelling users to join.

  • Personalization Prompt: Encouraging users to sign in or create an account for a personalized experience is smart.

14. Goodfair

Goodfair is an online thrift store that offers second-hand clothing with the aim to reduce textile waste and promote sustainability in fashion.

goodfair landing page initial view

This image shows the initial view of the Goodfair mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Minimized Interrupted Browsing: The "Get 25% Off" popup is noticeable but not obstructive, as it can be easily minimized, respecting the user's preference for uninterrupted browsing.

  • Easy Navigation: The navigation bar is simple and intuitive, with familiar icons for search and shopping carts, and a clear menu for browsing different categories.

goodfair middle of the landing page

This image is from the middle of the Goodfair mobile landing page.

Here's why it's a standout example:

  • Price Tags Front and Center: The prices are directly visible below the images. No guessing, no searching.

  • Easy Navigation: Those little dots under the products? They tell you there's more to swipe through, which is handy for seeing more options without scrolling forever.

Best Practice for Mobile-Friendly Landing Pages

Here's a look at what's on the pages that will make you click, sign up, or buy something without even thinking twice:

Responsiveness and Adaptability:

Have you ever landed on a mobile page where everything is too big or awkwardly positioned?

I've been there, and I bet you hit the close button as quickly as I did 😅

Take Netflix as an example – it seamlessly adapts, looking right whether you're on your phone or laptop.

✔️ What you can do:

  • Use frameworks like Bootstrap and media queries to make your landing page mobile responsive, or choose a no-code tools like Wix or Squarespace.

Simplicity and Clarity:

You know those pages that are so chaotic you don’t know where to look?

Let's avoid that. Less is often more in mobile UI.

Users should be able to understand the purpose of your page at a glance.

✔️ What you can do:

  • Employ whitespace for a clean layout.

  • Ensure readable fonts like Arial, Helvetica, or Google Fonts.

  • Prominently place CTA buttons.

  • Optimize images for quality and speed.

  • Utilize mobile editors (e.g., Wix, Squarespace).

  • For content-heavy pages, consider Google AMP.

  • Check your page speed with Google PageSpeed Insights.

User-Centric Design:

This is all about thinking from the user's perspective.

When Amazon recommends products based on what you've browsed - it feels like they get you, right?

✔️ What you can do:

  • Use Google Analytics for insights into user behavior and demographics.

  • Visualize user journeys.

  • Run A/B tests for personalized content.

  • Use WAVE for web accessibility checks.

  • Collect on-site feedback using Popupsmart's smart popup surveys.

Visual Hierarchy:

This is to ensure that users see the important things first.

For example, when you see a big, bold "SALE" sign in a store window, it grabs your attention.

The visual hierarchy on your mobile landing page does the same - it directs your eyes where they need to go.

✔️ What you can do:

  • Make key elements stand out with color contrast.

  • Use bold fonts for important text.

  • Emphasize headlines and important information with distinctive fonts.

Color Theory and Branding:

Colors matter, and they're not randomly chosen.

Take chain catering companies using red to grab attention and make you hungry.

Your mobile landing page colors should align with your brand, creating the vibe you want visitors to feel.

✔️ What you can do:

  • The latest trend is using bold and uncommon color combinations that stand out yet align with brand identity.

  • There's a growing focus on color accessibility; make sure that color choices are readable by people with color vision deficiencies.

Interactivity and Engagement:

A mobile landing page should be more than just informational; it should engage users.

✔️ What you can do:

  • When someone taps a button, make it visually respond. It could light up, depress, or animate.

  • If your page has a form, like for signing up or making a purchase, keep it simple and easy to fill out.

  • Include elements that users can interact with. For example, a slider to view different products or a gamification popup.

SEO Optimization for Mobile:

Good SEO practices ensure your landing page ranks well in search results, especially for mobile searches.

✔️ What you can do:

  • Use search engine-friendly URLs and meta tags.

  • Ensure your page is included in Google's mobile-first indexing.

  • Utilize schema markup to enhance search result presentation.

To Sum Up

In summary, mobile landing pages need to be more than just visually appealing.

They must be quick to load and easy to use. While a great design is a bonus, the priority is ensuring they are efficient and user-friendly.

The examples we reviewed show how combining the essence of a brand with the best UI design can create a great user experience.

The key lies in the details: focus on responsive design, clear navigation, engaging content, compelling calls-to-action (CTAs), and fast loading times.

Frequently Asked Questions

picture shows a computer and phone screen for responsiveness

1. Can I Use the Same Landing Page for Desktop and Mobile?

Absolutely! When using the same landing page for both desktop and mobile, make sure it's responsive and easily adjusts to different screen sizes.

Improve loading speed on slow mobile connections by compressing images and trimming heavy scripts.

Tailor user experience to accommodate mobile preferences for quick, scrollable content and large clickable buttons.

Effectively prioritize content for smaller mobile screens, focusing on key messages and CTAs above the fold.

Continuously test and optimize using tools like A/B testing and ensure accessibility with readable fonts, alt text, and voice command compatibility.

2. How Can I Make My Mobile Landing Page More Interactive?

Let's look at creative strategies to update your mobile landing page and make it more interactive:

  • Embrace touch-based controls: Features like swiping left or right, tapping on the screen, or even shaking the device can make your mobile landing page more interactive and fun.

  • Combine videos and animations: Videos and animations can be powerful tools to capture attention. Use short, engaging videos that start playing automatically (but consider leaving the sound off by default).

  • Gamification elements: Add gamification elements like progress bars, achievement badges, or simple games.

  • Popups: Include mobile-friendly popups as a critical component of your mobile landing page. It only takes a few minutes to create a mobile-friendly popup with Popupsmart, so give it a go!

3. How Does Mobile Landing Page Design Impact SEO?

Mobile landing page design is a big player in SEO, impacting it in some crucial ways:

  • Mobile-First Indexing: Google prioritizes the mobile version of your content for indexing and ranking.

  • User Experience (UX): Google loves sites with good UX. Quick loading times, easy navigation, and readable content directly affect engagement metrics.

  • Page Loading Speed: Google ranks you higher if your site loads fast. Optimize images, reduce code, and use browser caching for a mobile-friendly design.

  • Local SEO: Mobile users dig local search. Optimize your landing page with location-based keywords and Google My Business integration for better visibility in local search results.

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